Publishers embrace open source

After a particularly harsh year of being burned by Big Tech, publishers will be forced to develop strategies to reduce their reliance on tech companies. They will finally see open source software as a competitive advantage, and the cheapest way to keep up with the pace of innovation. They'll explore ways to use open source technology to combat disinformation, personalize content, and reach new audiences by tapping into global expertise.
Open source as a concept is not new; it's been around in some form since the 1950s. Other industries have built massive businesses on open source code, like NASA, Microsoft, and Amazon's AWS. By making software open source, you allow anyone to make their own version of it. When engineers can leverage code that already has the kinks worked out, they can focus on imagining something far better than the original.
It's not just the big companies - third party vendors will face the same scrutiny. In 2024, we'll see more publishers drop closed systems in favor of products that aren't at the whim of Silicon Valley execs. Thankfully, the rise of open-source platforms like Mastodon has helped demystify the potential of collaborative technology in the newsroom. There's a lot to be learned from projects like OpenNews, a network
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