The Guardian view on local elections: voters aren't listening to Tories, but are hearing Labour | Editorial

The fault ultimately lies with Rishi Sunak, the prime minister. He conceded that the results were disappointing. That seemed an understatement when the Tories were losing half the council seats they were trying to defend.
Voters have stopped listening to the Conservatives. The public is fed up with rising bills that the government did not do enough to insulate them from. The shabby state of the public realm is offensive to most people.
Labour is getting a hearing. It won control of several leave-voting councils Hartlepool, Thurrock, Rushmoor, and Redditch. These crucial contests should help exorcise the ghost of Brexit.
Blackpool will have a new Labour MP, Chris Webb, who won with a 26% swing against the Tories, in a clear message to Mr. Sunak that his time is up.
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