Every Moment Biden Speaks Is a Real Nail-Biter for Democrats

Democrats have a few things going for them heading into November's presidential election. President Joe Biden, despite his poor approval ratings, is more or less even with Donald Trump in the polls. Trump may shortly begin a series of criminal trials, and many voters say they would be less likely to vote for him if he's convicted. Biden also does better in surveys of likely voters than those of registered voters, which is to say that some of the people who tell pollsters that they currently prefer Trump to Biden are judged, by those pollsters, to be unlikely to show up in the fall. Lastly, the economy has been doing well for quite a while, and you know how Americans love themselves the economy.
On the other hand, Democrats also experience every second that Biden opens his mouth as a cliff's-edge moment of sheer terror. Each word that shoots outward from the presidential lectern is laden with the potential to feature in a viral senior moment that further persuades casual followers of the news that Uncle Joe has a bit too much gravel rattling around the old brainpan to serve as the nation's chief executive. To wit, the two anecdotes above, in which Biden placed forme
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