Taurean Prince says he feels more valued by Lakers than any other team in his career

Taurean Prince has exceeded expectations as a starter for the Lakers, regularly contributing on both ends of the floor. He has been a reliable scorer, averaging 9.9 points per game, and has provided much-needed shooting for a team that struggles from beyond the arc. Prince's success can be attributed to the trust the Lakers have in him, as he feels valued and supported in this organization. He expressed gratitude for the trust the team has in him, stating, 'I feel more valued here probably than I have anywhere in my career.' This trust motivates him to perform at his best and continue to contribute consistently.
Prince's appreciation for the Lakers' environment highlights the importance of team support and trust in a player's performance. It showcases how the organizational culture and relationships can positively impact a player's confidence and commitment. While evaluating players' performances, it's crucial to consider the context and environment they are in, as these factors can significantly influence their success. Prince emphasized the significance of trust, stating, 'When you know somebody trusts you to do your job, I think you want to do it at the best of your ability.' By fostering an atmosphere of trust, the Lakers have created an environment where Prince thrives and delivers on the court.
Read at Silver Screen and Roll