Secret Hamas Files Show How It Spied on Everyday Palestinians

The Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has overseen a secret police force in Gaza that conducted surveillance and compiled files on Palestinians, including young people, journalists, and dissenters. Some were monitored for attending protests or having romantic relationships outside marriage.
The General Security Service, a unit within Hamas, closely monitored and controlled the lives of Palestinians, even going as far as removing criticism from social media, defaming adversaries, and undermining political protests.
Everyday Gazans in Gaza are subjected to Hamas's oppressive governance and constant surveillance. Despite claiming to represent the people, Hamas showed zero tolerance for dissent, with security officials tracking journalists, suspected immoral behavior, and political adversaries.
Gazans live under the shadow of Israeli blockade, Hamas's surveillance, and amidst the threat of Israeli attacks. The situation presents a dilemma for Palestinians like Ehab Fasfous, who described the peril of facing both occupation bombardment and local authorities' thuggery.
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