With U.S. aid resumed, Ukraine will try to dig itself out of trouble

A long-awaited influx of U.S. weapons will help Ukraine to blunt Russia's advance in the coming months, Biden administration officials said after Congress passed a major aid package, but an acute troop shortage and Moscow's firepower advantage mean that Kyiv won't likely regain major offensive momentum until 2025 at the earliest.
As initial shipments of arms, including artillery shells, air defense missiles, and armored vehicles, begin to reach Ukraine, U.S. officials said they expect the new weapons will buy time for Kyiv to replenish its military ranks and strengthen battlefield defenses - including trenches and minefields - ahead of an expected Russian offensive.
A U.S. defense official... said the aid would give Ukraine the chance to better cope with continued Russian attacks 'whether on the front lines or in the skies' and more effectively defend troops and civilians alike.
The foreign aid package's approval, over objections from a cohort of House Republicans, was a desperately needed injection of hope for Ukraine, where exhausted combat units have been outgunned 5 to 1 as they have been forced to ration ammunition in the face of Russian glide bombs and increasingly bold aircraft assaults.
Read at Washington Post