Is coffee good or bad for your health? Weighing the pros and cons of your morning joe

"Coffee has been see-sawing between healthy and unhealthy for years, according to medical experts. One study finds it helps, while sometimes only weeks later, another warns of hidden risks. Not that Americans are waiting around for the final verdict - coffee stands firmly as America's favorite drink, even surpassing water, according to the National Coffee Association."
"People are often surprised to learn that coffee beans, even after roasting, contain a number of nutrients, according to Healthline. The average eight-ounce cup of regular coffee contains:..."
"The caffeine in coffee - eight ounces contains about 100 mg - results in a pleasant, stimulating buzz. But caffeine can also cause a sudden spike in blood pressure. People with very high blood pressure who drink two or more cups of coffee per day could double their risk of death from a heart attack or stroke, according to the American Heart Association. Drinking just one cup of coffee or green tea or did not have the same effect, so consider lowering your intake of caffeinated coffee if you have high blood pressure - your heart will thank you."
"Coffee might be helpful for people who are watching their weight: In one 2023 study, adding an extra cup of unsweetened coffee to a person's daily routine resulted in an average weight loss of 1.3 pounds over four weeks. Additionally, caffeine can increase metabolism and fat oxidation, both of which play a role in weight loss."
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