Juxtapoz Magazine - Adam Rouhana: The Revolution Cannot Be Built On Dreams Alone

Culture is the vigorous manifestation on the ideological or idealist plane of the physical and historical reality of the society that is dominated or to be dominated. - Amilcar Cabral
The Revolution Cannot Be Built On Dreams Alone captures the historical and material realities of Palestinian society, emphasizing the importance of collective history over domination for cultural development.
Rouhana's photography challenges visual supremacy by merging geopolitical, socio-cultural, and historical awareness into aesthetic creations, aiming to present alternative subjectivities.
What do you think of when you think of Palestine? Hold those images in your head. Now look around at what you see here. Are they the same-which one is true? We can hold two truths at the same time. Such is reality. - Adam Rouhana
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