Why are men who murder women seen as less of a threat than terrorists? | Van Badham

Micaela Cronin highlighted that the severity of violence against women and children in Australia warrants the same urgency and response as terrorism, pointing out alarming statistics and the need for systemic change in society.
The tracking of social media and surveillance methods used in counter-terrorism could be beneficial in combating domestic and family violence, as the current approach to the latter is grossly insufficient compared to the response to terrorism.
The murders of women and children deserve as much attention as any terrorist act; both require urgent action and intervention, as both are preventable tragedies that reflect deep-rooted societal and cultural issues.
We have witnessed 35 women killed this year by domestic violence, a stark contrast to the absence of terrorist fatalities, yet the latter receives far more police resources and public concern, highlighting the need for re-evaluation of priorities.
Read at www.theguardian.com