Mass. woman getting rabies shots after apparent coyote attack

Kathy Normore described her terrifying experience of being attacked by a coyote while walking to her mailbox, stating, 'It just latched onto my arm. It was instantaneous.' After the attack, she received numerous rabies shots, noting that the process has been very challenging for her, saying, 'I've been sick since my first round of shots and I don't want anyone else to go through this.' Her experience serves as a warning to others.
Dartmouth's Director of Public Health, Christopher Michaud, emphasized the importance of avoiding contact with wildlife, stating, 'Any contact with wildlife, particularly mammalian wildlife, is always discouraged. We should not be feeding raccoons by throwing bread on our lawn.' He encouraged community members to be aware of their surroundings and to actively discourage wildlife from approaching residential areas.
Michaud also advised on actions to take if a coyote is encountered, suggesting, 'You should scream at the animal to scare it off and call animal control. Even banging pots and pans could be helpful to scare a coyote away.' This highlights the need for vigilance in suburban interactions with wildlife.
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