Fauci's Reappearance Is Awkward for Both Candidates

When Anthony Fauci was most recently hauled before Congress, it was evident how far he had fallen. Once science personified, he is now a political lightning rod, a career bureaucrat whose decisions are just as easily second-guessed as those of any other Beltway apple polisher or pencil pusher.
And that does not just pertain to former President Donald Trump supposedly counseling people to ingest bleach to ward off Covid-19, but also the guidance that kept schoolchildren in masks and businesses closed if they could not guarantee six feet of separation between customers.
Biden's ostensible liberation of Fauci was supposed to be a sign that science and reason were back in charge in Washington, but Fauci has been a mild liability to Trump this year, with voters moving on from him.
Efforts to blame Trump for 'Faucism' have gone poorly, with contradictory statements like Nancy Pelosi's claim about job loss during Trump's term being due to the pandemic receiving critique even from media like MSNBC.
Read at The American Conservative