I Love to Role-Play in Bed. But I Keep Freezing During One Crucial Part.

Love is a pretty powerful emotion, and one that you've committed to sharing only with your boyfriend in a romantic sense. It's no wonder that you're stuck on this-telling a sexual partner that you love them, even in the context of a family role play, is pretty close to the edge of breaking one of your commitments. Have you spoken with your boyfriend about this? If your relationship is anything other than a Don't Ask Don't Tell setup, I suggest you do that first.
Above all else, the key tenets here are consent and communication. Talk these things out on the front end, and reinforce them frequently. Let your partners know how grateful you are for them, and discuss what's within each other's comfort zones. Emphasis on comfort zones, there.
Keep in mind that exploring your answer to this question may start with your own introspection. It's key — as it is with almost all sexual matters — to know yourself well enough to ensure that your desires, questions, and intentions align with your values and priorities. As long as you enter into the realm of role-play with open-mindedness, respect, and empathy all around, you should be just fine.
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