33 People Who Learned Absolutely Shocking Family Secrets They Were Never Supposed To Learn

Recently, we wrote about family secrets people found out about when they were older, and in response, the BuzzFeed Community shared some of their own family secrets.
My ex-husband's family had an ... 'open' family secret: my ex-husband's grandfather (Hank) was married to ex-husband's grandmother (Pearl) and they had six children together, but Hank also had a years-long affair with Pearl's sister Sweetie, fathering all of her seven children as well.
I had a secret brother (and a couple other secret siblings). We were only told about the brother when I went into middle school because my mom forced our dad.
My uncle's wife took her one-year-old baby into the woods and left her to die. She got away with it. Now the whole family has suffered because of this.
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