Researchers fuse lab-grown human brain tissue with electronics

The study, published in Nature Electronics, details a 'hybrid biocomputer' combining lab-grown human brain tissue with conventional circuits and AI. Dubbed Brainoware, the system learned to identify voices with 78 percent accuracy.
Brainoware combines brain organoids - stem-cell-derived clusters of human cells morphed into neuron-filled 'mini-brains' - with conventional electronic circuits. To make it, researchers placed 'a single organoid onto a plate containing thousands of electrodes to connect the brain to electric circuits.' The circuits, speaking to the brain organoid, 'translate the information they want to input into a pattern of electric pulses.'
The team views the work as more proof of concept than something with near-term practical use. Although previous studies showed two-dimensional neuron cell cultures could do similar things, this is the first trial run using a trained three-dimensional lump of human brain cells.
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