Notion's new Q&A feature lets you ask an AI about your notes

The first killer app of AI for businesses, it appears, is a simple thing: to be able to find information in the morass of files, folders, attachments, incompatible enterprise software apps, and everything else that constitutes modern knowledge work.
In Notion's case, Q&A is mostly a mix of search engine and chatbot. If you type in 'What's the office Wi-Fi password,' Q&A will try to find the answer as long as it's stored in Notion; if you ask 'Where are our onboarding templates,' it'll look for every page about onboarding. Everything Q&A talks about is footnoted to Notion pages, too, in an effort to make sure the tool doesn't hallucinate and make up information.
Like any good chatbot, the Q&A system can also answer fuzzier questions. During our demo, Zhao pulls up a database someone had made of recent tech articles. He asked for a list of recent articles by David Pierce (that's me!), which it answered with links to the database pages for those articles. Then, he asked if
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