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2 weeks ago
OMG science

Opinion: Spread of bird flu bolsters case to stop eating animal meat

Industrial animal farming increases zoonotic disease risk; lab-grown meat offers cleaner alternative. [ more ]
1 month ago
US news

For those bringing a dog into the U.S., new rules aim to keep out rabies

New CDC rules require strict criteria for dogs entering the US to prevent rabies, impacting international pet travel and adoptions. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Bird flu's wild range

Monitoring wild animals for diseases is crucial to identifying emerging health threats from zoonotic diseases originating in wildlife. [ more ]
11 hours ago
OMG science

Bird Flu Is Infecting Cats (and the Occasional Dog). Here's What to Know.

Cats are highly susceptible to avian influenza, especially H5N1, with a recent increase in infections. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Bird flu's wild range

Monitoring wild animals for diseases is crucial to identifying emerging health threats from zoonotic diseases originating in wildlife. [ more ]
11 hours ago
OMG science

Bird Flu Is Infecting Cats (and the Occasional Dog). Here's What to Know.

Cats are highly susceptible to avian influenza, especially H5N1, with a recent increase in infections. [ more ]
1 month ago

Opinion | If Bird Flu Spreads, These Workers Will See It First

H5N1 transmission risk among dairy workers highlights the need for increased surveillance and testing to prevent potential human outbreaks. [ more ]
1 month ago

Meet Kitum, the world's deadliest cave and suspected origin of Ebola

Kitum cave in Kenya harbors deadly pathogens from elephants scraping salt, causing zoonotic diseases, like Marburg and Ravn viruses. [ more ]
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