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4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Major College Democrats Organization Warns Biden: Our Votes Are Not to Be Taken for Granted'

College Democrats of America expresses disappointment and warns President Biden over Gaza conflict. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

People in India: share your thoughts on the election

The world's largest election in India is underway, with analysts predicting a third term win for Prime Minister Modi amidst concerns of a one-sided election. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Harvard Poll of Young Voters Finds Biden with Wide Lead Over Trump, But Just 9% Think Country Is Moving in Right Direction

President Joe Biden leads over Donald Trump among registered young voters based on the Harvard poll. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden announces life-changing' relief from crushing' students loans

Biden plans to ease debt burdens for over 30 million borrowers, targeting young voters.
Biden aims to provide relief for college graduates facing increasing higher education costs. [ more ]
2 months ago
Canada news

On pre-budget charm offensive, Trudeau announces plans to expand $10-a-day child care | CBC News

$1 billion investment in child care expansion
Focus on student loan forgiveness and grants for child care providers [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
2 months ago

Top issues for young voters? Stories from a swing state. - Harvard Gazette

Harvard student pollsters conduct biannual polls of young Americans' political opinions and fears, including student debt, retirement, and economic insecurities.
A group of 16 Harvard students recently visited Michigan, connecting with young voters concerned about future planning, student debt, economic issues, and social issues like the right to abortion. [ more ]
2 months ago
US Elections

Young conservatives have grown up in Trump's Republican Party. Now, it's time to vote

Young conservative supporters continue to be drawn to former President Donald Trump, admiring his refusal to back down and his conservative values.
Many young conservatives feel a strong connection to Trump, regarding him as their Republican experience and a refreshing alternative to traditional political figures. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

The Biden Campaign Is Officially Trolling on TikTok Now

President Joe Biden has joined TikTok, with the campaign announcing its presence during the Super Bowl.
The Biden campaign sees TikTok as an important platform for reaching young voters and believes it will help spread its message on various issues. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden called Netanyahu a 'bad f-king guy' as war in Gaza costs him voters: report

Joe Biden has privately criticized Benjamin Netanyahu as a 'bad f-king guy' during the Gaza war.
Biden and Netanyahu have clashed over the war and their views on Gaza and Iran. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK politics

First photo ID, now votes for expats: the Tories are showing us exactly what election rigging looks like | Polly Toynbee

The Electoral Commission's key recommendations for permissible IDs were ignored in the Elections Act, potentially disenfranchising certain voters.
The requirement for photo ID at polling stations has deterred 4% of voters, particularly young people who are less likely to be Tory voters. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
4 months ago

Teenagers not yet 18 can preregister to vote in California. Here's are the details

California allows 16- and 17-year-olds to pre-register to vote
Youth voters have the potential to determine elections [ more ]
#youth voters
5 months ago
Europe politics

Dealing with the rise of the far right in Europe | Letters

The recent general election in Poland saw the defeat of the incumbent rightwing nationalist party, showing that the rise of reactionary parties is not inevitable.
The role of economics, including the crash of 2008-09 and resulting austerity, is often overlooked in the rise of the far right.
Younger generations may be ignorant of the lessons of the Second World War, leading to a lack of understanding about the dangers of voting for the far right. [ more ]
6 months ago

Want to Know What's Bedeviling Biden? TikTok Economics May Hold Clues.

Young voters on social media express pessimistic views about the economy despite positive economic data.
Social media provides insight into the disconnect between economic data and public sentiment.
President Biden's campaign is using TikTok to promote a positive message about the economy. [ more ]
moreyouth voters
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