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The Atlantic
1 week ago
Left-wing politics

The Good News for Biden About Young Voters

President's standing with youth voters not as bad as perceived [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Could the war in Gaza cost Joe Biden re-election?

Arab Americans are highlighting the impact of foreign policy issues on U.S. elections. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

What do the US campus protests mean for Joe Biden in November?

Biden's policies on Israel might impact his re-election chances due to growing criticism and protests among young voters. [ more ]
3 months ago
France news

Focus - Ahead of Pakistan's elections, parties hope to woo young voters

Low voter turnout among young voters in Pakistan
Political parties using social media to connect with the youth [ more ]
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Do Young Voters Actually Prefer Trump to Biden?

Donald Trump could carry the youth vote in the 2024 election, according to recent polls.
Young voters are becoming swing voters, rather than unenthusiastic Democratic base voters.
In 2020, Biden won under-30 voters by a 59 percent to 35 percent margin. [ more ]
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