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LGBTQ Nation
2 days ago

Arizona schools are failing to provide sex education & homophobia is to blame - LGBTQ Nation

At least eight Arizona school districts lack sexual education policies, using LGBTQ+ opposition as an excuse. [ more ]
4 days ago

Jonathan Bailey is blazing a trail as one of the most prominent gay actors working today - Queerty

Jonathan Bailey, a rising LGBTQ+ figure, uses his platform to advocate for LGBTQ+ youth through partnerships and portrays impactful roles in Hollywood. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
1 month ago

"Gold Award" Girl Scout Claps Back At School Board For Censoring Her Project

Sometimes, children can see issues clearly that adults overlook. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

See Paris Hilton in Sacramento to advocate for youths placed in state treatment facilities

Senate Bill 1043 aims to protect youth in residential treatment facilities, supported by Paris Hilton. [ more ]
1 month ago

Louisiana theatre students take to the state capitol's steps to protest 'don't say gay' bill

Students protest anti-LGBTQ+ bills in Louisiana by performing a theatrical protest at the state capitol.
Proposed bills in Louisiana include requiring parental consent for students to change pronouns and banning transgender individuals from using bathrooms based on gender identity. [ more ]
San Jose Spotlight
1 month ago
Silicon Valley real estate

San Jose officials to vote on tougher RV rules near schools - San Jose Spotlight

The San Jose City Council is considering three policies to change where people living in vehicles can park near schools for safety reasons.
Students and school workers have raised safety concerns, leading to the proposed policies, despite warnings from homeless advocates about discrimination against homeless individuals. [ more ]
1 month ago

Dagenham teen beats 30,000 to be named champion young public speaker

Wazid Chwdury won regional final with speech on Voices of Migration
Previous winners became Hollywood stars, entrepreneurs, and writers [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

How the Next Generation of Mobility Justice Leaders Are Fighting For Transportation Equity - Streetsblog USA

Transportation equity involves equal accessibility to transportation regardless of background.
Mobility justice includes funding sidewalks, transit, and bike lanes on par with highways. [ more ]
Times Union
3 months ago

Youthful Impact partnership with businesses develops students' career skills

Khaitsa Wasiyo left her career to create Youthful Impact, an organization that helps young people gain employable skills.
The program lasts between 8 and 12 weeks and is aimed at youth facing adversity such as homelessness or unemployment. [ more ]
3 months ago

Where are the students? Despite a state law, few NYC local education councils have youth members

Many Community Education Councils in New York City are not in compliance with a state law requiring non-voting high school seniors on their boards.
Student members of the CECs have advisory powers but cannot vote on zoning changes. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

What this week's Senate hearing with Big Tech execs means for the future of children's online safety laws

Young people are advocating for laws to make the internet and social media safer.
There is increasing public sentiment to address the perceived harms of social media. [ more ]
#separation of families
5 months ago

So-Called "Child Welfare" Tears Families Apart. How Can We Repair This Harm?

Yusef Presley reflects on being separated from his family at a young age and the impact it had on his life.
Presley is now part of a national movement to abolish prisons, end family policing, and stop the war on drugs. [ more ]
5 months ago

So-Called "Child Welfare" Tears Families Apart. How Can We Repair This Harm?

Yusef Presley reflects on being separated from his family at a young age and the impact it had on his life.
Presley is now part of a national movement to abolish prisons, end family policing, and stop the war on drugs. [ more ]
moreseparation of families
5 months ago
Social justice

So-Called "Child Welfare" Tears Families Apart. How Can We Repair This Harm?

Yusef Presley reflects on being separated from his family at a young age and the impact it had on his life.
Presley is now part of a national movement to abolish prisons, end family policing, and stop the war on drugs. [ more ]
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