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3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

AI tools could cut staff working hours by almost half

UK workers could save 19 hours a week by 2026 with generative AI tools in their workflow. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

You Can Fear AI and Still Embrace It - Here's Why. | Entrepreneur

US workers are spending less time on AI apps compared to other regions like Europe and India.
ChatGPT is the most used AI app globally, except in the USA where Canva is more popular. [ more ]
Tech Wire Asia
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The impact of using generative AI at work raises concerns

Diverse employee reactions to generative AI
Adobe's AI Assistant in Acrobat showcases generative AI potential [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

AI tools could cut staff working hours by almost half

UK workers could save 19 hours a week by 2026 with generative AI tools in their workflow. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

You Can Fear AI and Still Embrace It - Here's Why. | Entrepreneur

US workers are spending less time on AI apps compared to other regions like Europe and India.
ChatGPT is the most used AI app globally, except in the USA where Canva is more popular. [ more ]
Tech Wire Asia
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The impact of using generative AI at work raises concerns

Diverse employee reactions to generative AI
Adobe's AI Assistant in Acrobat showcases generative AI potential [ more ]
2 months ago

What It's Really Like to Have a 4-Day Workweek

The push for shorter workweeks is gaining momentum with companies like Panasonic and Kickstarter implementing four-day workweeks. [ more ]
4 months ago

Energy-Draining Habits That Tank Your Team's Productivity | Entrepreneur

The pandemic led to an unexpected increase in productivity, which was followed by a historic drop in 2022, the highest since 1947.
Overworking, lack of social connection and too many meetings have been identified as significant factors that impact employee productivity negatively.
Encouraging autonomy, fostering workplace social interactions and discouraging overworking are productive strategies for sustainable workplace efficiency. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

How to Use AI, ChatGPT to Get Ahead in Career, Save Time | Entrepreneur

ChatGPT has gained 1.7 billion users within a year of its launch, with students initially using it for essay writing assistance.
A recent study showed that employees at Boston Consulting Group who used GPT-4 for consulting tasks were significantly more productive. [ more ]
2 months ago

What It's Really Like to Have a 4-Day Workweek

The push for shorter workweeks is gaining momentum with companies like Panasonic and Kickstarter implementing four-day workweeks. [ more ]
4 months ago

Energy-Draining Habits That Tank Your Team's Productivity | Entrepreneur

The pandemic led to an unexpected increase in productivity, which was followed by a historic drop in 2022, the highest since 1947.
Overworking, lack of social connection and too many meetings have been identified as significant factors that impact employee productivity negatively.
Encouraging autonomy, fostering workplace social interactions and discouraging overworking are productive strategies for sustainable workplace efficiency. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

How to Use AI, ChatGPT to Get Ahead in Career, Save Time | Entrepreneur

ChatGPT has gained 1.7 billion users within a year of its launch, with students initially using it for essay writing assistance.
A recent study showed that employees at Boston Consulting Group who used GPT-4 for consulting tasks were significantly more productive. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

How to Overcome the Challenges of Implementing AI in the Workplace | Entrepreneur

AI enhances efficiency and decision-making processes in the workplace.
Successful AI implementation in companies like Google and IBM reshapes industries. [ more ]
ABA Journal
3 months ago

What's the current state of remote and hybrid work in law firms?

Hybrid work solutions are critical for law firms.
Importance of purpose-built technology for effective collaboration. [ more ]
The Hill
3 months ago
Remote teams

The outdated concept that's biasing managers against remote work

Managing by walking around leads to undervaluing remote worker productivity
Remote workers showed 13% performance increase over in-office workers [ more ]
US News & World Report
6 months ago
Remote teams

Wisconsin Republicans Call for Layoffs and Criticize Remote Work Policies as Wasting Office Spaces

Republican lawmakers call for layoffs at Wisconsin agencies and criticize remote work policies.
Audit reveals that state employees spend more time working from home than in office, but remote work is seen as increasing efficiency. [ more ]
The Hill
3 months ago
Remote teams

The outdated concept that's biasing managers against remote work

Managing by walking around leads to undervaluing remote worker productivity
Remote workers showed 13% performance increase over in-office workers [ more ]
US News & World Report
6 months ago
Remote teams

Wisconsin Republicans Call for Layoffs and Criticize Remote Work Policies as Wasting Office Spaces

Republican lawmakers call for layoffs at Wisconsin agencies and criticize remote work policies.
Audit reveals that state employees spend more time working from home than in office, but remote work is seen as increasing efficiency. [ more ]
17 hours ago
UX design

What ChatGPT does well (and doesn't do well) for UX

ChatGPT revolutionizes AI integration in the workplace, streamlining tasks and enhancing productivity. [ more ]
1 day ago
Tech industry

Hate going back to the office? Microsoft Teams might have just solved one of the biggest return-to-office problems

Microsoft Teams introduces desk booking feature to ease office space management for hybrid working. [ more ]
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