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1 month ago
Left-wing politics

CNN's Kaitlan Collins Smacks Down Trump VP Prospect JD Vance For Attacking Biden Over Trump Trial

CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins debunked false claims by Sen. J.D. Vance blaming Biden for Trump's trial, highlighting the importance of separating politics from legal proceedings. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Trump Offers Alarming Details on How He'd Govern If Elected President Again

Former President Donald Trump would potentially flout democratic norms and descend deeper into authoritarianism if re-elected, reshaping America with draconian policies. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

CNN's Kaitlan Collins Smacks Down Trump VP Prospect JD Vance For Attacking Biden Over Trump Trial

CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins debunked false claims by Sen. J.D. Vance blaming Biden for Trump's trial, highlighting the importance of separating politics from legal proceedings. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Trump Offers Alarming Details on How He'd Govern If Elected President Again

Former President Donald Trump would potentially flout democratic norms and descend deeper into authoritarianism if re-elected, reshaping America with draconian policies. [ more ]
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