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3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Designing for Privacy in Digital Spaces

Users feel tension between personalization and data security. [ more ]
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

How to Block Google's Annoying AI Answers With This Cool Browser Plugin

Users can block Google's AI Overviews with browser extensions, offering options to prevent AI-generated summaries. [ more ]
The Drum
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Apple & Google debut new measures that will limit user data sharing with law enforcement

Google and Apple are introducing new data privacy measures for users, giving users more control over their data.
Google's new measure includes stopping the storage of users' location history and automatically deleting location data after three months. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 weeks ago

Ex-Dodger owner Frank McCourt forming investment group to make a bid for TikTok

Frank McCourt plans to form an investment group to bid on TikTok, aiming to return control to individuals and prioritize their interests. [ more ]
Cato Institute
1 month ago
UX design

Instagram Features to Limit Political Content Cause an Uproar, but Giving Users Greater Control on Social Media Presents an Exciting Opportunity

Users can now control political content on Instagram, sparking controversy but aiming for a more user-centric experience. [ more ]
2 months ago

Conspiracy, monetisation and weirdness: social media has become ungovernable | Nesrine Malik

Social media content presentation has changed drastically, merging different types on various platforms.
Platforms are now designed to minimize user discretion, leading to less control over the content seen. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

New York to Target Social Media Firms That Charge for Interface

New York may require social media platforms to provide free data to apps that block hateful speech.
The legislation aims to combat online hate speech and give users more control over the content they see. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

New York to Target Social Media Firms That Charge for Interface

New York may require social media platforms to provide free data to apps that block hateful speech.
The legislation aims to combat online hate speech and give users more control over the content they see. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

New York to Target Social Media Firms That Charge for Interface

New York may require social media platforms to provide free data to apps that block hateful speech.
The legislation aims to combat online hate speech and give users more control over the content they see. [ more ]
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