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LogRocket Blog
4 weeks ago
UX design

Leader Spotlight: Encouraging design thinking workshops, with Tamara Pluviose - LogRocket Blog

Design thinking workshops promote problem-solving and customer-centricity, visualizing the vote helps surface best ideas, usability testing uncovers key factors affecting online purchases. [ more ]
Practical Ecommerce
1 month ago
UX design

13 Website Usability Testing Tools

Usability testing tools help online businesses identify and improve customer pain points. [ more ]
2 months ago
UX design

Top 5 Usability Testing Books

Usability testing is crucial in user experience design to identify problems and gauge satisfaction.
Books and courses provide valuable insights into usability testing processes and best practices. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

Mastering UX Design: Discover My 7 Favorite UX Tools

Choosing the right UX tools is crucial for efficient and productive UX design.
Consider aspects like project goals, project type, teamwork, complexity, integration, cost, and testimonials when choosing a UX tool. [ more ]
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