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Fast Company
1 month ago
Remote teams

Why your company's RTO policy might be bad for the planet

Remote work during COVID-19 lockdowns led to reduced carbon emissions and may accelerate companies' plans to reduce emissions. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago

California unlikely to meet landmark goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

California is at risk of not meeting its greenhouse gas reduction goals by 2030 without tripling its efforts.
Emissions have only fallen 11.5% below 1990 levels, making it challenging to reach the 40% reduction target by 2030. [ more ]
5 months ago

Tiny Electric Vehicles Pack a Bigger Climate Punch Than Cars

The shift to electric two and three-wheelers is reducing oil demand by one million barrels a day.
Electric vehicles are the only category on track to meet climate goals and reduce air pollution. [ more ]
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