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4 weeks ago
Social media marketing

Instagram now lets you post a secret Story that viewers can uncover with a DM | TechCrunch

Instagram introduces new Stories features: 'Reveal' hidden stories, 'Add Yours Music' sticker, and 'Frames' for throwback posts. [ more ]
Social Media Today
4 months ago
Graphic design

Instagram Will Now Enable Users to Create Custom Sticker from Still Image Posts

Instagram now allows users to cut out elements of still image posts and use them as stickers in Stories and Reels.
The feature is similar to the image cutout option on WhatsApp, offering new creative opportunities. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Instagram now offers AI-generated backgrounds on Stories

Instagram has launched a new generative AI-powered tool called backdrop that allows users to create a new image in the background of their Story.
The backdrop tool prompts users to describe the backdrop they want and the AI tool generates it in the background. [ more ]
3 months ago

Black Box: a new podcast series about AI and us trailer

The Guardian is launching a new series exploring the collision between people and artificial intelligence.
The series will feature stories from different parts of the world, highlighting how AI impacts individuals and communities. [ more ]
Lindsey Gamble
3 months ago
Social media marketing

Snapchat Plans to Merge Its TikTok-Like Spotlight Feature with Stories for a More Unified Experience - Lindsey Gamble

Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel plans to merge Spotlight with Stories to unify the user experience.
Snapchat's consolidation of Spotlight and Stories will enhance the viewing experience and attract more advertisers. [ more ]
4 months ago

A scholar discovers stories and poems possibly written by Louisa May Alcott under a pseudonym

Louisa May Alcott may have written about 20 stories and poems under pseudonyms for local newspapers in Massachusetts.
One of the pseudonyms she used was E. H. Gould, and she also wrote under her own name and the pseudonym Flora Fairfield. [ more ]
San Francisco Bay Times
4 months ago

Heed Your Call - San Francisco Bay Times

Everyone has a calling, and it is important to answer that call.
Doing nothing is not an option when it comes to making a positive impact on the community and the world. [ more ]
Social Media Today
5 months ago
Social media marketing

Instagram Tests New 'Hype' Option To Encourage Engagement With Stories

Instagram's focus has shifted from the main feed to stories and DMs.
Instagram is developing a new feature called Hype and has added the capacity to pin comments. [ more ]
Social Media Today
5 months ago
Social media marketing

Instagram Tests New 'Hype' Option to Encourage Engagement with Stories

Instagram's focus has shifted from the main feed to stories and direct messages (DMs)
The main Instagram feed is now more focused on discovery and highlighting trending video content [ more ]
6 months ago
Media industry

Israel-Hamas Truce Appears to Enter Another Day, and More

The New York Times Audio app offers journalism and storytelling
It provides news, depth, and serendipity
The app includes a weekly newsletter and The Headlines segment with major stories of the day [ more ]
6 months ago

How to train your brain to achieve goals more effectively

Our brain's stories can control our actions and emotions.
We can retrain our brain to think in a more empowering way.
There are three types of storytellers in our mind: devious, flatterer, and reasonable. [ more ]
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