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New York Post
1 day ago
NYC politics

Hochul's entirely right: Keep smartphones out of schools

Smartphones in school are harmful to children's development. [ more ]
1 day ago
Black Lives Matter

The Longest Running Sci-Fi Show is About to Copy 'Black Mirror's Scariest Episode

Doctor Who's 'Dot and Bubble' episode delivers direct social commentary on social media addiction and contemporary issues. [ more ]
New York Post
1 week ago

Teen girls' stunning smartphone usage revealed in new study: 'Serious'

Teen girls spending excessive time on smartphones may be addicted to social media, impacting overall health and wellbeing negatively. [ more ]
2 months ago
Digital life

Journaling app Palmsy offers fake likes from real friends

Palmsy app allows private social media posting for self-reflection or social media addiction control.
App creator ensures privacy by storing posts offline and generating fake likes from imported contacts. [ more ]
2 months ago

Canadian school boards sue social media giants over effects on students

Social media platforms are addictive and can rewire children's thinking, behavior, and learning.
Several major school boards in Canada are suing social media giants for disrupting students' learning and causing addiction. [ more ]
2 months ago
Mental health

Council Members, who are part of the 'Hood Caucus,' roll out plan to tackle social media usage and gun violence - QNS.com

Legislation introduced to address social media addiction and gun violence
Bills aim to study social media effects on mental health and establish violence prevention programs [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

To protect kids, California might require chronological feeds on social media

California lawmakers have proposed a bill that would require social media companies to turn off algorithms by default for users under 18.
The bill also includes other provisions to protect the mental health of young users, such as implementing a chronological feed, muting notifications at night, and capping daily use at one hour.
Lawmakers believe that these changes can help reduce the negative effects of social media addiction on children. [ more ]
Boston 25 News
5 months ago

Pew survey: YouTube tops teens' social-media diet, with roughly a sixth using it almost constantly

Teen usage of social media remains high, with YouTube as the most popular platform.
Concerns about the effects of social media on mental health persist. [ more ]
NBC New York
3 months ago
Social media marketing

Is there a dark side to social media? NYC experts dive in.

Excessive social media use can lead to mental health issues, addiction, and exposure to graphic and traumatizing content.
Research shows that adolescents who spend over three hours a day on social media may be at a heightened risk for mental health issues. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago

The 7 secret signs your child is addicted to social media revealed

Nearly a quarter of adolescents are addicted to social media.
Parents should set clear boundaries and monitor their child's social media use. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago
Social media marketing

CA bill may require chronological social media feeds to protect kids

California bill aims to require social media companies to turn off algorithms for kids under 18 and instead show content from pages they follow.
Parents would have the right to remove algorithmic feeds from their children's social media channels and prevent access during school hours or at night. [ more ]
4 months ago

Florida House Approves Bill Banning Social Media For Kids Under 16

Florida's Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban kids under 16 from using social media.
The bill aims to protect children from addictive technology and make social media platforms accountable for their impact on young users. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

These 3 Zodiac Signs Should Try The Viral "Dopamine Detox"

A dopamine detox can help individuals appreciate being present and focused on a single task.
Aries, Gemini, and Libra are the three zodiac signs that could benefit from a dopamine detox. [ more ]
AP News
5 months ago

Pew survey: YouTube tops teens' social-media diet, with roughly a sixth using it almost constantly

Teen usage of social media remains high, with about one in six teens describing their use of YouTube and TikTok as 'almost constant'.
YouTube is the most popular platform among teens, with 93% using it, followed by TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

Social media addiction: How can we avoid it? DW 12/02/2023

Social media addiction is on the rise, particularly among young people
Social media can have both positive and negative effects, depending on how it is used [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

Something Fascinating Happens When You Take Smartphones Away From Narcissists

Individuals with narcissistic traits experience higher levels of stress when they don't have access to their smartphones, according to a study published in the Journal of Psychology.
The fear of being without a smartphone, known as 'nomophobia,' is more common among those who are highly narcissistic and addicted to social media.
Younger adults, who grew up with social media, tend to exhibit higher levels of narcissism and nomophobia. [ more ]
Mail Online
6 months ago
Mental health

People who are addicted to their phones might be narcissists: study

People with high levels of narcissistic traits are more likely to be addicted to their phones, experiencing nomophobia.
Narcissists tend to have an inflated sense of self-importance and seek admiration through social media interactions.
Social media addiction and nomophobia explain the connection between narcissism and stress levels. [ more ]
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