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1 week ago
Alternative medicine

Common Skincare Mistakes that Damage Your Skin

Moisturize properly, adjust routine based on skin needs for optimal results [ more ]
1 month ago

Does My Body Need a Skin Care Routine?

Regularly moisturize and care for the skin on your body just like you do for your face.
Issues like dryness, acne, and sun damage can affect the skin on your body as much as they do on your face. [ more ]
Conde Nast Traveler
1 year ago

The Best Face Sunscreens, Tested & Reviewed By Our Editors

Wearing and reapplying a daily sunscreen is crucial for protecting skin from sun damage and premature aging. [ more ]
2 months ago
Fashion & style

Trust Me: These Are the Best Under-Eye Patches to Help Reduce Puffiness and Dark Circles

The skin around the eye is delicate and prone to dryness, puffiness, and dark circles.
Under-eye patches provide instant results and long-term benefits for addressing various eye concerns. [ more ]
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