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1 week ago
Information security

Enterprises are bogged down with disparate cyber tools - here's why a 'platform security' approach could tackle growing complexity

Enterprises need to shift towards a holistic security strategy rather than reacting to specific threats. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

C-suite to cyber pros: Try and tone down the technical jargon

Lack of understanding and communication between executives, boards, and security professionals leaves security vulnerable. [ more ]
2 months ago

Recap KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 with AccuKnox - Amazic

Insights on hybrid and multi-cloud challenges
AccuKnox's "Build to Runtime" security approach [ more ]
2 months ago
US politics

U.S. Searching for a Way to Keep Troops in Niger

Niger revokes military cooperation deal with US, impacting security strategy in Africa
Pentagon seeks ways for American troops to stay in Niger despite junta's pronouncement [ more ]
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