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Open Data Science - Your News Source for AI, Machine Learning & more
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Report States OpenAI Will Release Search Engine to Compete Against Google

OpenAI plans to challenge Google's search engine dominance with its new product, integrating web information retrieval to enhance ChatGPT. [ more ]
1 month ago
Tech industry

Google paid Apple $20 billion to be Safari's default search engine

Google paid Apple $20 billion to remain Safari's default search engine in 2022, highlighting the substantial cost of maintaining search dominance. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Tech industry

Is Google a Monopoly? The DOJ's case in 11 slides | MarTech

Google is accused of maintaining its search engine monopoly through paying companies to make it the default setting. [ more ]
Android Police
6 months ago
Tech industry

Google has serious user trust issues - it's high time it changed that perception

Google's success is rooted in its search engine, YouTube, and ad platform dominance.
Google has a history of abandoning failed products and offering poor consumer support.
The company's growth and startup culture contribute to its success and shortcomings. [ more ]
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