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1 day ago
OMG science

Scientists Find the Largest Known Genome Inside a Small Plant

Tmesipteris oblanceolata has the largest known genome on Earth. [ more ]
Washington Post
2 days ago
OMG science

World's largest stegosaurus skeleton to be auctioned for millions

Selling rare fossils at high prices can hinder scientific research. [ more ]
TNW | Deep-Tech
3 days ago
Data science

With hallucinations waning, AI is expanding into scientific research

Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in scientific research to enhance analytical capabilities and streamline the research process. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

France's Bioptimus exits stealth mode with 32M Seed funding; aims to build the first universal AI foundation model for biology

Bioptimus emerged from stealth with $35M seed funding led by Sofinnova Partners and other global investors.
Bioptimus aims to create AI foundation models in biology to advance scientific research and biotechnological innovation. [ more ]
The Atlantic
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

What Happens When AI Takes Over Science?

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing scientific research by accelerating discoveries and driving new hypotheses.
However, AI's ability to produce results without explanation raises questions about the meaning of knowledge itself. [ more ]
3 days ago
OMG science

37 Years Later, NASA Retires Its Famous Flying Laboratory

NASA retired its DC-8 aircraft after many years of service, now replaced by a Boeing 777 as its next flying laboratory. [ more ]
2 months ago
OMG science

NASA is on its way to Venus after all. Here's what to know about the launch

NASA's VERITAS mission to Venus was initially put on hold due to budget constraints but has been reinstated after intense lobbying and protests from the scientific community.
The VERITAS mission aims to produce high-resolution radar maps of Venus to study geological processes, the presence of water, and support other missions like DAVINCI. [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

An artificial meniscus and 371 days of swallowing toothpaste: Frank Rubio's adventures in space

Francisco Rubio spent a record 371 days on the ISS and contributed to scientific research on artificial organs.
Rubio focused on medicine during his time on the ISS and worked on experiments with a 3D biological printer. [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

NASA Aircraft Making Low Passes Over California

NASA's DC-8 aircraft is being used to study air quality in the San Joaquin Valley in Southern California.
The DC-8 is the largest flying science laboratory and has been used for various scientific projects and to develop sensors for satellites. [ more ]
3 days ago
OMG science

Depression, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Are Linked with Ancient Viral DNA in Our Genome

Some ancient viral DNA sequences in the human genome may be linked to susceptibility to psychiatric disorders. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 days ago

Study claims skipping three foods could make you more violent

Consuming omega-3 fatty acids can reduce aggressive behavior by aiding in nerve growth and brain function, potentially impacting actions in society. [ more ]
News Center
1 week ago
OMG science

Improving Models to Study the Human Heart - News Center

New method developed to measure and optimize maturation of cultured heart muscle cells, potentially setting a standard for scientific research. [ more ]
1 week ago

Dumping, pillaging and slavery why exploitation of the high seas must end

The high seas are facing accelerated exploitation, endangering global ecosystems. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Scientist Slams Politicians For Banning Geoengineering Experiments

Calls against regulating geoengineering for climate change solutions are made to avoid hindering scientific progress amidst global warming threats. [ more ]
1 week ago
OMG science

SF Amateur Astronomers Lecture: Cosmic Shadow Theater (Randall Museum)

Galaxy shadows reveal information about dark matter, dark energy, and galaxy formation. [ more ]
4 months ago

China's New Dark Matter Lab Is Biggest and Deepest Yet

The China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) is the world's deepest and largest underground laboratory, now surpassing the previous record-holder in Italy.
Scientists at CJPL are conducting experiments to detect dark matter, the substance that makes up over 80% of the mass in the Universe. [ more ]
6 years ago
Media industry

The Psychology Of Fake News

Fake news is now a subject of scientific research, examining its impact on individuals, institutions, and society. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Humans are one of the species that spend the most amount of energy on having a baby

Humans have one of the highest metabolic costs of reproduction among species. Total cost includes both energy in offspring and energy used to produce them.
Quantifying the real cost of reproduction can be complex and varies among different animal species due to various reproductive strategies and postnatal care practices. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
2 weeks ago
Data science

George Whitesides became giant of chemistry by keeping it simple - Harvard Gazette

George Whitesides' diverse scientific contributions and entrepreneurial mindset have made him a giant in the field of chemistry. [ more ]
Ars Technica
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Smashing into an asteroid shows researchers how to better protect Earth

A spacecraft successfully slammed into an asteroid as part of a deflection mission, demonstrating the concept of planetary defense using kinetic impactors. [ more ]
TNW | Deep-Tech
1 month ago
Data science

World-first satellites for commercial science set for launch in 2025

British startup plans to launch science satellites, offering data directly to researchers through membership model. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

'Shrugging off failure is hard': the $400-million grant setback that shaped the Smithsonian lead scientist's career

Ellen Stofan oversees scientific research institutions at the Smithsonian Institution and has a broad portfolio managing diverse topics from budgets to conservation efforts.
Stofan's work involves overseeing the National Air and Space Museum, National Museum of Natural History, National Zoo, and Conservation Biology Institute, reflecting her expertise in the fields of space exploration and conservation. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Four European astronauts return to Earth after Axiom Space's Ax-3 commercial mission

A crew of four astronauts returned to Earth in a SpaceX capsule after a mission to the International Space Station.
The Ax-3 mission was chartered by Axiom Space and commanded by Michael Lopez-Alegria. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon

The Moon holds scientific, commercial, and geopolitical interests for superpowers like the US and China. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
OMG science

Boffins want astronauts to exercise via Wall of Death

Astronauts on the Moon will need unique exercise methods due to low gravity. [ more ]
HBS Working Knowledge
3 weeks ago

Called Back to the Office? How You Benefit from Ideas You Didn't Know You Were Missing

Organizations may face challenges in knowledge sharing due to fewer opportunities for diverse interactions outside core departments. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

'Orangutan, heal thyself': First wild animal seen using medicinal plant

Wild Sumatran orangutan heals wound with medicinal plant, demonstrating shared knowledge with humans. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

I weep for the corals, but what I saw on the Great Barrier Reef gives me hope | Kerrie Foxwell-Norton

Scientists on Great Barrier Reef exhibit extraordinary dedication and hope amidst overwhelming challenges. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Data science

Illuminating 'the ugly side of science': fresh incentives for reporting negative results

Highlighting the 'ugly side of science' by publishing methodologically sound studies yielding unexpected results. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Scientists Find an Alphabet' in Whale Songs

Sperm whales have a rich set of sounds resembling a phonetic alphabet, hinting at complex communication similar to human language. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago
OMG science

A New Declaration of Animal Consciousness

Animals like fruit flies, fish, and mollusks might experience pain and pleasure, extending the idea of consciousness beyond vertebrates to invertebrates. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
2 months ago
OMG science

How do animals react during a total solar eclipse? Scientists plan to find out in April

Animals exhibit unusual behaviors during solar eclipses, such as breeding, singing odd tunes, or galloping in apparent anxiety.
Recent scientific efforts have been made to rigorously study animals' altered behaviors during solar eclipses. [ more ]
Document Journal
3 weeks ago
Data science

Jacques Vallee and Jeffrey J. Kripal challenge the limits of knowledge

UFO sightings have become mainstream, but scientist Jacques Vallée believes they may not be beings from space, but interdimensional humans or other phenomena in disguise. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Luke O'Neill: Can you control how long you might live for?

Understanding the mysteries of aging is a significant challenge in science. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Data science

How Much Do Our Thoughts Shape Our Health?

People's perception of the passage of time can influence how quickly wounds heal, emphasizing the mind-body connection for overall health and well-being. [ more ]
1 month ago

Sex and gender discussions don't need to be toxic

The importance of addressing misconceptions and weaponization of sex and gender science for a positive future. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
1 month ago
OMG science

Complex questions, innovative approaches - Harvard Gazette

Seven innovative projects receive Star-Friedman Challenge grants for cutting-edge scientific research. [ more ]
Wine Enthusiast
1 month ago

Warning Labels on Alcohol Are Coming. Will Drinkers Even Care?

Alcoholic products in Ireland must carry a warning about the link between alcohol and fatal cancers starting in 2026. [ more ]
1 month ago
Media industry

Which scientists get mentioned in the news? Mostly ones with Anglo names, says study

Scientists with Asian or African names were 15% less likely to be mentioned in media coverage of research. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Millions of Borderlands Players Have Been Recognized For Their Contributions To Science

4.5 million Borderlands 3 players contributed to mapping and comparing microbes, aiding scientific research. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Overconfidence Can Blindside Science and Society Alike. Here's How Not to Get Fooled

Support science journalism to ensure impactful stories. People may get defensive and send hate mail when confronted with conflicting beliefs. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Los Alamos National Lab unveils new supercomputer primed for AI

Supercomputer at Los Alamos National Laboratory focuses on AI for national security and scientific research. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Tough luck, management folks, AI is coming for your jobs

AI can enhance scientific research projects by managing operations efficiently.
AI as a 'manager' can augment human work in research projects but not replace experts. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
1 month ago
Graphic design

NASA solar eclipse app might reveal the sun's true shape

SunSketcher app helps capture total solar eclipse moments safely with any smartphone.
Research into sun's oblateness through Baily's Beads phenomenon is crucial and data from the eclipse can assist. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
Data science

It cost more than $500m but this high-tech ship isn't doing science

The high-tech Antarctic icebreaker ship, RSV Nuyina, purchased for $528 million by Australian taxpayers, has not completed any scientific research voyages since its launch.
A Department of Finance report raised concerns about the lack of time allocated for marine science on the RSV Nuyina and questioned whether one vessel was sufficient for its intended purpose. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

A new world for science research security

Countries are debating rules to regulate global scientific research for minimizing risks and maximizing benefits.
Open research environments are vital for scientific progress, but there are increasing concerns about IP theft and foreign interference. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Opinion | A.I.-Generated Garbage Is Polluting Our Culture

A.I.-generated outputs are influencing our culture beyond screens.
Adjectives associated with A.I.-generated text are increasingly used in scientific paper peer reviews about A.I. [ more ]
State of the Planet
2 months ago
OMG science

Key Ocean Current Contains a Warning on Climate

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is a powerful mover of water, impacting global climate.
A recent study indicates that the ACC movement is closely tied to Earth's temperature changes over millions of years. [ more ]
Fortune Europe
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The foundation behind Ozempic maker Novo Nordisk is funding an Nvidia-backed AI supercomputer project

Novo Nordisk is investing in an AI supercomputer through collaboration with Nvidia for drug discovery and other scientific advancements.
The Novo Nordisk Foundation's investment in the AI supercomputer is aimed at accelerating groundbreaking scientific discoveries and fostering collaboration between academia and industry. [ more ]
Mail Online
2 months ago
OMG science

Scientists baffled by 12,000-year-old preserved human brains

The human brain can preserve quite well after death, contrary to previous beliefs
Local environmental conditions can lead to better preservation of brain tissues found in archaeological sites [ more ]
2 months ago

How to Make Alien Ice

Water ice molecules can be orderly (ice XIV) with organized hydrogen atoms, forming slowly; faster creation discovered for studying exotic ices.
Ordered ices, like ice XIV, exist in gas giants and icy moons; can extend creation methods to other ice forms. [ more ]
2 months ago

Your Questions About Sodium, Answered

Consuming too much sodium increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.
Scientific studies show a clear pattern of higher salt intake leading to elevated blood pressure. [ more ]
2 months ago
OMG science

Ancient Malaria Genome from Roman Skeleton Hints at Disease's History

The mitochondrial genome of ancient Plasmodium falciparum was sequenced, aiding in understanding malaria history in Europe.
Genetic data from European parasites, ancient or recent, plays a crucial role in understanding parasite movement globally. [ more ]
2 months ago
OMG science

For Some Mammals, Large Adult Daughters, Not Sons, Are the Norm

Female elephant seals can be significantly smaller than males due to sexual size dimorphism.
Research challenges the notion that male mammals are always larger, highlighting the need for more studies on mating systems and evolutionary forces. [ more ]
London Jazz News
2 months ago
London music

#IWD2024: Matylda Gerber. Part of 'Giant Steps: Women to the Fore'

Matylda Gerber is a saxophonist, composer, and scientist specializing in intuition and decision-making.
Gerber's diverse background includes a master's degree in finance and psychology, a doctorate in social sciences, and participation in various scientific research projects. [ more ]
2 months ago

These Invasive Ants Are Changing How Lions Hunt

The arrival of a single invasive ant species can have far-reaching effects on an entire ecosystem.
Scientific research can take unexpected turns, leading to valuable discoveries. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI-generated images and video are here: how could they shape research?

AI tools like Midjourney and DALL-E are being used to generate images and videos from text descriptions, cutting down production time.
Researchers warn that the increasing use of AI image generators may lead to the creation of fake data and inaccurate scientific imagery. [ more ]
2 months ago
Remote teams

What science says about hybrid working - and how to make it a success

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the move towards hybrid working in science.
Teams working in close proximity may produce higher-grade, more innovative results. [ more ]
BBC News
2 months ago

Can bright green 'super powders' really make you healthy?

Super green supplements claim various health benefits but experts advise simpler and cheaper ways to get nutrients. [ more ]
WFRV Local 5 - Green Bay, Appleton
3 months ago
OMG science

Scientists create new idea on how to hack a warming planet: drying the upper atmosphere

Scientists propose injecting ice in upper atmosphere to reduce water vapor and cool the Earth slightly.
The concept of drying the upper atmosphere is a new addition to geoengineering tools to combat climate change. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Scientists Alarmed by Spike in Ocean Temperatures

Rapid ocean temperature rise alarms scientists globally
Rate of ocean warming exceeds scientists' expectations [ more ]
3 months ago
Women in technology

Celebrating Women in Science: Tree-Ring Researcher Rose Oelkers

Tree-ring science offers insights into climate change and ecosystem responses.
Female mentors can play a crucial role in encouraging women to pursue careers in science. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Opinion | A Slap Shot Against Climate Denial

Climate change is a reality with consequences like melting polar ice and rising sea levels.
Scientists researching climate change face attacks that threaten their work and reputations. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Atmospheric river storms are getting stronger, and deadlier. The race to understand them is on

Scientists are using advanced tools to measure and study atmospheric rivers like the recent storm in California.
Warming oceans are making atmospheric rivers more dangerous, causing deadly floods and significant damage. [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

Missing Russian Data Is Harming Arctic Research at a Critical Time

The lack of data from Russia is hindering scientific understanding of the changing Arctic.
This lack of data could have dramatic effects on climate change projections for the region. [ more ]
3 months ago

Is the 100-year old TB vaccine a new weapon against Alzheimer's?

The BCG vaccine was initially developed to fight bovine tuberculosis, but it led to the creation of a vaccine that has saved millions of lives.
Preliminary studies suggest that the BCG vaccine could protect against Alzheimer's disease, potentially offering a cost-effective solution in the fight against dementia. [ more ]
3 months ago
New York City

New York's Other Singing Whales

Fin whales, the second largest animal on earth, sing underwater year-round near New York.
Scientists confirmed the presence of fin whales by recording their songs in the Atlantic Ocean near New York. [ more ]
Ars Technica
3 months ago

Darwin Online has virtually reassembled the naturalist's personal library

Darwin's extensive personal library meticulously cataloged virtually.
Darwin was not isolated but built on the works of others. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Eureka! How a Stanford study revealed the success of research failures

The importance of acknowledging negative results for building a stronger scientific foundation and restoring public trust.
Emphasis on experimental rigor and the impact of flawed research designs leading to inaccurate conclusions. [ more ]
3 months ago

Large Hadron Collider's $17-Billion Successor Moves Forward

Europe plans to build a supercollider to study the Higgs boson in detail.
The feasibility study for the Future Circular Collider (FCC) found no barriers to its construction. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
3 months ago
Social justice

Activating Loving-Awareness - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Love and loving-awareness are difficult to measure quantitatively, but scientific discoveries in other fields have shown that possibilities can be confirmed with data points.
Qualitative, subjective, and felt experiences should be included in interdisciplinary research to create a holistic understanding of phenomena. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Discover The Wonders Of Science: Journey The World With ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a sophisticated language model that can hold conversational exchanges and produce human-like responses.
ChatGPT is based on a Machine Learning model called GPT, which is trained on large volumes of data to understand human language and provide coherent responses. [ more ]
3 months ago

How You Can Participate in Solar Eclipse Research

People can participate in citizen science projects during the 2024 total eclipse.
One project, SunSketcher, allows eclipse viewers to contribute to understanding the shape of the sun. [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

Moon's resources could be destroyed by thoughtless exploitation', Nasa warned

The future exploration of the moon and exploitation of its resources is causing conflict between science and business.
The rush to exploit the moon for resources could damage scientific sites and research. [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

Moon's resources could be destroyed by thoughtless exploitation', Nasa warned

The future exploration of the moon and exploitation of its resources is causing conflict between science and business.
The rush to exploit the moon for resources could damage scientific sites and research. [ more ]
4 months ago

Moon's resources could be destroyed by thoughtless exploitation', Nasa warned

The future exploration of the moon and exploitation of its resources is causing conflict between science and business.
The rush to exploit the moon for resources could damage scientific sites and research. [ more ]
Mail Online
5 months ago
OMG science

From mild to wild: The top 6 anti-aging science breakthroughs of 2023

Some anti-aging treatments are still experimental
Many anti-aging habits are low-tech and free [ more ]
Mail Online
5 months ago
OMG science

From mild to wild: The top 6 anti-aging science breakthroughs of 2023

Some anti-aging treatments are still experimental
Many anti-aging habits are low-tech and free [ more ]
Mail Online
5 months ago
OMG science

From mild to wild: The top 6 anti-aging science breakthroughs of 2023

Some anti-aging treatments are still experimental
Many anti-aging habits are low-tech and free [ more ]
Mail Online
5 months ago

From mild to wild: The top 6 anti-aging science breakthroughs of 2023

Some anti-aging treatments are still experimental
Many anti-aging habits are low-tech and free [ more ]
Mail Online
5 months ago

From mild to wild: The top 6 anti-aging science breakthroughs of 2023

Some anti-aging treatments are still experimental
Many anti-aging habits are low-tech and free [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago

Did anything good happen in 2023? Actually, yes!

It's fair to say 2023 has been a difficult year in a lot of ways.
#Scientific Research
Ars Technica
5 months ago

Study: Why a spritz of water before grinding coffee yields less waste, tastier espresso

Adding water before grinding coffee reduces static electricity
Collaboration between coffee expert and volcanologist leads to scientific research [ more ]
Stanford HAI
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Unlocking New Frontiers: AI and the Sciences

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the study of science.
Stanford HAI's fall conference showcased the role of AI in scientific research. [ more ]
Stanford HAI
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Unlocking New Frontiers: AI and the Sciences

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the study of science.
Stanford HAI's fall conference showcased the role of AI in scientific research. [ more ]
moreScientific Research
Stanford HAI
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Unlocking New Frontiers: AI and the Sciences

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the study of science.
Stanford HAI's fall conference showcased the role of AI in scientific research. [ more ]
#scientific research
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Brainstorming with a bot

Kevin Yager has developed a chatbot with knowledge in the field of nanomaterial science to aid scientific brainstorming and ideation.
The chatbot leverages a document-retrieval method to provide detailed knowledge in scientific sub-domains that other general-purpose chatbots lack. [ more ]
6 months ago

'Eve' Review: A Female Body of Science

Cat Bohannon's book 'Eve' challenges the notion that women's bodies are the same as men's and critiques the tendency to take male bodies as the norm.
Bohannon believes that there is a quiet revolution in the science of womanhood that is challenging the historical neglect of the female body. [ more ]
Stanford HAI
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Unlocking New Frontiers: AI and the Sciences

Artificial intelligence is transforming the way science is studied.
AI allows for new approaches and insights in scientific research.
Stanford HAI's fall conference showcased AI's impact on scientific study. [ more ]
Stanford HAI
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Unlocking New Frontiers: AI and the Sciences

Artificial intelligence is transforming the way science is studied.
AI allows for new approaches and insights in scientific research.
Stanford HAI's fall conference showcased AI's impact on scientific study. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Scientists Warn That AI Threatens Science Itself

Scientists should abstain from using text-generating large language models (LLMs) in scientific research because of the risk of misinformation.
LLMs prioritize being helpful and convincing over accuracy and alignment with fact.
Anthropomorphizing LLMs and trusting them as truth-tellers poses a unique danger to the future of science. [ more ]
6 months ago
EU data protection

Navigating the DPDI Bill: A transformative shift ahead | Computer Weekly

The DPDI Bill aims to reshape the UK's data protection framework by proposing changes to laws like the UK GDPR and DPA 2018.
Key amendments include redefining 'personal data', expanding the scope of 'scientific research', and pre-approving instances for streamlined processing of legitimate interests.
Other changes address new purposes for data, guidance for handling vexatious requests, and safeguards for automated processing decisions. [ more ]
morescientific research
Stanford HAI
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Unlocking New Frontiers: AI and the Sciences

Artificial intelligence is transforming the way science is studied.
AI allows for new approaches and insights in scientific research.
Stanford HAI's fall conference showcased AI's impact on scientific study. [ more ]
6 months ago
OMG science

It's amazing': scientists analyse 4.6bn-year-old dark dust from Bennu asteroid

Scientists at the Natural History Museum in London have received samples of pristine material from the asteroid Bennu, collected by NASA's Osiris-Rex mission.
The samples, which are 4.6 billion years old, hold valuable information about the early solar system and may provide insights into the formation of the Earth and the delivery of water by asteroids.
Research at the museum will involve non-destructive tests to study the mineral composition of the samples, as well as the analysis of hydrogen isotopes to compare with Earth's oceans. [ more ]
6 months ago

It's amazing': scientists analyse 4.6bn-year-old dark dust from Bennu asteroid

Scientists at the Natural History Museum in London have received samples of pristine material from the asteroid Bennu, collected by NASA's Osiris-Rex mission.
The samples, which are 4.6 billion years old, hold valuable information about the early solar system and may provide insights into the formation of the Earth and the delivery of water by asteroids.
Research at the museum will involve non-destructive tests to study the mineral composition of the samples, as well as the analysis of hydrogen isotopes to compare with Earth's oceans. [ more ]
6 months ago
OMG science

It's amazing': scientists analyse 4.6bn-year-old dark dust from Bennu asteroid

Scientists at the Natural History Museum in London have received samples of pristine material from the asteroid Bennu, collected by NASA's Osiris-Rex mission.
The samples, which are 4.6 billion years old, hold valuable information about the early solar system and may provide insights into the formation of the Earth and the delivery of water by asteroids.
Research at the museum will involve non-destructive tests to study the mineral composition of the samples, as well as the analysis of hydrogen isotopes to compare with Earth's oceans. [ more ]
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