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4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Here's how Ron DeSantis is still tormenting LGBTQ+ kids after failed presidential campaign

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to sue Biden administration for transgender restroom access rule. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

Trump and DeSantis appear to try to thaw relationship with breakfast meeting

The meeting between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis aimed to mend their frosty relationship post-Republican primary. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Here's How Much Cash Ron DeSantis Lit on Fire Against Trump

Governor Ron DeSantis's failed presidential bid cost over $160 million, making it one of the most expensive in modern Republican primary elections.
The money spent by DeSantis and his allied super PACs went towards television advertising, private airfare, and donations to campaigns of elected officials who endorsed DeSantis. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

CNN town hall with Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis is participating in a live CNN town hall in New Hampshire, after finishing second in Iowa's GOP caucuses.
DeSantis argues that he represents a different kind of leader and has delivered on conservative agenda points. [ more ]
4 months ago
US news

CNN Guest Nails Ron DeSantis' Problem In 5 Brutal Words

Ron DeSantis hopes his second-place finish in Iowa's caucuses will boost his campaign in New Hampshire
Critics say DeSantis lacks the qualities that Trump possesses [ more ]
Above the Law
2 months ago

Ron DeSantis Claims Victory Over Disney And All He Had To Do Was Give Disney Everything They Wanted

DeSantis clashed with Disney over anti-gay bill
Disney forfeited control over tourism district to settle dispute [ more ]
The American Conservative
3 months ago
Right-wing politics

What Is Going On With the Ron DeSantis Redemption Arc?

Disney's lawsuit against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been dismissed due to lack of standing.
DeSantis's victory in the lawsuit is seen as a significant win for him and marks a redemption in his political career. [ more ]
4 months ago
US news

Jimmy Fallon Burns Ron DeSantis With Blunt Message From Mickey Mouse

Jimmy Fallon imagined Mickey Mouse's message to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis following the suspension of his presidential campaign.
The spoof response referred to Disney's ongoing feud with DeSantis and his endorsement of former President Donald Trump. [ more ]
2 months ago

Ron DeSantis Slams Libs of TikTok for Lying' About Florida Law to Generate Clicks and Engagement Farm'

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis called out right-wing influencer for spreading misinformation about state laws regarding illegal immigrants and driver's licenses. [ more ]
2 months ago

Ron DeSantis's next chapter in book bans backlash? Blame someone else

DeSantis blaming various groups for book-banning chaos
Proposed rule targeting school principals in Florida for obstructing students' access to educational materials [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
4 months ago

Bill O'Reilly is outraged that the book ban law he supports caused his own books to be banned

Former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly is upset that two of his books have been removed from school library shelves in Florida for review.
The removal of the books is in compliance with Gov. Ron DeSantis's book-banning law, which bans certain content, including discussions of sexual conduct, from school libraries. [ more ]
Above the Law
2 months ago

Ron DeSantis Trades Getting Butt Kicked By Trump For Getting Butt Kicked By Trump Judges

DeSantis faced legal losses in attempts to implement controversial policies.
DeSantis' attempted bans on workplace trainings were rejected by the Eleventh Circuit. [ more ]
3 months ago

Professors' union sanctions Florida college over political' DeSantis takeover

The American Association of University Professors voted to sanction New College of Florida for politically motivated takeover.
AAUP created a special committee to investigate attacks on public higher education by DeSantis. [ more ]
The American Conservative
3 months ago
Right-wing politics

What I Saw Inside the DeSantis Campaign

The author had a brief encounter with Ron DeSantis during their time as a speechwriter on his presidential campaign.
The author was fired from the campaign for allegedly creating and sharing pro-DeSantis videos with Nazi imagery. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

Defeated Ron DeSantis Still Campaigning on Don't Allow Florida to Become San Francisco' Kick

Governor Ron DeSantis launches Don't Allow Florida to Become San Francisco campaign.
DeSantis spent $7,000 for each vote in his failed 2024 presidential campaign. [ more ]
3 months ago
US Elections

5 Takeaways From the Financial Reports of 2024 Candidates

President Biden has a financial advantage over Trump and Nikki Haley has significant funds for her campaign.
Ron DeSantis's failed presidential campaign cost over $160 million. [ more ]
4 months ago
US news

Seth Meyers Spots Picture That Sums Up DeSantis' Doomed Campaign

Seth Meyers mocks Ron DeSantis for falsely attributing a quote to Winston Churchill
DeSantis' campaign staff appeared to be checked out and not paying attention [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

DeSantis Ditches Presidential Campaign to Resume Campaign of Wreckage in Florida

Ron DeSantis ended his presidential campaign due to his failure to overtake Donald Trump.
DeSantis endorsed Trump and cited his disagreements with Trump but acknowledged that he is superior to Joe Biden. [ more ]
4 months ago
US news

Mark Hamill Hits Ron DeSantis With A Made-Up Quote Of His Own

Mark Hamill mocked Florida Gov Ron DeSantis for falsely attributing a quote to Winston Churchill
DeSantis dropped out of the 2024 presidential race [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago
Los Angeles

No Super Bowl wager between Newsom and Missouri governor. Instead, a poke at DeSantis

Governor Gavin Newsom attended Super Bowl LVIII to cheer for the San Francisco 49ers and took a subtle jab at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Newsom and Missouri's Republican Governor Mike Parson are teaming up to donate signed Super Bowl merchandise and memorabilia to the Special Olympics.
Newsom's chosen charity is a poke at DeSantis, whom he accuses of preventing the Special Olympics from requiring vaccine mandates for its at-risk athletes during the pandemic. [ more ]
Sun Sentinel
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

President Biden to visit South Florida on Tuesday

President Joe Biden will visit South Florida for two campaign receptions.
The visit comes after Governor Ron DeSantis dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Trump. [ more ]
4 months ago
Right-wing politics

Opinion | Why Nikki Haley Could Be the Most Dangerous President

In an alternate timeline, Ron DeSantis would have been a formidable competitor to Donald Trump in the New Hampshire primary.
The author argues that a Nikki Haley presidency could be even more dangerous than a second term for Trump, citing George W. Bush's disastrous foreign policy as a cautionary example. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Ron DeSantis bows down to Trump and drops out of Republican primaries

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the primaries for the presidential election and endorsed Donald Trump.
DeSantis' decision to endorse Trump is seen as a somewhat humiliating move, given Trump's past insults and disparagement of DeSantis. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

Haley Gets a Trump Matchup, but Now Faces the Trump Machine

Nikki Haley's hopes of winning the New Hampshire primary are not significantly boosted despite a two-person race after Ron DeSantis dropped out.
Haley is facing pressure as she is targeted by the party and Trump's campaign strategists in her home state of South Carolina. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

The Lost DeSantis Moment

Ron DeSantis had a strong start to the 2024 campaign but ultimately fell behind his opponent.
DeSantis briefly led Donald Trump in head-to-head polls, showing a potential shift in the post-Trump Republican Party. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

DeSanctimonious' No More: Trump Says He'll Drop Ex-Rival's Nickname

Former President Trump retired the nickname 'Ron DeSanctimonious' after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis endorsed him.
Trump's use of derisive nicknames for his opponents has been a staple of his political strategy. [ more ]
4 months ago

Florida Eliminates Sociology as a Core Course at Its Universities

Florida's state university system has ruled that sociology can no longer fulfill core course requirements.
A factual history course has been approved as a replacement. [ more ]
4 months ago
US news

Democrats Kick Up Their Heels At Demise Of DeSantis Campaign

Critics were quick to mock Gov. Ron DeSantis after he dropped out of the presidential race.
Several Democratic politicians and commentators took the opportunity to taunt DeSantis. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Out of options, out of money': GOP strategist reacts to DeSantis canceling TV show appearances

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis cancels appearances on CNN and NBC before the New Hampshire primary
DeSantis adds an event in New Hampshire [ more ]
The American Conservative
4 months ago
Right-wing politics

Trump Dominates in Iowa: What We Learned

Former President Donald Trump expressed a desire for unity during a speech at his campaign headquarters in Iowa.
Trump won the Iowa Caucus by a significant margin and congratulated his opponents on their performances. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
4 months ago

Ron DeSantis administration bans diversity programs in colleges

The Florida State Board of Education has banned public funds from being used for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs in schools.
The move comes after Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill last May banning state colleges and universities from spending state or federal funding on DEI programs. [ more ]
The American Conservative
4 months ago
Right-wing politics

Trump Dominates in Iowa: What We Learned

Former President Donald Trump expressed a desire for unity during a speech at his campaign headquarters in Iowa.
Trump won the Iowa Caucus by a significant margin and congratulated his opponents on their performances. [ more ]
The American Conservative
4 months ago
Right-wing politics

Iowa Results Show That DeSantis Must Drop Out

Ron DeSantis is running for the Republican nomination for president
Nikki Haley is also running for the Republican nomination for president [ more ]
The American Conservative
4 months ago
Right-wing politics

Iowa Shows That 'Optics' Are for Losers

Trump's messages on foreign policy, law and order, and immigration resonate with the masses
The biggest rift in American politics is between nationalists and internationalists. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

After his win in Iowa, Trump returns to New York for a defamation trial.

Donald J. Trump is positioning himself as the inevitable nominee for the Republican presidential nomination.
Ron DeSantis's campaign received a boost after a second-place finish in Iowa, while Nikki Haley took third place.
The campaign has shifted from Iowa to New Hampshire, with high-profile events planned by Trump, DeSantis, and Haley leading up to the first-in-the-nation primary. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Mitt Romney: Some Trump Supporters Are 'Out Of Touch With Reality'

Mitt Romney criticizes Trump supporters' acceptance of his lies
Ron DeSantis warns that Trump's legal issues could harm GOP in the election [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

The Iowa Republican Caucus Was a MAGA-Fest, But Iowa Is Far From Representative

Donald Trump won the Iowa Republican/MAGA caucus with expected results.
Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley failed to gain enough support to challenge Trump, leaving the anti-Trump opposition fragmented. [ more ]
4 months ago

DeSantis faces a rocky road in New Hampshire next week, analysts say

Ron DeSantis is performing poorly in New Hampshire polls and may struggle to gain ground on Donald Trump.
DeSantis has shifted his focus to South Carolina, where he attacked Nikki Haley on her home turf. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

Who's running for president in 2024? The Republican and Democratic candidates

The 2024 election will have a long list of Republican candidates challenging President Joe Biden.
Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is seen as a strong contender for the GOP nomination against Donald Trump. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

Who's running for president in 2024? The Republican and Democratic candidates

The 2024 election will have a long list of Republican candidates challenging President Joe Biden.
Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is seen as a strong contender for the GOP nomination against Donald Trump. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

Who's running for president in 2024? The Republican and Democratic candidates

The 2024 election will have a long list of Republican candidates challenging President Joe Biden.
Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is seen as a strong contender for the GOP nomination against Donald Trump. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Who's running for president in 2024? The Republican and Democratic candidates

The 2024 election will have a long list of Republican candidates challenging President Joe Biden.
Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is seen as a strong contender for the GOP nomination against Donald Trump. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

DeSantis's Iowa Letdown: A Distant Second Place Behind Trump

Gov. Ron DeSantis's second-place finish in the Iowa caucuses is seen as a disaster given his investment in the state.
His ability to stay in the nominating contest is called into question due to low campaign cash and tough tests ahead. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Trump Dominates in Iowa

Donald Trump wins the 2024 GOP primary in Iowa with a record-breaking victory in the caucus.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley battle for second place. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

Trump Twists the Knife Into DeSantis Over Florida Senators' Endorsement of Him: They Know Something that Others Don't'

Former President Donald Trump criticized Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for not securing the endorsement of Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott.
Trump celebrated the endorsements from Rubio and Scott and suggested that they know something about DeSantis that others don't. [ more ]
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