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1 month ago
OMG science

Daily briefing: Bird flu has been spreading undetected in US cattle for months

The H5N1 strain of avian influenza likely jumped from an infected bird to a cow in the US around late December. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
2 months ago

Exploring different forms of academic writing in UK university courses

Essays are a common form of academic writing emphasizing structured arguments and evidence from credible sources.
Research papers require original research, analyzing existing literature, and following specific citation styles like APA or MLA. [ more ]
Big Think
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Anatomy of an AI startup: Key lessons for first-time founders

The AI space is highly competitive, making it challenging for startups to succeed.
Startups in the AI space need to find innovative ways to stand out and attract users and investors.
Research papers and new AI technologies can provide the inspiration and foundation for startup ideas. [ more ]
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