
[ follow ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
1 month ago

Job Vacancy: Senior Fullstack Engineer // pyne | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Onboarding to products should be as enjoyable as onboarding to video games with AI-led in-product demos. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

User Stories: Acceptance Criteria, So-That-Clauses, and Requirements.

User stories are pointers to requirements, not requirements themselves, facilitating conversations for detailed understanding. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Italy launches digital visa for remote workers to relocate

Italy is offering a new digital nomad visa for Americans, allowing relocation for up to a year with renewal options. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
Remote teams

Italy establishes digital nomad visa for remote workers - how to qualify

Italy introduced a digital nomad visa for non-EU citizens to live and work in the country long-term.
Applicants must have a minimum income, health insurance, suitable accommodations, and a clean criminal record. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Italy launches digital visa for remote workers to relocate

Italy is offering a new digital nomad visa for Americans, allowing relocation for up to a year with renewal options. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
Remote teams

Italy establishes digital nomad visa for remote workers - how to qualify

Italy introduced a digital nomad visa for non-EU citizens to live and work in the country long-term.
Applicants must have a minimum income, health insurance, suitable accommodations, and a clean criminal record. [ more ]
4 months ago
Software development

Venn Diagrams: Simplifying Dev Processes - DZone

Requirements, code, and tests are essential building blocks in software development.
Venn diagrams can visually depict the relationship between requirements, code, and tests. [ more ]
Azure DevOps Blog
1 year ago

The evolution of quality assurance and how Azure Test Plans is driving the future of manual testing - Azure DevOps Blog

Ravi Kumar
The Deming Prize from Japan is the highest honour in Total Quality Management in the world.Japanese products are known for their superior quality, but it wasn't always the case.In the 1950s fresh out of defeat in the World War 2, Japan was desperately trying to shift manufacturing from military to civilian products for trade.
4 months ago
Software development

Venn Diagrams: Simplifying Dev Processes - DZone

Requirements, code, and tests are essential building blocks in software development.
Venn diagrams can visually depict the relationship between requirements, code, and tests. [ more ]
Azure DevOps Blog
1 year ago

The evolution of quality assurance and how Azure Test Plans is driving the future of manual testing - Azure DevOps Blog

Ravi Kumar
The Deming Prize from Japan is the highest honour in Total Quality Management in the world.Japanese products are known for their superior quality, but it wasn't always the case.In the 1950s fresh out of defeat in the World War 2, Japan was desperately trying to shift manufacturing from military to civilian products for trade.
4 months ago

How to Understand Limiting vs. Productive Attitudes Among Day Traders | Entrepreneur

Knowledge of the profession is necessary for day traders.
Basic computer equipment and a day trading brokerage account are also required. [ more ]
4 months ago

Non-Functional Requirements Naming - DZone

The traditional grouping of requirements into functional and non-functional categories in software testing is flawed and may lead to neglect of non-functional requirements.
Non-functional requirements are just as important, if not more important, than functional requirements as they can impact the overall quality of an application. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Governor [INSERT] Signs A New Privacy Law In The State Of [INSERT] | AdExchanger

States are enacting their own comprehensive consumer privacy laws in the absence of a federal privacy law.
The new law imposes requirements such as enhanced consumer disclosures and the right to access and delete personal information.
Advertisers can expect more states to enact comprehensive consumer privacy laws until a federal law is established. [ more ]
????GDPR's Article 25 introduced a relatively novel obligation for controllers: data protection by design and by default.

Our team in Europe analyzed various cases & guidelines from 16 EEA Member States, the UK, & the @EU_EDPB as it relates to #Article25. https://t.co/XuG7AmwayQ
Future of Privacy Forum
1 year ago
EU data protection

New FPF Report: Unlocking Data Protection by Design and by Default: Lessons from the Enforcement of Article 25 GDPR - Future of Privacy Forum

1. Data protection by design and by default is an important part of GDPR compliance, and understanding Article 25’s requirements is key to implementing such measures.
2. Recent enforcement actions by EU data protection authorities provide valuable lessons on how data controllers should go about meeting their obligations under Article 25.
We looked at 92+ cases & guidelines to analyze enforcement trends regarding #Article25 #DataProtectionByDesign under the #GDPR. These cases involve varying degrees of complexity in the processing of personal data, from mundane to cutting-edge technology. https://t.co/XuG7AmwayQ
Future of Privacy Forum
1 year ago
EU data protection

New FPF Report: Unlocking Data Protection by Design and by Default: Lessons from the Enforcement of Article 25 GDPR - Future of Privacy Forum

1. Data protection by design and by default is an important part of GDPR compliance, and understanding Article 25’s requirements is key to implementing such measures.
2. Recent enforcement actions by EU data protection authorities provide valuable lessons on how data controllers should go about meeting their obligations under Article 25.
#ICYMI: Identify divergent enforcement trends, particularly in how #DPAs interpret the preventive nature of #dataprotection by design and by default, as well as its interrelation with privacy enhancing technologies, in this #FPFGlobal???? Report. https://t.co/XuG7AmwayQ
Future of Privacy Forum
1 year ago
EU data protection

New FPF Report: Unlocking Data Protection by Design and by Default: Lessons from the Enforcement of Article 25 GDPR - Future of Privacy Forum

1. Data protection by design and by default is an important part of GDPR compliance, and understanding Article 25’s requirements is key to implementing such measures.
2. Recent enforcement actions by EU data protection authorities provide valuable lessons on how data controllers should go about meeting their obligations under Article 25.
💡GDPR's Article 25 introduced a relatively novel obligation for controllers: data protection by design and by default.

Our team in Europe analyzed various cases & guidelines from 16 EEA Member States, the UK, & the @EU_EDPB as it relates to #Article25. https://t.co/XuG7AmwayQ
Future of Privacy Forum
1 year ago
EU data protection

New FPF Report: Unlocking Data Protection by Design and by Default: Lessons from the Enforcement of Article 25 GDPR - Future of Privacy Forum

1. Data protection by design and by default is an important part of GDPR compliance, and understanding Article 25’s requirements is key to implementing such measures.
2. Recent enforcement actions by EU data protection authorities provide valuable lessons on how data controllers should go about meeting their obligations under Article 25.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago

L.A. County and ACLU reach 'extraordinary' agreement to address jail conditions

(Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times)

Los Angeles County and the American Civil Liberties Union have reached an agreement to settle a lawsuit that alleged "barbaric" conditions in county jails, officials announced Friday.As part of the proposed settlement - which still requires court approval - the county agreed to limits on how long detainees can be held at the inmate reception center in downtown L.A., as well as how long inmates can be handcuffed or tethered to chairs and benches there.
1 year ago
US news

Minneapolis Police Used Illegal, Abusive Practices for Years, Justice Dept. Finds

The Justice Department accused the Minneapolis police on Friday of discriminating against Black and Native American people, using deadly force illegally and trampling the First Amendment rights of protesters and journalists damning claims that grew out of a multiyear investigation and may lead to a court-enforced overhaul of the police force.
Redfin | Real Estate Tips for Home Buying, Selling & More
1 year ago
Real estate

Living Building Challenge Certification for Homeowners: Pros and Cons

As sustainable technologies develop alongside people's desires to live more sustainably, people have begun turning to their homes to reduce their carbon footprints , But have you ever wondered if you could build a home that wasn't just 'less bad', but instead actually restored the environment around it?
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

More Than 1.2M Patients Have Been Booted Off Medicaid. Most Are Still Eligible.

An estimated 76 percent of those disenrolled were kicked off for "procedural reasons" like completing paperwork late.Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks during the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California, on May 2, 2023.Patrick T. Fallon / AFP via Getty Images A healthcare catastrophe is unfolding across the U.S. as states - now unrestrained by coverage rules enacted early in the coronavirus pandemic - continue to remove people from Medicaid at an alarming clip, mostly for procedural reasons unrelated to their eligibility for the program.
1 year ago
East Bay (California)

San Mateo's wealthy cities using ADUs to avoid building affordable housing, says report

Affluent cities in San Mateo County are using accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to meet affordable housing targets set by the state, according to a new report by the county's civil grand jury.Effectively, this allows these cities to avoid constructing multifamily low-income affordable housing units, the report says.
1 year ago
US Elections

Meet the member of Congress who's trying to save Capitol soles

These days, he still wears sneakers to work as an elected member of the House, believing firmly that the rules of modern fashion allow for a suit to pair with a mix of leather and synthetic textiles around the foot.But his famously staid workplace prohibits such sartorial choices in one very important venue: the ornate speaker's lobby off the House floor, where members and the press often meet.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago

L.A. County and ACLU reach 'extraordinary' agreement to address jail conditions

(Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times)

Los Angeles County and the American Civil Liberties Union have reached an agreement to settle a lawsuit that alleged "barbaric" conditions in county jails, officials announced Friday.As part of the proposed settlement - which still requires court approval - the county agreed to limits on how long detainees can be held at the inmate reception center in downtown L.A., as well as how long inmates can be handcuffed or tethered to chairs and benches there.
1 year ago
US news

Minneapolis Police Used Illegal, Abusive Practices for Years, Justice Dept. Finds

The Justice Department accused the Minneapolis police on Friday of discriminating against Black and Native American people, using deadly force illegally and trampling the First Amendment rights of protesters and journalists damning claims that grew out of a multiyear investigation and may lead to a court-enforced overhaul of the police force.
Redfin | Real Estate Tips for Home Buying, Selling & More
1 year ago
Real estate

Living Building Challenge Certification for Homeowners: Pros and Cons

As sustainable technologies develop alongside people's desires to live more sustainably, people have begun turning to their homes to reduce their carbon footprints , But have you ever wondered if you could build a home that wasn't just 'less bad', but instead actually restored the environment around it?
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

More Than 1.2M Patients Have Been Booted Off Medicaid. Most Are Still Eligible.

An estimated 76 percent of those disenrolled were kicked off for "procedural reasons" like completing paperwork late.Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks during the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California, on May 2, 2023.Patrick T. Fallon / AFP via Getty Images A healthcare catastrophe is unfolding across the U.S. as states - now unrestrained by coverage rules enacted early in the coronavirus pandemic - continue to remove people from Medicaid at an alarming clip, mostly for procedural reasons unrelated to their eligibility for the program.
1 year ago
East Bay (California)

San Mateo's wealthy cities using ADUs to avoid building affordable housing, says report

Affluent cities in San Mateo County are using accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to meet affordable housing targets set by the state, according to a new report by the county's civil grand jury.Effectively, this allows these cities to avoid constructing multifamily low-income affordable housing units, the report says.
1 year ago
US Elections

Meet the member of Congress who's trying to save Capitol soles

These days, he still wears sneakers to work as an elected member of the House, believing firmly that the rules of modern fashion allow for a suit to pair with a mix of leather and synthetic textiles around the foot.But his famously staid workplace prohibits such sartorial choices in one very important venue: the ornate speaker's lobby off the House floor, where members and the press often meet.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

California reaches settlement with Bay Area developer in first enforcement under Tenant Protection Act

(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)

A Bay Area developer has agreed to lower rent for several tenants and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and penalties as part of California's first settlement under the Tenant Protection Act, the state attorney general announced Friday.The settlement was reached with San Jose-based Green Valley Corp., also known as Swenson Builders, a Silicon Valley landlord, which raised rent for 20 of its employees more than 150% on average and evicted six of them during the pandemic in 2021.
ipwatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 year ago
Intellectual property law

New Deadline for USPTO's RFC on Establishing Community Outreach and Regional Offices - ipwatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law

"To foster and expand a 'vibrant and inclusive innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem supported by intellectual property across the United States,' the USPTO is asking stakeholders to weigh in on 16 total questions in its RFC."The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) yesterday republished its Request for Comments (RFC) on the establishment of an additional USPTO Regional Office in the southeast region and four new community outreach offices.
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
1 year ago

Nike, Google, Tonal, Uber, Peloton: How Whipsaw's Global Vision as a Design Studio is Changing Brands and Worlds - Yanko Design

Dubbed "Design's Secret Weapon" by Fast Company, Whipsaw's designs are so ubiquitous they simply can't be ignored.With over 300 design awards, and nearly a hundred clients comprising the likes of Meta, Google, Samsung, Dell, Ford, Sony, and Peloton, Whipsaw's work exists across multiple industries, covering the kind of breadth that most design studios only dream of.
1 year ago
UK news

EU nature restoration law narrowly survives attack by conservative lawmakers

The European Union's ambition to lead the way on ecological issues avoided a major setback Thursday when the environment committee of the European Parliament voted by the thinnest margin to reject a proposal that would have killed a draft law on restoring nature and lost species across the continent.
1 year ago
US news

Congress Ended Pandemic Cash for Parents, but Some States Have Embraced the Idea

For a brief period during the coronavirus pandemic, the federal government gave most parents monthly cash up to $300 per child with no work requirements or restrictions on how the money could be spent.The experiment, through an expanded child tax credit, died last year after 12 months, when Republicans and Senator Joe Manchin III, the moderate West Virginia Democrat, refused to renew it.
1 year ago
US politics

Four major environmental groups endorse Biden's reelection

Four major environmental groups endorsed President Joe Biden's 2024 reelection for president on Wednesday night, ahead of his speech at a League of Conservation Voters dinner in the nation's capital.LCV Action Fund, NextGen PAC, the Sierra Club, and the NRDC Action Fund endorsed Biden together at the dinner, which is honoring former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

California reaches settlement with Bay Area developer in first enforcement under Tenant Protection Act

(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)

A Bay Area developer has agreed to lower rent for several tenants and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and penalties as part of California's first settlement under the Tenant Protection Act, the state attorney general announced Friday.The settlement was reached with San Jose-based Green Valley Corp., also known as Swenson Builders, a Silicon Valley landlord, which raised rent for 20 of its employees more than 150% on average and evicted six of them during the pandemic in 2021.
ipwatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 year ago
Intellectual property law

New Deadline for USPTO's RFC on Establishing Community Outreach and Regional Offices - ipwatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law

"To foster and expand a 'vibrant and inclusive innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem supported by intellectual property across the United States,' the USPTO is asking stakeholders to weigh in on 16 total questions in its RFC."The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) yesterday republished its Request for Comments (RFC) on the establishment of an additional USPTO Regional Office in the southeast region and four new community outreach offices.
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
1 year ago

Nike, Google, Tonal, Uber, Peloton: How Whipsaw's Global Vision as a Design Studio is Changing Brands and Worlds - Yanko Design

Dubbed "Design's Secret Weapon" by Fast Company, Whipsaw's designs are so ubiquitous they simply can't be ignored.With over 300 design awards, and nearly a hundred clients comprising the likes of Meta, Google, Samsung, Dell, Ford, Sony, and Peloton, Whipsaw's work exists across multiple industries, covering the kind of breadth that most design studios only dream of.
1 year ago
UK news

EU nature restoration law narrowly survives attack by conservative lawmakers

The European Union's ambition to lead the way on ecological issues avoided a major setback Thursday when the environment committee of the European Parliament voted by the thinnest margin to reject a proposal that would have killed a draft law on restoring nature and lost species across the continent.
1 year ago
US news

Congress Ended Pandemic Cash for Parents, but Some States Have Embraced the Idea

For a brief period during the coronavirus pandemic, the federal government gave most parents monthly cash up to $300 per child with no work requirements or restrictions on how the money could be spent.The experiment, through an expanded child tax credit, died last year after 12 months, when Republicans and Senator Joe Manchin III, the moderate West Virginia Democrat, refused to renew it.
1 year ago
US politics

Four major environmental groups endorse Biden's reelection

Four major environmental groups endorsed President Joe Biden's 2024 reelection for president on Wednesday night, ahead of his speech at a League of Conservation Voters dinner in the nation's capital.LCV Action Fund, NextGen PAC, the Sierra Club, and the NRDC Action Fund endorsed Biden together at the dinner, which is honoring former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
1 year ago

Introduction to WebSockets

Figure 1: WebSocket connection establishment between client and server WebSocket is a communication protocol just like HTTP.The essential requirement of WebSocket is to communicate between clients such as a web browser and a server, unlike HTTP, WebSockets start from ws:// or wss://.It provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection, enabling real-time two-way communication.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Chicago IG audit finds city slacking on recycling ordinance

An audit by the Chicago Office of the Inspector General found that the city's Department of Public Health doesn't fully enforce a recycling ordinance related to construction and demolition debris.The complete findings were released Wednesday and included recommendations from the city's watchdog agency for the Department of Public Health.
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
1 year ago

API with NestJS #111. Constraints with PostgreSQL and Prisma

1. Nest.js is a great framework for building robust APIs quickly and easily.
2. Prisma can be used to model and manage a PostgreSQL database with powerful constraints.
3. By combining Nest.js and Prisma, developers can take advantage of both tools to create secure and reliable APIs quickly. [ more ]
1 year ago

Introduction to WebSockets

Figure 1: WebSocket connection establishment between client and server WebSocket is a communication protocol just like HTTP.The essential requirement of WebSocket is to communicate between clients such as a web browser and a server, unlike HTTP, WebSockets start from ws:// or wss://.It provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection, enabling real-time two-way communication.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Chicago IG audit finds city slacking on recycling ordinance

An audit by the Chicago Office of the Inspector General found that the city's Department of Public Health doesn't fully enforce a recycling ordinance related to construction and demolition debris.The complete findings were released Wednesday and included recommendations from the city's watchdog agency for the Department of Public Health.
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
1 year ago

API with NestJS #111. Constraints with PostgreSQL and Prisma

1. Nest.js is a great framework for building robust APIs quickly and easily.
2. Prisma can be used to model and manage a PostgreSQL database with powerful constraints.
3. By combining Nest.js and Prisma, developers can take advantage of both tools to create secure and reliable APIs quickly. [ more ]
Silver Screen and Roll
1 year ago
LA Lakers

Austin Reaves reportedly signing signature shoe deal with Rigorer worth seven figures

Austin Reaves' ascent from undrafted player to Team USA representative has included a number of items marked off the checklist along the way.While there are no written rules on the requirements to be Him, as Reaves has declared himself, having a signature shoe feels like a pretty strong start.Check that one off the list.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The Brandtech Group Snatches Up Generative AI Ad Platform | AdExchanger

Mar tech holding company The Brandtech Group acquired Pencil, a generative AI platform for ads, on Thursday.The Brandtech Group declined to disclose the financial terms of the deal.Pencil marks the 10th company The Brandtech Group acquired since it launched nearly eight years ago as You & Mr. Jones.
1 year ago
SF politics

Notes from Switzerland: Transit Fare Integration is Key to Success - Streetsblog San Francisco

Seamless Bay Area's Ian Griffiths just completed an extensive study tour of Switzerland's intercity rail and urban transit systems.Streetsblog wanted to bring his thoughts to readers.A key success factor in Switzerland's attractive, high-ridership system is the principle of "One journey, One ticket": the idea that when you pay a fare, it's for your entire journey, no matter how many times you transfer between modes or operators.
1 year ago
SF politics

Notes from Switzerland: Transit Fare Integration is Key to Success - Streetsblog San Francisco

Seamless Bay Area's Ian Griffiths just completed an extensive study tour of Switzerland's intercity rail and urban transit systems.Streetsblog wanted to bring his thoughts to readers.A key success factor in Switzerland's attractive, high-ridership system is the principle of "One journey, One ticket": the idea that when you pay a fare, it's for your entire journey, no matter how many times you transfer between modes or operators.
Old Trafford Faithful
1 year ago
Manchester United

Victor Lindelof will not be sold by Man United, deemed 'untouchable'

Erik ten Hag wants to keep Victor Lindelof at Man United beyond the summer and the defender will not be sold.The summer window is yet to officially open, though Manchester United have already been linked with what feels like every name under the sun.No doubt the rumours will continue, with Erik ten Hag looking to further strengthen the playing squad.
Austin Monitor
1 year ago

Fire code amendment process aims to protect pets at boarding facilities - Austin Monitor

Friday, June 9, 2023 by Nina Hernandez
City Council voted this week to start the process of increasing minimum fire safety standards at pet boarding facilities.Item 42 on Thursday's agenda initiates a set of amendments to the Land Development Code to "provide minimum fire safety standards for facilities housing or holding animals on a 24-hour basis," the resolution reads.
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 year ago
Intellectual property law

Further Extension of Non-DOCX Filing Fee Date Highlights USPTO's Lack of Compliance with Paperwork Reduction Act

"Although DOCX fees are currently set to go into effect next January, multiple extensions to that deadline as well as the indefinite extension to the PDF filing option indicate that this issue and related uncertainties for practitioners continue well into 2024."Today, the U.S. Patent and Trademark (USPTO) published a pair of documents in the Federal Register regarding due dates on new document formatting requirements for patent applications filed with the Office.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The Brandtech Group Snatches Up Generative AI Ad Platform | AdExchanger

Mar tech holding company The Brandtech Group acquired Pencil, a generative AI platform for ads, on Thursday.The Brandtech Group declined to disclose the financial terms of the deal.Pencil marks the 10th company The Brandtech Group acquired since it launched nearly eight years ago as You & Mr. Jones.
1 year ago
SF politics

Notes from Switzerland: Transit Fare Integration is Key to Success - Streetsblog San Francisco

Seamless Bay Area's Ian Griffiths just completed an extensive study tour of Switzerland's intercity rail and urban transit systems.Streetsblog wanted to bring his thoughts to readers.A key success factor in Switzerland's attractive, high-ridership system is the principle of "One journey, One ticket": the idea that when you pay a fare, it's for your entire journey, no matter how many times you transfer between modes or operators.
1 year ago
SF politics

Notes from Switzerland: Transit Fare Integration is Key to Success - Streetsblog San Francisco

Seamless Bay Area's Ian Griffiths just completed an extensive study tour of Switzerland's intercity rail and urban transit systems.Streetsblog wanted to bring his thoughts to readers.A key success factor in Switzerland's attractive, high-ridership system is the principle of "One journey, One ticket": the idea that when you pay a fare, it's for your entire journey, no matter how many times you transfer between modes or operators.
Old Trafford Faithful
1 year ago
Manchester United

Victor Lindelof will not be sold by Man United, deemed 'untouchable'

Erik ten Hag wants to keep Victor Lindelof at Man United beyond the summer and the defender will not be sold.The summer window is yet to officially open, though Manchester United have already been linked with what feels like every name under the sun.No doubt the rumours will continue, with Erik ten Hag looking to further strengthen the playing squad.
Austin Monitor
1 year ago

Fire code amendment process aims to protect pets at boarding facilities - Austin Monitor

Friday, June 9, 2023 by Nina Hernandez
City Council voted this week to start the process of increasing minimum fire safety standards at pet boarding facilities.Item 42 on Thursday's agenda initiates a set of amendments to the Land Development Code to "provide minimum fire safety standards for facilities housing or holding animals on a 24-hour basis," the resolution reads.
IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 year ago
Intellectual property law

Further Extension of Non-DOCX Filing Fee Date Highlights USPTO's Lack of Compliance with Paperwork Reduction Act

"Although DOCX fees are currently set to go into effect next January, multiple extensions to that deadline as well as the indefinite extension to the PDF filing option indicate that this issue and related uncertainties for practitioners continue well into 2024."Today, the U.S. Patent and Trademark (USPTO) published a pair of documents in the Federal Register regarding due dates on new document formatting requirements for patent applications filed with the Office.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago

State Farm's California freeze: Looming insurance apocalypse or political ploy?

(Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)

When State Farm announced in May that the company would stop writing new homeowners insurance policies in California, it issued a two-paragraph statement by way of explanation.It listed "historic increases in construction costs," "rapidly growing catastrophe exposure, and a challenging reinsurance market" as the culprits, adding that it needed to take this action to "improve the company's financial strength."
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago

State investigators found lapses that could threaten patients at Inglewood hospital

(Nick Ut/Associated Press)

An Inglewood hospital violated federal requirements in ways that could jeopardize patients, including by failing to properly assess and treat birthing patients to reduce the risk of blood clots, a state review found.Centinela Hospital Medical Center repeatedly failed to take steps to prevent patients from suffering potentially deadly clots, which can include using compression devices that improve blood flow in the legs, investigators from the California Department of Public Health found after a February visit.
1 year ago
UK news

Senior Met Police officer charged with breaking sex offence notification requirements

A senior Metropolitan Police officer has been charged with breaching sexual offence notification requirements.Superintendent Novlett Robyn Williams, 58, will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on 16 June.The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said she stands accused of five offences under the Sexual Offences Act 2022, including failing to notify Scotland Yard of required details of overseas travel and financial details between 2019 and 2022.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago

State investigators found lapses that could threaten patients at Inglewood hospital

(Nick Ut/Associated Press)

An Inglewood hospital violated federal requirements in ways that could jeopardize patients, including by failing to properly assess and treat birthing patients to reduce the risk of blood clots, a state review found.Centinela Hospital Medical Center repeatedly failed to take steps to prevent patients from suffering potentially deadly clots, which can include using compression devices that improve blood flow in the legs, investigators from the California Department of Public Health found after a February visit.
1 year ago
UK news

Senior Met Police officer charged with breaking sex offence notification requirements

A senior Metropolitan Police officer has been charged with breaching sexual offence notification requirements.Superintendent Novlett Robyn Williams, 58, will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on 16 June.The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said she stands accused of five offences under the Sexual Offences Act 2022, including failing to notify Scotland Yard of required details of overseas travel and financial details between 2019 and 2022.
New Relic
1 year ago

How to Monitor a .NET Core Application | New Relic

With .NET Core, you can build a wide variety of applications and services that work on any operating system-web, mobile and desktop apps, games, microservices, internet of things, and more.But how do you know if your application is running slow?And how do you determine whether you are spending money on unnecessary resources?
1 year ago
Food & drink

What Happens When Crowdfunding Isn't Enough?

When the lease on Valeria Socorro Velazquez Lindsten's bakery was up in summer 2021, she began remodeling an old dry cleaner up the road to build out her dream shop.It seemed like a sure thing: Loba Pastry + Coffee was Chicago magazine's Best New Bakery in 2016, among other plaudits, and Velazquez Lindsten, who got her start as a pastry chef in Chicago's fine dining kitchens after immigrating to the U.S. from Mexico, has legions of devoted to her short, tight, focused program of pineapple sourdough muffins and red mole croissants.
1 year ago
UK news

What is Pension Credit and how much financial support is paid out per week?

Older people are being urged to check whether they are eligible for Pension Credit as the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) joins forces with charities and broadcasters to raise awareness of a scheme worth as much as 3,500 a year per person.Nearly 1.4 million people in Britain of state pension age and on a low income already receive the state payout to help with their daily living costs but more than 800,000 more could be missing out, according to MoneySavingExpert founder Martin Lewis, meaning that approximately 1.7bn in help is going unclaimed every year.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago

How California schools are spending billions in record pandemic aid

(Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times)

California schools districts are largely on track to spend billions of dollars in pandemic aid before their 2024 deadline - with much of the funding targeting summer and after-school learning - but questions persist over how well the money is being spent to help students make up ground academically, researchers have concluded.
1 year ago
Europe politics

Massive strike pits African fishers against superprofitable' EU firms

African fishers are facing extreme and unfair pressure from European fishing companies, resulting in a large-scale strike by the African fishers.
European companies are making huge profits in African waters, while African fishers are struggling to make a living wage.
African governments must take steps to protect their citizens from exploitation and ensure their coastal waters are sustainably managed for the benefit of all. [ more ]
1 year ago
New England Patriots

Patriots rookie Marte Mapu emerging as versatile defender

Patriots "I had my hand in the dirt and everything.I think I've played everything."FOXBORO - Marte Mapu kept things straightforward on Monday afternoon.Despite spending a majority of his OTA and minicamp reps in New England's defensive backfield, the 2023 third-round pick is listed as a linebacker on the official Patriots' roster.
1 year ago
Europe politics

Massive strike pits African fishers against superprofitable' EU firms

African fishers are facing extreme and unfair pressure from European fishing companies, resulting in a large-scale strike by the African fishers.
European companies are making huge profits in African waters, while African fishers are struggling to make a living wage.
African governments must take steps to protect their citizens from exploitation and ensure their coastal waters are sustainably managed for the benefit of all. [ more ]
1 year ago
New England Patriots

Patriots rookie Marte Mapu emerging as versatile defender

Patriots "I had my hand in the dirt and everything.I think I've played everything."FOXBORO - Marte Mapu kept things straightforward on Monday afternoon.Despite spending a majority of his OTA and minicamp reps in New England's defensive backfield, the 2023 third-round pick is listed as a linebacker on the official Patriots' roster.
1 year ago
Tech industry

How Europe Is Leading the World in the Push to Regulate Artificial Intelligence

LONDON Authorities worldwide are racing to rein in artificial intelligence, including in the European Union, where groundbreaking legislation is set to pass a key hurdle Wednesday.European Parliament lawmakers are due to vote on the proposal including controversial amendments on facial recognition as it heads toward passage.
1 year ago
US politics

Donald Trump and aide are under arrest at Miami courthouse

Former President Donald Trump has been arrested at the federal courthouse in Miami and will soon be arraigned on charges related to mishandling classified documents.Deputy marshals have booked the former president and take electronic copies of his fingerprints during Tuesday's proceedings.They were not expected to take a mugshot of Trump, given his recognizability.
1 year ago
Information security

Equipment reassignment checklist

Establish a clear process for reassigning equipment to maintain security protocols and ensure the safety of data.
Ensure proper documentation is completed whenever equipment is reassigned to ensure a complete audit trail.
Provide employees with clear instructions for returning equipment and for properly disposing of any equipment that is no longer in use. [ more ]
1 year ago

Getting Started with a New Vue.js Project in 2023

Vue.js is a framework built on top of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that seamlessly offers a component-driven architecture to build mission-critical production apps.When it was first announced in 2014, it took the software industry by storm, offering a better (and more progressive) approach to building frontend applications.
1 year ago
Information security

Equipment reassignment checklist

Establish a clear process for reassigning equipment to maintain security protocols and ensure the safety of data.
Ensure proper documentation is completed whenever equipment is reassigned to ensure a complete audit trail.
Provide employees with clear instructions for returning equipment and for properly disposing of any equipment that is no longer in use. [ more ]
1 year ago

Getting Started with a New Vue.js Project in 2023

Vue.js is a framework built on top of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that seamlessly offers a component-driven architecture to build mission-critical production apps.When it was first announced in 2014, it took the software industry by storm, offering a better (and more progressive) approach to building frontend applications.
Creative Bloq
1 year ago
Graphic design

Fed up of Adobe, these designers made their own motion software

(Image credit: Scene Group)
While 3D and CGI animation might get a lot of the focus these days, 2D motion design continues to evolve and can still be hugely powerful and effective.Its simplicity can command attention, simplify complex messages or data and make a memorable impact.Some of the industry-standard tools being used have been around for decades, but a small British team is out to shake things up with procedural, non-destructive software based on their frustrations as creatives.
1 year ago
World politics

U.S. Lawmakers Ask White House to Punish South Africa for Supporting Russia

A bipartisan group of American lawmakers has asked the Biden administration to punish South Africa for what they see as the country's support of Russia's war in Ukraine by moving a major trade conference scheduled to be held in South Africa this year to another country.The request, made in a letter sent last week, is the first concrete effort at retaliation by members of the U.S. government over the growing view in Washington that South Africa's relationship with Russia is moving in a direction that threatens America's national interests.
1 year ago
US politics

Biden signs debt ceiling deal into law, averting historic default

President Joe Biden signed into law Saturday a bill to suspend the nation's debt limit through January 1, 2025, to avert a first-ever US default.I just signed into law a bipartisan budget agreement that prevents a first-ever default while reducing the deficit, safeguarding Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and fulfilling our scared obligation to our veterans, Biden said in a tweet, which was accompanied by a short video of him signing the bill.
1 year ago
World politics

U.S. Lawmakers Ask White House to Punish South Africa for Supporting Russia

A bipartisan group of American lawmakers has asked the Biden administration to punish South Africa for what they see as the country's support of Russia's war in Ukraine by moving a major trade conference scheduled to be held in South Africa this year to another country.The request, made in a letter sent last week, is the first concrete effort at retaliation by members of the U.S. government over the growing view in Washington that South Africa's relationship with Russia is moving in a direction that threatens America's national interests.
1 year ago
US politics

Biden signs debt ceiling deal into law, averting historic default

President Joe Biden signed into law Saturday a bill to suspend the nation's debt limit through January 1, 2025, to avert a first-ever US default.I just signed into law a bipartisan budget agreement that prevents a first-ever default while reducing the deficit, safeguarding Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and fulfilling our scared obligation to our veterans, Biden said in a tweet, which was accompanied by a short video of him signing the bill.
Old Trafford Faithful
1 year ago
Manchester United

Man United 'concerned' Harry Maguire could scupper plans to sign 'elite' defender - Old Trafford Faithful

Man United may not sign a new defender this summer, if Harry Maguire refuses to leave.Manchester United have been linked with many centre-halves this summer, with Erik ten Hag seemingly keen on bringing in additional quality in that area of the field.Kim Min-jae is the name most-linked with a potential Old Trafford switch, with the man from South Korea having a release clause in his contract that becomes active in July.
New Relic
1 year ago

Instrumenting serverless in AWS

Serverless applications are critical for cloud-native customers, and gaining visibility into their functions can take time and effort.This blog post will offer tips and code examples for Amazon Web Services (AWS) engineers to help set up serverless monitoring easier with New Relic.The example three-tiered application includes API Gateway, Lambda, and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS).
1 year ago

sudolang-llm-support/sudolang.sudo.md at main paralleldrive/sudolang-llm-support

1. SudoLang is a domain-specific language (DSL) designed to support the Low Level Machine (LLM) programming model.
2. SudoLang provides a strongly-typed, memory-safe language for programming LLM models with powerful features such as dynamic memory management, code compilation, and a type system.
3. SudoLang can be used to reduce the cognitive load of developing complex LLM models, while still [ more ]
1 year ago
US politics

Doug Burgum, Wealthy North Dakota Governor, Enters Presidential Race

Gov. Doug Burgum, the Republican governor of North Dakota who rose from a chimney sweep to become one of the richest men in the state, announced a campaign for president on Wednesday, entering an increasingly crowded race in which he faces exceedingly long odds.We need a new leader for a changing economy, Mr. Burgum wrote in an opinion essay in The Wall Street Journal that focused heavily on his business acumen.
2 years ago

Using melatonin for sleep is on the rise, study says, despite potential health harms

While short-term use for people with jet lag, shift workers and those who have trouble falling asleep appears to be safe, long-term safety is unknown, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health at the National Institutes of Health.
However, pills for sale may contain levels of melatonin much higher than what is advertised on the label.
Raptors Republic
1 year ago
Toronto Raptors

What does an ideal team look like built around Scottie Barnes?

Raymond Chandler was many things before his protagonist detective Philip Marlowe entered the public consciousness.He worked in the navy.He was a reporter.He was a poet.He worked for an oil company.He was good at some things but far from a influence in the broad fields of his different endeavors.Eventually, out of money during the Great Depression, he decided to write some pulp fiction to stay afloat.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Will Gov. Pritzker sign bill giving breaks to first-time gun offenders?

With some Republican support, Illinois lawmakers approved a measure to expand and indefinitely extend a probation program for first-time offenders charged with illegally possessing a gun.A pilot program the Democratic-controlled General Assembly passed six years ago was limited to defendants under 21 with no prior convictions for violent crimes and was set to end in January.
1 year ago

A Utah school district has removed the Bible from some schools' shelves

1. The state of Utah is currently engaged in a legal battle over the right to teach the Bible in public schools.
2. The case is being argued on the basis of religious freedom and free expression, as well as the separation of church and state.
1 year ago
Washington Capitals

Capitals renounce signing rights to two draft picks

The Washington Capitals did not sign prospects Martin Has or Dru Krebs to entry-level contracts by the NHL's June 1, 5 pm deadline for drafted players.The decision effectively makes both players free agents as the Caps no longer hold their exclusive rights.Has was a 2019 fifth-round selection and Krebs was a 2021 sixth-round pick.
1 year ago
Information security

Most people are aware of their data trails, but few know how to deal with it: Okta study

1. Organizations are increasingly looking to consolidate their customer identity solutions by leveraging multi-factor authentication (MFA) and passwordless authentication.
2. Organizations are investing in customer identity solutions that provide a secure and convenient user experiences.
3. Businesses need to ensure that they are up-to
1 year ago
US politics

The latest on the US debt ceiling deal

Senators are racing the clock to pass a bill to suspend the nation's debt limit through January 1, 2025 but it's not yet clear when a final vote will take place as the threat of default looms.Once the Senate passes the measure, it can be sent to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell have made it clear they want to move ahead with a vote on the bill as early as Thursday, but would need an agreement from all 100 senators to do so.
1 year ago
US politics

Senate races to avert default but vote timing unclear for debt limit bill

Senators are racing the clock to pass a bill to suspend the nation's debt limit through January 1, 2025 but it's not yet clear when a final vote will take place as the threat of default looms.Once the Senate passes the measure, it can be sent to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell have made it clear they want to move ahead with a vote on the bill as early as Thursday, but would need an agreement from all 100 senators to do so.
1 year ago
US politics

The latest on the US debt ceiling deal

Senators are racing the clock to pass a bill to suspend the nation's debt limit through January 1, 2025 but it's not yet clear when a final vote will take place as the threat of default looms.Once the Senate passes the measure, it can be sent to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell have made it clear they want to move ahead with a vote on the bill as early as Thursday, but would need an agreement from all 100 senators to do so.
1 year ago
US politics

Senate races to avert default but vote timing unclear for debt limit bill

Senators are racing the clock to pass a bill to suspend the nation's debt limit through January 1, 2025 but it's not yet clear when a final vote will take place as the threat of default looms.Once the Senate passes the measure, it can be sent to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell have made it clear they want to move ahead with a vote on the bill as early as Thursday, but would need an agreement from all 100 senators to do so.
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
1 year ago

Inspiring Under-Stair Planning and Decorating Ideas - Yanko Design

The under-stair area presents a unique design challenge due to its awkward triangular shape.Whether you need extra storage or require an additional room, the under-stair space allows you to maximize every square inch of your home.However, with creative ideas, one can transform the under-stair area into a functional and visually stunning zone.
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 year ago
Non-profit sector

Making Policy Work for Rural Communities: The Value of Community Voice - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Rural America is far more diverse than how it is portrayed in media and popular culture.This article is the second in the series Eradicating Rural Poverty: The Power of Cooperation.Coproduced by Partners for Rural Transformation, a coalition of six regional community development financial institutions, and NPQ, authors highlight efforts to address multi-generational poverty in Appalachia, the rural West, Indian Country, South Texas, and the Mississippi Delta.
Nieman Lab
1 year ago
Media industry

With new widgets, The Philadelphia Inquirer wants to be readers' favorite "second-screen experience"

When The Philadelphia Inquirer launched an election night widget earlier this month, they were fairly confident it would work smoothly.After all, they'd already road tested a version on another critically important day for the city: the Super Bowl.(The Philadelphia Eagles lost to the Kansas City Chiefs; everyone took it really well.)
1 year ago

Optimizing Development Workflow

The most important thing I learned from various web-based projects, both big and small, that I have been involved in since 2014 is this:
As a software development project grows, the harmonious collaboration among its various components significantly affects the gears of development.Perhaps the two most crucial elements forming the most vital parts of these gears are the project's work items and branch strategy.
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