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4 days ago
Social justice

Children of Vietnam war's rape survivors unjustly bear the burden of others' crimes | Tran Thi Ngai

Survivors of sexual violence in conflict zones often face lifelong stigma and struggle for recognition and support. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 week ago

An apology is the cornerstone of reparations bills in California. What would it do?

An apology is fundamental for first-in-the-nation reparations legislation in California. [ more ]
Washington Post
2 months ago
San Francisco

'Saying sorry' is not enough: Reparations proposal hangs in the balance

An apology is the first step towards reparations for the Black community in San Francisco.
Reparations advocates emphasize the need for redemptive acts following apologies in order to truly address systemic racism. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

San Francisco Formally Apologizes to Black Residents for Decades of Racist Policies

San Francisco's formal apology for racism and discrimination to African Americans and their descendants.
Supervisors committed to reparations, but proposal for $5 million each and guaranteed income has not been acted upon. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
3 months ago
San Francisco

SF to formally apologize to Black residents for discrimination. Reparations advocates want more

San Francisco plans to offer a formal apology to Black residents for past racist laws and policies.
The resolution calls for ongoing investments in Black communities, but some believe an apology alone is not enough for true atonement. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago
San Francisco

San Francisco is ready to apologize to Black residents. Reparations advocates want more

San Francisco Board of Supervisors to apologize for racist laws/policies towards Black residents
Reparations proposal includes cash payment and guaranteed income for eligible Black adults [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago
Los Angeles

San Francisco set to apologize to Black residents for 'systemic racism'

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is set to officially apologize to Black residents for systemic racism.
The apology resolution is one action taken from a report that put forward over 100 recommendations from the African American Reparations Advisory Committee. [ more ]
1 week ago
San Francisco

Humpday Headlines: SF Sheriff's Excercise Involving Pepper Spray Sickens Elementary School Students

California news highlights arrests, trials, and policy changes in San Francisco and surrounding areas. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 week ago
Black Lives Matter

Reparations Requires Changing the System - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Addressing the racial wealth gap requires wide systematic change, not just individual solutions. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

San Francisco apologizes to Black residents for decades of racist policies

San Francisco Board Apologizes to African Americans for City's Role in Discrimination
Resolution Represents First Step Towards Reparations for Black Residents [ more ]
1 week ago
US news

A Reparations Effort in Palm Springs

Complicated situation in Palm Springs where Section 14 residents seek reparations for their losses, encountering challenges with negotiations and conflicting perspectives. [ more ]
1 week ago
US news

Their Palm Springs Neighborhood Burned More Than 50 Years Ago. They Want Compensation.

In the 1960s, a neighborhood in Palm Springs, predominantly Black and Latino families, was demolished for commercial development, leading to demands for compensation and reparations. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
1 week ago

CA Senate passes 3 bills that would create reparations agency, funding

California State Senate passed 3 reparations bills addressing anti-Black racism and slavery harms, part of a larger reparations package to correct historical injustices. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 weeks ago
Black Lives Matter

After Assembly issues apology for California's role in slavery, some reparations bills die in Senate

The California Assembly issued an official apology for the state's role in slavery, but reparations bills faced challenges in the Senate. [ more ]
1 month ago
France politics

France urged to repay billions of dollars to Haiti for independence ransom'

France is being urged to repay billions of dollars to Haiti to cover a debt from recognizing Haiti's independence after enslaved people revolted in 1804. [ more ]
3 months ago
Social justice

How Wall Street Funded Slavery

Wall Street played a significant role in financing slavery in the United States, with many bankers and industrial magnates profiting from the institution.
The wealth generated through slavery did not disappear after the Civil War, but continued to contribute to private and public wealth, including in the form of institutional fortunes. [ more ]
3 months ago
Social justice

California unveils ambitious first-in-nation slavery reparations package

California lawmakers present a package of 14 measures to address historical harm caused by slavery.
The package does not include cash payments to descendants of slaves. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

State Assembly Passes Bill Apologizing for California's Role in Supporting Slavery | KQED

Confronting historical oppression of Black people through legislative action. [ more ]
11 months ago
California law

'A Matter of Political Responsibility': Political Scientist Weighs In on the Role of Reparations in Democracies | KQED

At the task force meetings over the last two years, non-Black audience members have been rare, but Brown argues that non-Black Californians should be paying attention.According to the 2020 census, Black residents make up less than 6% of the state's population.If the task force's expansive proposals are to become law after they arrive in the Legislature, they will require broad-based support from California residents across racial groups.
11 months ago
California law

'We Still Are Lacking True Allies': California Sen. Steven Bradford on the Challenges Reparations Face in Legislature | KQED

If I could answer that, I'd be a rich man.I would hope they want to educate themselves and understand how we got here as a state and how we got here as a nation and the impact that slavery has had and continues to have on this county.What's the legislative timeline here?How long might this all take and what's the earliest we might see legislation from the report put into practice?
1 year ago

Governor Newsom's Bill On Regulating Oil Industry Quickly Approved By State Lawmakers | KQED

State lawmakers have approved Governor Gavin Newsom's bill, which is attempting to increase transparency of the oil industry in the state.It would allow the California Energy Commission to impose penalties, through a regulatory process, if the agency believes oil companies are making excessive profits from gas prices.
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

What Are Reparations? - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Reparations for Black people should include resources like land and money, policies and programs, and combating anti-Blackness. [ more ]
1 month ago
Social justice

South Africa: apartheid victims demand reparations DW 05/01/2024

Elderly protesters in South Africa demand justice and reparations for apartheid abuses 30 years after democracy. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago
Los Angeles

Palm Spring promises to 'right that wrong' for Black, Latino community destroyed in 1960s

Palm Springs City Council acknowledged role in destruction of Black and Latino neighborhood, promising to make amends with more affordable housing and economic opportunities. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

Humpday Headlines: Corpse Flower Blooms at Academy of Sciences

Macy's Union Square closing after 77 years
Rev. Amos Brown suggests investing in affordable housing for Black residents despite legal barriers [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Tennessee GOP Wants to Ban Reparations. Black Tennesseans Are Fighting Back.

State Republicans in Tennessee are intensifying efforts against Black economic and political progress.
Tennessee House plans to vote on a bill banning municipalities from using funds for reparations to descendants of enslaved people. [ more ]
1 year ago

Courthouse named for Harvard law professor who taught Obamas

Local "He always wants to give credit to others and not accept credit himself, which he so richly deserves."MERCED, Calif.(AP) - A courthouse in California's agricultural heartland was named for a native son who went from working in the fields to a distinguished career at Harvard Law School, where he taught Barack and Michelle Obama.
2 months ago
East Bay (California)

California bill seeks reparations for families whose homes were in way of Dodger Stadium

Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo introduces bill for Chavez Ravine reparations
Historical injustice addressed with Assembly Bill 1950 [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Poland demands compensation from Germany DW 03/19/2024

Poland is renewing calls for Germany to pay reparations for World War II
Past Polish government demanded over 1.3 trillion in reparations from Germany [ more ]
4 months ago
Germany news

Poland renews demand for German war reparations DW 01/31/2024

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has called on Germany to provide financial compensation for the losses suffered during World War II.
Sikorski's call for reparations echoes a similar push by the previous Polish government, estimating that Germany should pay 1.3 trillion as compensation for the deaths of Polish citizens. [ more ]
4 months ago
Germany news

Poland's new government asks Germany to think creatively about compensation for World War II losses

Poland's foreign minister is requesting Germany to think creatively about compensating Poland for its losses during World War II.
The request for compensation is toned down compared to the previous demand for $1.3 trillion in reparations.
Germany acknowledges its historical responsibility but has consistently stated that the issue of reparations was settled decades ago. [ more ]
4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Why is Namibia furious at Germany's ICJ intervention supporting Israel?

Namibia criticizes Germany's support of Israel at the International Court of Justice
Namibia cites Germany's colonial past as a reason why it should not support Israel [ more ]
2 months ago
Social justice

Opinion: California apologies, reparations would improve our state's karma

Reparations bills proposed in California for African American residents
Comparison to redress provided to Japanese Americans after World War II [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Black New Yorkers already clashing over who should get reparations as state panel starts

Reparations eligibility sparking debate among black New Yorkers
Different opinions on who should receive reparations for slavery [ more ]
3 months ago

Massive Bird Flu Outbreak Severely Impacting Farms In Central Valley | KQED

Avian influenza impacting birds in California, including poultry farms
California legislature's push for reparations for Black Californians [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago
Social justice

Column: If California wants to solve homelessness, it'll have to support reparations

Historical connection between slavery and homelessness in California
Need for addressing systemic racism and compensating Black people for the harms of slavery [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
Social justice

New York's racial reparations idiocy

Reparations commission created in New York
Focus on history and impact of reparations [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

In California, Black lawmakers share a reparations plan with few direct payments

California's Legislative Black Caucus released a slate of reparations bills that include potential compensation for seized property from Black owners.
The proposals aim to expand access to education, fund community-driven solutions to violence, eliminate occupational licensing fees for those with criminal records, and improve life expectancy and educational outcomes for marginalized groups. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

The reparations & LGBTQ+ rights movements are aligned. Let's harness the power of a united front.

The U.S. is experiencing a divisive era with attacks on equity, including backlash against racial justice and LGBTQ+ rights.
589 bills targeting the transgender community have been introduced across 49 states, along with measures challenging Critical Race Theory and open discussion of race. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
3 months ago
Social justice

Philanthropy Must Engage in Reparations, Report Argues - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

American newspapers in the past promoted racist ideologies and profited from ads related to slavery.
Modern charitable foundations, including the William S. Abell Foundation and the Meyer Foundation, have racist roots. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
3 months ago
Social justice

The Case for Reparations in Philanthropy - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Reparations are being framed as an economic justice issue.
Philanthropic organizations are committing significant funds to support reparations initiatives. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

San Francisco apologizes to Black residents and their descendants for systemic racism and past atrocities

San Francisco issued a formal apology to its Black residents for systemic discrimination.
The Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a resolution committing to rectification and redress of past misdeeds. [ more ]
Mission Local
4 months ago
San Francisco

There will be no reparations in San Francisco. Will there be an HBCU?

Reparations for African Americans in San Francisco are not being funded or implemented at this time.
The reparations committee expressed support for a potential satellite campus of a historically Black college or university in San Francisco. [ more ]
Eater SF
1 year ago
SF food

San Francisco's Newest Farmers Market Aims to Reclaim Resources in the Bayview Neighborhood

The Southeast Community Center on Evans Avenue is a sprawling building on San Francisco's east side.It's right on the border of Mission Bay, Dogpatch, Hunter's Point, and the Bayview and opened in October 2022 with the intent to bring dynamism and accessibility to the area; there are swinging chairs, grilling stations, and slides where kids can play.
1 year ago
San Francisco

San Francisco Supervisors Discuss Reparations Proposals and That $5M Lump Sum Idea

Today's SF Board of Supervisors meeting was making national headlines before it had even begun, and that is because SF is poised to become the first major city to grapple with the idea of paying reparations for historical wrongs to Black residents.We've had about two straight months of the national news media hemming and hawing about a draft reparations proposal by a San Francisco committee that, among other things, floated the idea of making $5 million lump-sum payments qualifying Black residents.
New York Daily News
1 year ago
San Francisco

San Francisco to consider $5 million-per-person Black reparations plan

The city of San Francisco is moving one step closer to offering reparations to its Black residents.If the plan is enacted, San Francisco would become the first major U.S. city to fund reparations.The city's African American Reparations Advisory Committee will present its findings Tuesday at a meeting of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.
3 months ago

Massive Bird Flu Outbreak Severely Impacting Farms In Central Valley | KQED

Avian influenza (bird flu) is impacting millions of birds in California, causing setbacks for farmers in the Central Valley.
California's Black Caucus is prioritizing 14 reparations bills at the state capitol, ranging from a formal apology for supporting slavery to reforms in state prisons. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago

Column: California finally has a plan for reparations. But why does it seem so disorganized?

California doesn't have a cohesive legislative strategy for reparations
There is confusion among lawmakers about what to prioritize and how to move forward with reparations [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

EXCLUSIVE: 1st CA reparations bills announced by Black Caucus, making history

Members of the California Legislative Black Caucus have announced a package of reparations bills to address the harm done to Black Californians by slavery and anti-Black policies.
The bills aim to fulfill some of the proposals made by California's state reparations task force in 2023, including measures to increase homeownership, expand access to education, and issue a formal apology. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Black Americans aren't enthusiastic about reparations yet. Here's why.

Reparations advocates in California are facing skepticism from the very people their proposals are designed to help - Black residents.
Support for reparations among Black voters is crucial, but many are skeptical of the progress being made. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago
Social justice

California lawmakers say reparations bills, which exclude widespread payments, are a starting point

Reparations legislation introduced by Black lawmakers in California doesn't include direct cash payments.
Proposals aim to atone for discrimination through various measures like creating a reparations agency and affirmative action exceptions. [ more ]
1 year ago
US news

San Francisco leaders show early support for $5 million reparation payments for eligible Black residents

A one-time payment of $5 million to each eligible Black resident is among recommendations unanimously accepted by San Francisco's Board of Supervisors as part of a draft plan by a panel proposing reparations.The move Tuesday was an intermediate step, with a final report that includes board feedback due in June, the San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee said, and the board set to meet again on the issue in September.
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
3 months ago
Social justice

Why Reparations Can Counter the Legacy of a 50-Year "War on Drugs" - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

The lasting effects of the War on Drugs have led to the need for reparations.
Reparations for the harm caused by the War on Drugs align with restorative justice principles. [ more ]
3 months ago
Social justice

Opinion | What if Federal Reparations Weren't a Fiction?

Reparations task forces and commissions have been created in several US states, offering redress for specific historical harms.
City and state reparations initiatives can be funded through various means, such as cannabis taxes. [ more ]
4 months ago

Obituary: Viola Plummer

Viola Plummer was a beloved activist and founding member of the December 12th movement.
Plummer was involved in fighting against racism globally, including in Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and South Africa. [ more ]
BBC News
4 months ago
Europe news

Seized Russian money could help Ukraine - Cameron

The UK foreign secretary believes there is a strong case for using money seized from Russia to help rebuild Ukraine.
He suggests that frozen Russian assets could be used as an advance payment to save Western taxpayers' money.
In October, the UK government asked the Bank of England to explore options for using Russian assets to fund Ukraine's war effort. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
5 months ago
Social justice

To Build Narrative Power for Reparations, We Need Infrastructure - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

The call for reparations is part of the Black radical tradition and has been advocated for since abolitionist times.
The National Ex-Slave Mutual, Bounty and Pension Association, founded in 1898, led the organized movement for reparations. [ more ]
5 months ago
East Bay food

Reparations at Berkeley schools: District will hear recommendations this summer

A task force in the Berkeley school district is working on creating a reparations program for Black students, which may be the first of its kind in the country.
The task force will meet for an additional six months before presenting its recommendations to the school board in June. [ more ]
5 months ago
NYC politics

White households net worth 15x higher than Black households: Report

A new report by New York City Comptroller Brad Lander highlights significant racial wealth disparities in New York State and City.
The report reveals disparities in net household wealth, home values, retirement savings, investment income, and student debt. [ more ]
5 months ago
San Francisco

SF's Once Highly Touted Office of Reparations Loses Its Funding In Breed's New Budget Cuts

The San Francisco Office of Reparations, which was considering $5 million lump-sum payments to eligible Black San Franciscans, has lost its funding in Mayor Breed's budget cuts.
The Office of Reparations is technically suspended and could return if surplus funds become available again. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe politics

EU must face legacy of colonialism and support reparations, say MEPs

The EU should address and reverse the lasting impacts of European colonialism and support reparations
Calls for the creation of a permanent EU forum on restorative justice [ more ]
5 months ago

Here's What's in the Final Version of the Controversial AP African American Studies Curriculum

The College Board released the final course framework for AP African American Studies, which includes optional topics on hot-button political issues such as the Black Lives Matter movement and reparations.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis previously attempted to ban the teaching of AP African American Studies, accusing it of pushing a political agenda and indoctrination. [ more ]
5 months ago

Here's What's in the Final Version of the Controversial AP African American Studies Curriculum

The College Board released the final course framework for AP African American Studies, which includes optional topics on hot-button political issues such as the Black Lives Matter movement and reparations.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis previously attempted to ban the teaching of AP African American Studies, accusing it of pushing a political agenda and indoctrination. [ more ]
5 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Here's What's in the Final Version of the Controversial AP African American Studies Curriculum

The College Board released the final course framework for AP African American Studies, which includes optional topics on hot-button political issues such as the Black Lives Matter movement and reparations.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis previously attempted to ban the teaching of AP African American Studies, accusing it of pushing a political agenda and indoctrination. [ more ]
The New Yorker
9 months ago

The End of Legacy Admissions Could Transform College Access

Georgetown University's change to its admissions policy in 2016 included giving consideration to the descendants of enslaved people who were forced to work on Jesuit-owned plantations that funded the school. This move aimed to address the historical injustices and incorporate a more inclusive approach to admissions.
Many selective universities that currently practice legacy admissions, which give preference to the children of alumni, have a history of limited admission of Black students. This means that the majority of Black American families have not had the same opportunities for generations of alumni experience as their white counterparts, creating an inequality in access to education.
The Supreme Court's ruling in favor of Students for Fair Admissions (S.F.F.A.) against Harvard and the University of North Carolina prohibited schools from considering race as a factor in admissions. The suggestion to end legacy admissions was a key argument used by S.F.F.A. in their attack on affirmative action. This ruling has potential implications for efforts to address historical racial inequalities in university admissions. [ more ]
11 months ago
Europe news

Germany will pay more than $1.4 billion next year to survivors of Nazi atrocities

In this 2020 photo, survivors walk below a gate with the inscription "Work sets you free" after a wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial site of the former German Nazi death camp Auschwitz during ceremonies marking the 75th anniversary of the camp's liberation in Oswiecim, Poland.Janek Skarzynski/AFP via Getty Images The German government will pay more than $1.4 billion next year to Holocaust survivors, in the latest compensation for atrocities and persecution inflicted by the Nazis.
11 months ago
World politics

Cuban Government Is Responsible for Death of Dissident, Report Says

The Cuban government was responsible for the death in 2012 of a prominent political activist who had organized a movement that had sought to compel the government to allow more freedom, according to a report released on Monday by an international human rights agency.The activist, Oswaldo Paya, was killed in a suspicious car crash in eastern Cuba that his family and supporters always believed had been caused by the government.
1 year ago
World politics

Macron Honors Haitian Revolutionary, but Leaves Much Unsaid

The president of France on Thursday stepped into the cold mountain prison where Toussaint Louverture, a famed leader of the Haitian Revolution, died 220 years ago after being tricked, kidnapped and secreted across an ocean and into the French hinterland.Standing in the armory, not far from the cell where Louverture spent his last days, President Emmanuel Macron called the man who took on France after being freed from slavery a hero who embodied the true values of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
1 year ago
Germany news

Clarifying German colonial-era atrocities in Tanzania DW 03/22/2023

Activists and historians have helped to keep the memory of German colonialism alive over the past 100 years.Their debates about restitution and reparations for colonial injustices have put the issue onto the political agenda in countries such as Namibia. .Tanzania, once part of German East Africa and the scene of colonial-era atrocities, had been relatively quiet until now.
1 year ago
France news

French church abuse victims get reparations, and recognition

For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails "I came back to life.Like other victims of child abuse by priests, 52-year-old Stephane said getting an official recognition from France's Catholic Church of what happened is helping him get better, at last.
1 year ago
France news

France: About 200 church sex abuse victims get compensation

For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails About 190 victims of child sexual abuse by priests or other church representatives have been promised financial compensation so far from France's Catholic Church under a sweeping reparations program, the independent body in charge of the process said Thursday.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

A New Report Finds That the "War on Terror" Led to More Than 4.5 Million Deaths

Destruction of key infrastructure, including hospitals and other health care facilities, fueled mortality.U.S. Air Force F16 fighter jets fly in formation during U.S.-Philippines joint air force exercises dubbed Cope Thunder at Clark Air Base on May 9, 2023, in the Philippines.Ezra Acayan / Getty Images America's post-9/11 wars have led to more than 4.5 million deaths, according to a major new report from the Costs of War Project at Brown University.
1 year ago
France news

France to compensate thousands more relatives of Algerian Harki fighters

The French government is to pay reparations to thousands more Algerians and their families held in internment camps in France after the north African country's war of independence.Acting on a report by an independent commission, the government agreed to increase the number of Harkis and their relatives eligible to claim compensation for being forced to live in deplorable and squalid living conditions several decades ago.
1 year ago
UK news

David Starkey in bizarre claim that left-wing wants to replace Holocaust with BLM

Left-wing activists are jealous of the Holocaust and want to replace it with slavery, a leading historian has said in a bizarre speech at the National Conservatism conference in London.David Starkey claimed that groups such as Black Lives Matter were attempting to destroy white culture and do exactly what was done to German culture because of Nazism and the Holocaust.
1 year ago
UK news

Left-wing wants to replace Holocaust with Black Lives Matter, says David Starkey

Left-wing activists are jealous of the Holocaust and want to replace it with slavery, a leading historian has said.In a speech to the National Conservatism conference in London, David Starkey claimed that groups such as Black Lives Matter were attempting to destroy white culture and do exactly what was done to German culture because of Nazism and the Holocaust.
1 year ago
UK politics

Campaigners urge king to do more to acknowledge UK's slavery role

King Charles has been urged to go further towards offering reparatory justice for the UK's role in transatlantic slavery, even as he was praised for reportedly ignoring Boris Johnson's advice to avoid the issue at all costs.Academics and campaigners called on Charles to adopt specific measures to help build an understanding of the legacy of the enslavement of black people, as well as putting forward suggestions for how the UK could work towards making amends.
1 year ago
UK news

Prime minister of St Vincent and Grenadines says Charles as head of state absurd'

The prime minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines said having King Charles III as head of state is an absurdity.Ralph Gonsalves said he wanted to see the Caribbean country severed from the British monarchy within his lifetime, adding he would welcome an apology from the UK state for past injustices relating to slavery.
1 year ago
UK news

St Kitts and Nevis PM: Country not totally free' while King is head of state

The prime minister of an eastern Caribbean country has claimed it is not totally free while the King is its head of state.St Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Terrance Drew told the BBC a public consultation on whether the Commonwealth realm nation should become a republic will start during his leadership.
1 year ago
UK politics

Lib Dems' Ed Davey calls for national debate over UK's slavery role

The Liberal Democrat leader, Ed Davey, has called for a national debate over Britain's role in the slave trade, after the coronation reignited questions over the monarchy's historical links.He said he wanted a more open-minded approach to dealing with questions over the UK's role in enslaving Africans, praising the path taken by the New Zealand government, which has offered an apology and more than $150m in reparations to Indigenous communities for past mistreatment.
1 year ago

Who Was Lydia Maria Child?

Illustration by Liam Eisenberg.Biography was once the elegant matriarch of nonfiction.Smelling faintly of lavender, she clutched her pearls when the story got too personal, or the author intruded on the narrative to address the reader, or the political machinery showed through the corseted layers of her heaving bodice.
1 year ago

Oakland Schools Reach Partial Agreement with Striking Teachers on 'Common Good' Initiatives

After almost two weeks, Oakland's striking educators and the Oakland Unified School District have reached a preliminary agreement on some common good terms on Saturday.The Oakland Education Association (OEA) union representing about 3,000 public school educators, including teachers, counselors, nurses, psychologists, librarians, and more in the state's 11th largest district said that, We are still on strike, but momentum is on our side.
The Sacramento Bee
1 year ago

California Reparations Task Force will consider cash payments, apology to Black residents

People listen to the California reparations task force, a nine-member committee studying restitution proposals for African Americans, at a meeting Saturday at Mills College in Oakland.The panel voted on recommendations for how the state may compensate and apologize to Black Californians for generations of harm caused by discriminatory policies.
1 year ago

With End Of Title 42, California's Border Communities Brace For Influx Of Migrants | KQED

This week will mark the end of a controversial border policy that started under President Donald Trump.Title 42 is part of the U.S. Public Health Code meant to prevent the spread of contagious diseases.But it's been used to keep hundreds of thousands of migrants from crossing the border.Guest: Tyche Hendricks, KQED
Writers Strike Continues, With Widespread Economic Impact
We're nearing the end of the first week of the Hollywood writers strike, and studios and the union representing writers stand far apart on a number of key issues.
Mission Local
1 year ago
Mission District

Displacement in Hayward: New film explores Russell City evictions

The Ancona family was the last to leave Russell City, an unincorporated town outside of Hayward annexed to the city in 1968, after its 1,400 majority Black and Latinx residents were forced to leave the year earlier.But Lita Ancona didn't plan to let the city's bulldozers tear down her home.So, before she left, she burned it to the ground.
South Side Sox
1 year ago
Chicago White Sox

Sox Populi Podcast 144 - Overthrowing Jerry

Malachi Hayes, Chrystal O'Keefe, Melissa Sage-Bollenbach, Adrian Serrano and Brett Ballantini took on the daunting task of immediately improving the White Sox by taking over the team on Friday night.We discussed changes major and minor, then predicted the next weird thing that will happen with the club.
1 year ago
Boston Red Sox

Red Sox's Justin Turner Avoided Major Change After Taking Pitch To Face

Justin Turner and the Red Sox surely must be considering themselves very fortunate in wake of Monday afternoon's scare.It doesn't sound like Boston will have to search for any sort of backfill after Turner was hit in the face by a fastball at JetBlue Park in Fort Myers, Fla.The Red Sox's new designated hitter didn't suffer any facial fractures and the scans he went through at a local hospital all came back clean.
1 year ago
UK politics

Keir Starmer visits Kyiv to emphasise Labour's backing for Ukraine

Keir Starmer has travelled to Kyiv to meet Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, to emphasise Labour's commitment to backing action to arm the country against a renewed offensive by Russia.The Labour leader said the UK's position on Ukraine would remain the same if there was a change of government next year, as he travelled to the suburbs of Irpin and Bucha where Russia committed significant atrocities last year as it was pushed back by Ukrainian forces.
1 year ago

Listening to the descendants of slaves must be the first step in restorative justice | Lettesr

South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, authorised by Nelson Mandela and chaired by Desmond Tutu after the end of apartheid, began with the victims of gross human rights violations giving statements about their experiences.It began with everyone, including the families of perpetrators, listening to these statements.
1 year ago

Tyre Nichols's Photography Will Soar on Desert X Billboards

PALM SPRINGS, Calif.Tyre Nichols, the 29-year-old Black man who died in January after a brutal beating by Memphis police officers, never had the chance to exhibit the photographs he took of his adopted hometown.But starting this weekend, a selection will appear on roadside billboards as part of the Desert X biennial a highly adventurous and occasionally political art exhibition that can be viewed at outdoor sites across the Palm Springs area.
New York Post
1 year ago
San Francisco

Ex-BLM activist blasts San Francisco reparations plan as 'gaslighting' of black people

A former Black Lives Matter activist has blasted San Francisco's "unrealistic" reparations plan, saying it's a way to "gaslight" black Americans - and accused lawmakers of being "more focused on slavery" than the homelessness plaguing the city.Xaviaer DuRousseau, a one-time BLM supporter who now works for PragerU, an advocacy group that creates videos that promote conservative ideas, said Tuesday that the costly handouts perpetuate "fraudulent narratives surrounding systemic racism."
New York Post
1 year ago
San Francisco

San Francisco to consider $5M reparations check for black citizens

San Francisco leaders will weigh a plan that could pay $5 million for every black citizen.AP
San Francisco politicians will meet Tuesday to publicly consider a reparations package that would pay $5 million lump-sum payments to its eligible black residents.The city's Board of Supervisors will weigh the draft plan, which recommends eliminating personal debt and tax burdens and doling out guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years to an undetermined number of black citizens in addition to the hefty check.
The Sacramento Bee
1 year ago

Reparations task force explores proposed funding boost for California's K-12 Black students

California's Reparations Task Force Committee is exploring a proposal to increase funding for Black students in public schools, a significant new conduit for reparations.During the panel's meetings in Sacramento earlier this month - and nearly three years after Gov. Gavin Newsom tasked the panel with developing recommendations for Black residents affected by the legacy of slavery - the task force heard a presentation on how reparations could be leveraged to bolster school funding.
1 year ago
UK news

Politicians, faith leaders and Ukrainian community say prayers for peace

For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails Hundreds of white paper angels, each representing an innocent child who has been killed in the war in Ukraine, hung above political and faith leaders who had gathered in London to pray for peace.
The Sacramento Bee
1 year ago

It's California residents' last chance to publicly weigh in on reparations. Here's how

Walter Foster, 80, of Los Angeles, raises a sign calling for a focus on financial compensation as the California Reparations Task Force takes public comment in Los Angeles in September.Los Angeles Times via TNS
Residents of Sacramento and visitors from nearby regions have an opportunity Friday and Saturday to join the conversation regarding reparations in California.
The Sacramento Bee
1 year ago

'How can we let bygones be bygones?' Intense talks highlight California reparations meeting

Passionate voices filled Sacramento's Byron Sher Auditorium on Friday during an intense discussion over whether Black Americans who have been historically disenfranchised should receive reparations from the state.Among the more than 100 people who turned out for California's Reparations Task Force meeting was Gloria Pierrot-Dyer.
The Sacramento Bee
1 year ago

A new state agency could implement reparations in California. Here's what's proposed

California's Reparations Task Force recently concluded its two-day public meeting geared toward compensating Black Americans affected by the legacy of slavery.But the nine-member body is a long way from the finish line.The panel has until July 1 to submit its final report to the Legislature.In the meantime, it is focused on gathering feedback and working out the report's moving parts.
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