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Ars Technica
1 month ago
Tech industry

Google says it's fixing a nasty Android TV account security loophole

Google patched a loophole granting full Google account access via Android TV sideloading apps. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla finds that most dating apps are not great guardians of user data | TechCrunch

Dating apps are increasingly invading user privacy by collecting large amounts of personal data, as highlighted in Mozilla's study. [ more ]
Ars Technica
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Avast ordered to stop selling browsing data from its browsing privacy apps

Avast collected users' browser data for years, sold it to over 100 companies, FTC fined $16.5 million.
FTC mandated Avast to stop selling browsing data, improve privacy practices, and provide redress to consumers. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

DOJ calls Apple's privacy justifications an 'elastic shield' for financial gains | TechCrunch

Apple accused of using privacy as a shield for financial gain
DOJ criticizes Apple's restrictions on app stores and messaging [ more ]
3 months ago
Information security

10 Must-Read Books on Cybersecurity | TechRepublic

Cybersecurity is crucial for curtailing cyberattacks and improving privacy practices.
Books recommended by Franklin Okeke offer insights on cybersecurity and protection. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

IAB launches new privacy compliance tool | MarTech

The IAB Diligence Platform is a new tool launched by IAB and SafeGuard Privacy to standardize privacy practices in digital advertising.
The platform allows advertisers and publishers to evaluate the compliance of adtech partners and compare them based on data privacy practices and state laws. [ more ]
The Drum
5 months ago

An ethical data framework creates a 'rock solid foundation' to build out AI principles

Creating an ethical framework for data is crucial for the AI-driven future of the advertising industry.
Transparency and respect for people's privacy are essential for rebuilding consumer trust and strengthening customer connections. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Congress finds pharmacies give patient records to law enforcement without warrants

None of the eight major pharmacy chains require a warrant prior to sharing customers' records with law enforcement.
Three of the eight chains do not require any legal review before submitting patient records to law enforcement. [ more ]
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