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PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 weeks ago

The important difference between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer's views on trans rights

Both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer aim to update legislation regarding trans rights, but with different approaches and implications. [ more ]
BBC News
1 year ago
UK politics

Windsor Framework: Stormont brake to be focus of Heaton-Harris talks

Chris Heaton-Harris is to hold talks with political parties this week over the Stormont brake element of new post-Brexit arrangements.The Northern Ireland secretary said it would act as a veto if EU law would affect Northern Ireland "in a significant way".It aims to give the NI Assembly a greater say on how EU laws apply to Northern Ireland.
1 year ago
Europe news

Finland on Cusp of Joining NATO, but Maybe Not With Sweden

BRUSSELS Finland's Parliament on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed all the legislation necessary for joining NATO, subject only to the ratification of its bid by the Parliaments of Turkey and Hungary.Finland and Sweden had pledged to enter the alliance hand in hand, but Sweden's application has been held up by Turkey.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Barbara Lee Tells Colleagues She's Running for Senate, Setting Up Competition With Katie Porter

The news of Lee's decision comes a day after Rep. Katie Porter announced her bid for the coveted seat.Rep. Barbara Lee speaks with reporters after a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus in the Capitol on January 8, 2020.Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee reportedly told fellow Congressional Black Caucus members in a private meeting on Wednesday that she will be running to replace California Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein in 2024.
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 weeks ago

The important difference between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer's views on trans rights

Both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer aim to update legislation regarding trans rights, but with different approaches and implications. [ more ]
BBC News
1 year ago
UK politics

Windsor Framework: Stormont brake to be focus of Heaton-Harris talks

Chris Heaton-Harris is to hold talks with political parties this week over the Stormont brake element of new post-Brexit arrangements.The Northern Ireland secretary said it would act as a veto if EU law would affect Northern Ireland "in a significant way".It aims to give the NI Assembly a greater say on how EU laws apply to Northern Ireland.
1 year ago
Europe news

Finland on Cusp of Joining NATO, but Maybe Not With Sweden

BRUSSELS Finland's Parliament on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed all the legislation necessary for joining NATO, subject only to the ratification of its bid by the Parliaments of Turkey and Hungary.Finland and Sweden had pledged to enter the alliance hand in hand, but Sweden's application has been held up by Turkey.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Barbara Lee Tells Colleagues She's Running for Senate, Setting Up Competition With Katie Porter

The news of Lee's decision comes a day after Rep. Katie Porter announced her bid for the coveted seat.Rep. Barbara Lee speaks with reporters after a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus in the Capitol on January 8, 2020.Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee reportedly told fellow Congressional Black Caucus members in a private meeting on Wednesday that she will be running to replace California Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein in 2024.
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden bestows Medal of Freedom to Pelosi, Evers, Ledecky, others

President Joe Biden awarded 19 individuals, including civil rights activists, politicians, and actor Michelle Yeoh, the Presidential Medal of Freedom for their exceptional contributions to society. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago
Los Angeles

Cecil L. Murray, who made the First African Methodist Episcopal Church the most prestigious black pulpit in Los Angeles, has died

Rev. Dr. Cecil L. 'Chip' Murray transformed First AME Church, boosting membership to over 18,000 and gaining attention from political leaders.
Murray's leadership extended beyond the church with a focus on community service and addressing pressing societal needs. [ more ]
Irish Independent
2 months ago
Europe politics

Plan now for a united Ireland Sligo Sinn Fein Easter 1916 commemoration hears

Seismic generational change in Ireland, reunification discussions gaining momentum.
Call for Irish government to establish Citizens' Assembly for Unity planning. [ more ]
3 months ago


LGBTQ+ TikTokers oppose potential TikTok ban in the U.S.
Vice President Harris hosts openly gay Irish leader at her residence. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Vegan caller put off' voting for Labour due to Keir Starmer being merely vegetarian

Voter put off by Starmer's vegetarianism, not veganism.
Call for Starmer to embrace veganism for stronger character perception. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden speaks of 'hell' at the National Prayer Breakfast - his speech certainly was

The National Prayer Breakfast in Washington is seen as a hypocritical ritual where politicians gather to silently pray for the downfall of their enemies.
The event has been marred by scandals in the past, including the involvement of convicted Russian spy Maria Butina. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

Zelenskyy takes center stage in Davos as he tries to rally support for Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is attending the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos to keep the country's defense against Russia in the minds of political leaders.
Zelenskyy is trying to rally support for Ukraine's cause against Russia amid concerns of donor fatigue in the West and the possibility of President Trump returning to the White House. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Online ad auction data harms national security - claim

Online ad auctions pose a threat to national security in the US and Europe.
Data collected for personalized advertising puts political and military leaders at risk of blackmail and cyberattacks. [ more ]
1 year ago
UK news

Brexit has failed - we must now return to the centre of Europe, Lord Heseltine says

Lord Heseltine has called for Britain to recreate our position at the centre of Europe after the failure of Brexit.The Tory grandee accused political leaders of hiding from the damage being caused by the UK leaving the EU.The former deputy prime minister under John Major said the time has come for the British people to be told the truth.
1 year ago
UK news

Gove disagrees' with Privileges Committee conclusion and will abstain from vote

Cabinet minister Michael Gove has said he will not vote for the report which found Boris Johnson lied to MPs over partygate because he believes its recommendation of a 90-day suspension was not merited.The Levelling Up Secretary confirmed he would abstain from casting a ballot over the Privileges Committee's findings that the former prime minister committed repeated contempts of Parliament.
1 year ago
UK news

Commons standards tsar: depressingly disillusioning' when leaders let us down

Parliament's sleaze watchdog said it was disillusioning when political leaders were exposed for corruption, hypocrisy or other moral failure.Daniel Greenberg, the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, said it could be personally upsetting for loyal followers of a leader who lets them down.But he insisted that working in Parliament could also be inspiring because of the public service values on display.
1 year ago
UK news

Brexit has failed - we must now return to the centre of Europe, Lord Heseltine says

Lord Heseltine has called for Britain to recreate our position at the centre of Europe after the failure of Brexit.The Tory grandee accused political leaders of hiding from the damage being caused by the UK leaving the EU.The former deputy prime minister under John Major said the time has come for the British people to be told the truth.
1 year ago
UK news

Gove disagrees' with Privileges Committee conclusion and will abstain from vote

Cabinet minister Michael Gove has said he will not vote for the report which found Boris Johnson lied to MPs over partygate because he believes its recommendation of a 90-day suspension was not merited.The Levelling Up Secretary confirmed he would abstain from casting a ballot over the Privileges Committee's findings that the former prime minister committed repeated contempts of Parliament.
1 year ago
UK news

Commons standards tsar: depressingly disillusioning' when leaders let us down

Parliament's sleaze watchdog said it was disillusioning when political leaders were exposed for corruption, hypocrisy or other moral failure.Daniel Greenberg, the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, said it could be personally upsetting for loyal followers of a leader who lets them down.But he insisted that working in Parliament could also be inspiring because of the public service values on display.
1 year ago

Voter apathy concerns loom over Toronto election days ahead of vote | CBC News

With 102 registered candidates, more than 10 debates featuring the apparent front-runners and around-the-clock news coverage, Toronto's mayoral election has clearly offered plenty to follow.Less clear is whether voters have been paying attention.Concerns about voter apathy are not unique to Toronto but have come into sharp focus after only 29.7 per cent of the city's 1.9 million registered voters cast ballots in the last municipal election.
1 year ago
World politics

Greece Continues Search for Migrants After Crowded Ship Capsizes

The grim search by Greek authorities for migrants after the country's deadliest shipwreck in years moved into a second day on Thursday, though the prospects of finding survivors was slim and hundreds were feared to be missing after their fishing ship capsized about 50 miles off the coast.Scores of bodies were recovered from the sea and 104 people were rescued on Wednesday, after their vessel foundered in the Aegean Sea, off the southern coast of Greece, five days after setting sail from Libya bound for Italy.
Portland Mercury
1 year ago

So easy a caveman can do it.

Inflaming insecurity as a political strategy is not only ineffective but also a poor choice for sustaining long-term power.While it may provide short-term gains and rally a particular base, it ultimately fails to address the underlying issues and challenges faced by society.Using fear and insecurity as a tool to maintain power creates a cycle of dependency and mistrust.
1 year ago
Europe politics

The EU pays Africa's brutal militias to lock up migrants. Britain wants to follow suit | Kenan Malik

1) The European Union is paying African militias to detain migrants, incentivizing human rights abuses and worsening the migrant crisis.
2) Britain is considering similar deals, which would further endanger migrants and violate international laws.
3) The human cost of this policy is immense, with reports of migrants and refugees facing inhumane conditions, violence, and even death. [ more ]
1 year ago
UK news

Leading Labour politicians form group to campaign for UK reform

A group of leading Labour politicians has banded together to campaign for reform of the UK.Led by former prime minister Gordon Brown, Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford, Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin and Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar will speak at an event in Edinburgh on Thursday as they launch the push.
1 year ago
UK politics

Road safety groups hit out at Suella Braverman over speeding incident

Road safety campaigners have accused the UK home secretary of trying to downplay the dangers of speeding after she reportedly requested a private speed awareness course after being caught driving over the speed limit.Suella Braverman became the latest minister to be caught committing a road traffic offence when she was clocked speeding last summer when she was attorney general.
1 year ago

Voter apathy concerns loom over Toronto election days ahead of vote | CBC News

With 102 registered candidates, more than 10 debates featuring the apparent front-runners and around-the-clock news coverage, Toronto's mayoral election has clearly offered plenty to follow.Less clear is whether voters have been paying attention.Concerns about voter apathy are not unique to Toronto but have come into sharp focus after only 29.7 per cent of the city's 1.9 million registered voters cast ballots in the last municipal election.
1 year ago
World politics

Greece Continues Search for Migrants After Crowded Ship Capsizes

The grim search by Greek authorities for migrants after the country's deadliest shipwreck in years moved into a second day on Thursday, though the prospects of finding survivors was slim and hundreds were feared to be missing after their fishing ship capsized about 50 miles off the coast.Scores of bodies were recovered from the sea and 104 people were rescued on Wednesday, after their vessel foundered in the Aegean Sea, off the southern coast of Greece, five days after setting sail from Libya bound for Italy.
Portland Mercury
1 year ago

So easy a caveman can do it.

Inflaming insecurity as a political strategy is not only ineffective but also a poor choice for sustaining long-term power.While it may provide short-term gains and rally a particular base, it ultimately fails to address the underlying issues and challenges faced by society.Using fear and insecurity as a tool to maintain power creates a cycle of dependency and mistrust.
1 year ago
Europe politics

The EU pays Africa's brutal militias to lock up migrants. Britain wants to follow suit | Kenan Malik

1) The European Union is paying African militias to detain migrants, incentivizing human rights abuses and worsening the migrant crisis.
2) Britain is considering similar deals, which would further endanger migrants and violate international laws.
3) The human cost of this policy is immense, with reports of migrants and refugees facing inhumane conditions, violence, and even death. [ more ]
1 year ago
UK news

Leading Labour politicians form group to campaign for UK reform

A group of leading Labour politicians has banded together to campaign for reform of the UK.Led by former prime minister Gordon Brown, Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford, Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin and Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar will speak at an event in Edinburgh on Thursday as they launch the push.
1 year ago
UK politics

Road safety groups hit out at Suella Braverman over speeding incident

Road safety campaigners have accused the UK home secretary of trying to downplay the dangers of speeding after she reportedly requested a private speed awareness course after being caught driving over the speed limit.Suella Braverman became the latest minister to be caught committing a road traffic offence when she was clocked speeding last summer when she was attorney general.
1 year ago
France news

Annecy stabbings suspect held on attempted murder charges

The man suspected of stabbing four children in a playground in the French Alps has been held on charges of attempted murder.French judges handed the preliminary charges to the 31-year-old Syrian asylum seeker, who has not been named, on Saturday.He is due to appear in court this afternoon.The stabbings left four children - including a three-year-old British child, named locally as Ettie - fighting for their lives.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

US economy teeters on brink amid Biden-McCarthy debt ceiling deadlock

President Joe Biden and top lawmakers agreed on Tuesday to further talks aimed at breaking a deadlock over raising the $31.4tnUS debt limit, with just three weeks before the country could be forced into an unprecedented default.After about an hour of talks in the Oval Office, Biden, a Democrat, and House of Representatives speaker Kevin McCarthy, a Republican, deputized their aides to hold daily discussions about areas of possible agreement as a default looms as soon as 1 June.
1 year ago
France news

Annecy stabbings suspect held on attempted murder charges

The man suspected of stabbing four children in a playground in the French Alps has been held on charges of attempted murder.French judges handed the preliminary charges to the 31-year-old Syrian asylum seeker, who has not been named, on Saturday.He is due to appear in court this afternoon.The stabbings left four children - including a three-year-old British child, named locally as Ettie - fighting for their lives.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

US economy teeters on brink amid Biden-McCarthy debt ceiling deadlock

President Joe Biden and top lawmakers agreed on Tuesday to further talks aimed at breaking a deadlock over raising the $31.4tnUS debt limit, with just three weeks before the country could be forced into an unprecedented default.After about an hour of talks in the Oval Office, Biden, a Democrat, and House of Representatives speaker Kevin McCarthy, a Republican, deputized their aides to hold daily discussions about areas of possible agreement as a default looms as soon as 1 June.
1 year ago
World politics

A Rising India Is Also, in One Remote Pocket, a Blood-Soaked War Zone

People burned out of their homes by the hundreds.Villages, even refugee camps, raked with gunfire.Men, women and children beaten and set ablaze by angry mobs.India, the world's most populous country and home to the fastest-growing major economy, is now also the site of a war zone, as weeks of ethnic violence in the remote northeastern state of Manipur has claimed about 100 lives.
1 year ago
New York City

Daniel Penny Gives First Interview Addressing Subway Killing

Nearly three weeks after he was captured on video choking Jordan Neely, a homeless man, to death on a New York City subway, Daniel Penny spoke publicly about the episode for the first time on Saturday in an interview with The New York Post.Mr. Penny, 24, has been charged with second-degree manslaughter in the killing of Mr. Neely, 30, on an F train on May 1.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Letters: Michael Madigan's control over redistricting helped him stay in power

Buried deep within Jason Meisner and Ray Long's "ComEd Four" testimony wrap-up story - " Could Michael Madigan be bought?" (April 23) - is something so impossible to fathom that it deserves much more attention."(John) Hooker's defense team, led by attorney Michael Monico, kept out any mention that Hooker headed a group that went to court to halt attempts to diminish the power of Madigan and other political leaders over how legislative district boundaries are redrawn once a decade," Meisner and Long write.
1 year ago
New York City

Daniel Penny Gives First Interview Addressing Subway Killing

Nearly three weeks after he was captured on video choking Jordan Neely, a homeless man, to death on a New York City subway, Daniel Penny spoke publicly about the episode for the first time on Saturday in an interview with The New York Post.Mr. Penny, 24, has been charged with second-degree manslaughter in the killing of Mr. Neely, 30, on an F train on May 1.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Letters: Michael Madigan's control over redistricting helped him stay in power

Buried deep within Jason Meisner and Ray Long's "ComEd Four" testimony wrap-up story - " Could Michael Madigan be bought?" (April 23) - is something so impossible to fathom that it deserves much more attention."(John) Hooker's defense team, led by attorney Michael Monico, kept out any mention that Hooker headed a group that went to court to halt attempts to diminish the power of Madigan and other political leaders over how legislative district boundaries are redrawn once a decade," Meisner and Long write.
1 year ago
World politics

Johannesburg, Where Mayors Last Just Months, or Even Only Weeks

NOW HIRING: A mayor of Johannesburg.DUTIES: Managing fickle governing partners.Dodging insults from opposition parties.And cleaning up piles of garbage.LENGTH OF TERM: Likely very short.This was once a city of dreamers, a gold town that seduced prospectors from all over hoping to strike it rich.Lately, though, Johannesburg has been something of a political punchline, a metropolis where many residents' spirits are as dark as the streetlights.
1 year ago
France politics

Macron, Musk to meet in Paris ahead of business investment conference

Issued on: 15/05/2023 - 10:35 Elon Musk exits the Phillip Burton Federal Building on January 24, 2023 in San Francisco, California.Justin Sullivan, Getty Images via AFP Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk will meet French President Emmanuel Macron and other political leaders on Monday at a business conference close to Paris, the Elysee Palace said, confirming earlier media reports.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Daniel DePetris: The US war on terror continues. We just don't talk about it.

At a time when the Biden administration has its hands full trying to reverse Russia's invasion of Ukraine and manage a U.S.-China relationship stuck in the doldrums, America's vast, lethal counterterrorism machine continues to be in high gear.The U.S. intelligence community, in close partnership with America's special operators, are tracking and hunting down terrorists in several countries - Syria and Somalia, most especially - with such regularity that it barely makes a dent in the news cycle anymore.
1 year ago
UK news

Nicola Sturgeon hoping to have more fun' as she steps down from high office

Nicola Sturgeon has said she is hoping to have some more fun in life as she prepares to step down as both SNP leader and Scottish First Minister.Ms Sturgeon said it was only now at the age of almost 53, standing down from a lifetime in frontline politics that she was able to do this.Her comments came as she enters her final week as Scotland's First Minister a job she has had for more than eight years.
1 year ago

We have no time to lose': Ban Ki-moon criticises climate finance delays

The former UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon has warned that the world's largest fund to help developing nations weather the climate crisis remains an empty shell, despite decades of promises by rich nations.We need to see a massive acceleration in mobilising trillions of dollars needed to keep the world from climate collapse, he said.
1 year ago

Danish former minister charged with revealing state secrets

A Danish former defense minister who had publicly claimed that Denmark's secret service helped U.S. intelligence spy on several European leaders said Tuesday he has been charged with divulging state secrets.Denmark's prosecution authority said the country's justice minister has agreed to the recommendation that charges be brought against a former lawmaker, whom it did not name, for divulging or passing on secrets of importance to the state.
1 year ago
World politics

Johannesburg, Where Mayors Last Just Months, or Even Only Weeks

NOW HIRING: A mayor of Johannesburg.DUTIES: Managing fickle governing partners.Dodging insults from opposition parties.And cleaning up piles of garbage.LENGTH OF TERM: Likely very short.This was once a city of dreamers, a gold town that seduced prospectors from all over hoping to strike it rich.Lately, though, Johannesburg has been something of a political punchline, a metropolis where many residents' spirits are as dark as the streetlights.
1 year ago
France politics

Macron, Musk to meet in Paris ahead of business investment conference

Issued on: 15/05/2023 - 10:35 Elon Musk exits the Phillip Burton Federal Building on January 24, 2023 in San Francisco, California.Justin Sullivan, Getty Images via AFP Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk will meet French President Emmanuel Macron and other political leaders on Monday at a business conference close to Paris, the Elysee Palace said, confirming earlier media reports.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Daniel DePetris: The US war on terror continues. We just don't talk about it.

At a time when the Biden administration has its hands full trying to reverse Russia's invasion of Ukraine and manage a U.S.-China relationship stuck in the doldrums, America's vast, lethal counterterrorism machine continues to be in high gear.The U.S. intelligence community, in close partnership with America's special operators, are tracking and hunting down terrorists in several countries - Syria and Somalia, most especially - with such regularity that it barely makes a dent in the news cycle anymore.
1 year ago
UK news

Nicola Sturgeon hoping to have more fun' as she steps down from high office

Nicola Sturgeon has said she is hoping to have some more fun in life as she prepares to step down as both SNP leader and Scottish First Minister.Ms Sturgeon said it was only now at the age of almost 53, standing down from a lifetime in frontline politics that she was able to do this.Her comments came as she enters her final week as Scotland's First Minister a job she has had for more than eight years.
1 year ago

We have no time to lose': Ban Ki-moon criticises climate finance delays

The former UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon has warned that the world's largest fund to help developing nations weather the climate crisis remains an empty shell, despite decades of promises by rich nations.We need to see a massive acceleration in mobilising trillions of dollars needed to keep the world from climate collapse, he said.
1 year ago

Danish former minister charged with revealing state secrets

A Danish former defense minister who had publicly claimed that Denmark's secret service helped U.S. intelligence spy on several European leaders said Tuesday he has been charged with divulging state secrets.Denmark's prosecution authority said the country's justice minister has agreed to the recommendation that charges be brought against a former lawmaker, whom it did not name, for divulging or passing on secrets of importance to the state.
1 year ago
Europe news

LIVE Ukraine's Zelenskyy thanks Germany for support DW 05/14/2023

A German airforce plane flew Zelenskyy from Rome after meetings with Italian leaders and the pope Zelenskyy's talks in Berlin are to focus on weapons, air defense, reconstruction, EU and NATO Berlin has announced a new military aid package for Kyiv The visit was kept secret for security reasons This article was last updated at 1001 UTC Scholz-Zelenskyy hold Berlin news conference German Chancellor Olaf Scholz once again promised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Germany would support his country "for as long as necessary."
1 year ago
Europe news

LIVE Ukraine's Zelenskyy meets Scholz in Berlin DW 05/14/2023

A German airforce plane flew Zelenskyy from Rome after meetings with Italian leaders and the pope Zelenskyy's talks in Berlin are to focus on weapons, air defense, reconstruction, EU and NATO Berlin has announced a new military aid package for Kyiv The visit was kept secret for security reasons This article was last updated at 0817 UTC Zelenskyy received at German chancellery Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was given full military honors as he arrived at the chancellery on Sunday morning.
1 year ago
Europe news

LIVE Ukraine's Zelenskyy meets Steinmeier in Berlin DW 05/14/2023

Published 9 hours agoPublished 9 hours agolast updated 3 minutes agolast updated 3 minutes ago The Ukrainian president is making his first trip to Germany since Russia launched its invasion.He is expected to meet Chancellor Olaf Scholz and receive a prize in service of European unification.A German airforce plane flew Zelenskyy from Rome after meetings with Italian leaders and the pope Zelenskyy's talks in Berlin are to focus on weapons, air defense, reconstruction, EU and NATO Berlin has announced new military aid package to Kyiv The visit was kept secret for security reasons This article was last updated at 0741 UTC Steinmeier welcomes Zelenskyy to Berlin Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has arrived for talks in Berlin with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
1 year ago
Europe news

Ukraine's Zelenskyy arrives in Berlin DW 05/14/2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has arrived in Berlin late Saturday, according to his official Twitter account."Already in Berlin.Weapons.Powerful package.Air defense.Reconstruction.EU.NATO.Security," Zelenskyy tweeted.It is his first visit to Germany since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
1 year ago
Europe news

Ukraine's Zelenskyy arrives in Berlin DW 05/14/2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has arrived in Berlin late Saturday, according to his official Twitter account."Already in Berlin.Weapons.Powerful package.Air defense.Reconstruction.EU.NATO.Security," Zelenskyy tweeted.It is his first visit to Germany since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
1 year ago
Europe news

LIVE Ukraine's Zelenskyy thanks Germany for support DW 05/14/2023

A German airforce plane flew Zelenskyy from Rome after meetings with Italian leaders and the pope Zelenskyy's talks in Berlin are to focus on weapons, air defense, reconstruction, EU and NATO Berlin has announced a new military aid package for Kyiv The visit was kept secret for security reasons This article was last updated at 1001 UTC Scholz-Zelenskyy hold Berlin news conference German Chancellor Olaf Scholz once again promised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Germany would support his country "for as long as necessary."
1 year ago
Europe news

LIVE Ukraine's Zelenskyy meets Scholz in Berlin DW 05/14/2023

A German airforce plane flew Zelenskyy from Rome after meetings with Italian leaders and the pope Zelenskyy's talks in Berlin are to focus on weapons, air defense, reconstruction, EU and NATO Berlin has announced a new military aid package for Kyiv The visit was kept secret for security reasons This article was last updated at 0817 UTC Zelenskyy received at German chancellery Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was given full military honors as he arrived at the chancellery on Sunday morning.
1 year ago
Europe news

LIVE Ukraine's Zelenskyy meets Steinmeier in Berlin DW 05/14/2023

Published 9 hours agoPublished 9 hours agolast updated 3 minutes agolast updated 3 minutes ago The Ukrainian president is making his first trip to Germany since Russia launched its invasion.He is expected to meet Chancellor Olaf Scholz and receive a prize in service of European unification.A German airforce plane flew Zelenskyy from Rome after meetings with Italian leaders and the pope Zelenskyy's talks in Berlin are to focus on weapons, air defense, reconstruction, EU and NATO Berlin has announced new military aid package to Kyiv The visit was kept secret for security reasons This article was last updated at 0741 UTC Steinmeier welcomes Zelenskyy to Berlin Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has arrived for talks in Berlin with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
1 year ago
Europe news

Ukraine's Zelenskyy arrives in Berlin DW 05/14/2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has arrived in Berlin late Saturday, according to his official Twitter account."Already in Berlin.Weapons.Powerful package.Air defense.Reconstruction.EU.NATO.Security," Zelenskyy tweeted.It is his first visit to Germany since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
1 year ago
Europe news

Ukraine's Zelenskyy arrives in Berlin DW 05/14/2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has arrived in Berlin late Saturday, according to his official Twitter account."Already in Berlin.Weapons.Powerful package.Air defense.Reconstruction.EU.NATO.Security," Zelenskyy tweeted.It is his first visit to Germany since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
1 year ago
Europe news

Germany unveils 2.7 bn euro weapons package for Ukraine

Germany is preparing a new weapons package for Ukraine worth 2.7 billion euros, reportedly Berlin's largest since Russia invaded last year, the defence ministry said Saturday.Published: 13 May 2023 11:56 CEST German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius arrives for a weekly meeting of the German cabinet at the chancellery in Berlin on May 3rd, 2023.
1 year ago
France news

Strykers, Bradleys likely in huge US aid package for Ukraine

The U.S. is finalizing a massive package of military aid for Ukraine that U.S. officials say is likely to total as much as $2.6 billion.It's expected to include for the first time nearly 100 Stryker combat vehicles and at least 50 Bradley armored vehicles to allow Ukrainian forces to move more quickly and securely on the front lines in the war with Russia but not the tanks that Ukraine has sought.
1 year ago
Europe news

Germany unveils 2.7 bn euro weapons package for Ukraine

Germany is preparing a new weapons package for Ukraine worth 2.7 billion euros, reportedly Berlin's largest since Russia invaded last year, the defence ministry said Saturday.Published: 13 May 2023 11:56 CEST German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius arrives for a weekly meeting of the German cabinet at the chancellery in Berlin on May 3rd, 2023.
1 year ago
France news

Strykers, Bradleys likely in huge US aid package for Ukraine

The U.S. is finalizing a massive package of military aid for Ukraine that U.S. officials say is likely to total as much as $2.6 billion.It's expected to include for the first time nearly 100 Stryker combat vehicles and at least 50 Bradley armored vehicles to allow Ukrainian forces to move more quickly and securely on the front lines in the war with Russia but not the tanks that Ukraine has sought.
1 year ago
UK news

In Pictures: Faith leaders, politicians and royals all pitch in for Big Help Out

Festivities to mark the King's coronation continued on Monday with the Big Help Out.The initiative organised by The Together Coalition and partners including The Scouts, the Royal Voluntary Service and faith groups from across the UK was designed to highlight the positive impact volunteering has on communities.
1 year ago
UK news

Irish president to meet King ahead of coronation ceremony

President of Ireland Michael D Higgins will meet the King on Friday night ahead of becoming the first Irish head of state to attend a coronation.Mr Higgins and his wife Sabina will be guests at a reception at Buckingham Palace on the eve of the coronation ceremony in London.It will be the ninth occasion the two heads of state have met and continues a long-standing friendship between the two.
1 year ago
UK news

Seventh man arrested over attempted murder of two police officers

A 58-year-old man has been arrested over the attempted murder of two police officers in Co Tyrone.The man was arrested on Saturday by detectives from the terrorism investigation unit in the Strabane area and is being being detained at Musgrave police station under the Terrorism Act.Police said that a property was also searched.
1 year ago
UK news

Irish president to meet King ahead of coronation ceremony

President of Ireland Michael D Higgins will meet the King on Friday night ahead of becoming the first Irish head of state to attend a coronation.Mr Higgins and his wife Sabina will be guests at a reception at Buckingham Palace on the eve of the coronation ceremony in London.It will be the ninth occasion the two heads of state have met and continues a long-standing friendship between the two.
1 year ago
UK news

Seventh man arrested over attempted murder of two police officers

A 58-year-old man has been arrested over the attempted murder of two police officers in Co Tyrone.The man was arrested on Saturday by detectives from the terrorism investigation unit in the Strabane area and is being being detained at Musgrave police station under the Terrorism Act.Police said that a property was also searched.
UK - Another reason not to sail with P&O - P&O Ferries is confident of avoiding a fine for sacking nearly 800 seafarers without notice.
1 year ago
UK news

P&O Ferries bosses set to avoid punishment after sacking 800 seafarers without notice

P&O Ferries is confident of avoiding a fine for sacking nearly 800 seafarers without notice.The annual report of the DP World-owned ferry operator, seen by the PA news agency, said its directors think an ongoing inquiry by the Insolvency Service will not result in any punishment.Some 786 of the company's workers were made redundant without consultation on March 17 2022, leading to widespread criticism from politicians and trade unions.
1 year ago
France politics

Live: French President Macron says pension reform bill should be enacted by end of the year

Hour by hour Issued on: 22/03/2023 - 10:49Modified: 22/03/2023 - 11:03 French President Emmanuel Macron is shown during the live interview aired on March 22, 2023.Ludovic Marin, AFP President Emmanuel Macron will give a live television interview scheduled for 1:00pm (1200 GMT) on Wednesday, breaking his silence in an effort to calm unrest across France caused by the brutal fight over his pensions reform that has dented his popularity.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Letters: St. Patrick's Day celebration in the Loop demonstrated our togetherness

The St. Patrick's Day celebration this past weekend in Chicago's Loop was a genuine coming together of Irish American families, Irish American workers and multiple organizations of the greater Chicagoland community in so many positive ways.So many of us have not experienced this since the arrival of COVID-19.
1 year ago
Europe news

Zelenskyy: 'No place' for Russia at Paris Games

LONDON -- Russian athletes have "no place" at next year's Paris Olympics while their country's invasion of Ukraine continues, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told a summit of sports officials from 36 countries Friday.The International Olympic Committee argues it would be discriminatory to exclude athletes from Russia and ally Belarus ahead of the 2024 Paris Games.
1 year ago
World politics

As Ukraine Clings to Bakhmut, What's Its Strategy and What's at Stake?

The commander of Ukraine's ground forces visited soldiers in Bakhmut for the second time in less than a week on Friday, a reflection of the precarious position Ukrainian forces find themselves in as they cling to their positions in the battered city.Col. Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky, the commander, warned in a statement that Russia was throwing the most prepared units into the fight and said that he was assessing problematic issues related to increasing the defense capability of our units on the front line.
1 year ago
Germany news

Germany returns 21 Benin bronzes to Nigeria amid frustration at Britain

Twenty-one precious artefacts that were looted by British soldiers from the former west African kingdom of Benin 125 years ago have been physically handed over by Germany to Nigeria amid laughter, tears, and some audible frustration with the ongoing silence of the country that first stole them.The objects from the haul of treasures known as the Benin bronzes, including a brass head of an oba (king), a ceremonial ada and a throne depicting a coiled-up python, were taken from the sacked city during a British punitive expedition in 1897 and later sold to German museums in Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Cologne.
1 year ago
Europe news

Ukraine says Russia is training soldiers for possible new offensive

KYIV, Ukraine  Ukraine is bracing for the possibility that Russia will sharply escalate the war in a winter offensive as Moscow tries to turn the tide on the battlefield and limit political backlash at home, a senior adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Sunday.Despite suffering severe setbacks over the first 10 months of war, the Russian military is now laying plans for mass infantry attacks akin to the tactics employed by the Soviet Union during World War II, the adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, said in emailed responses to questions.
1 year ago
World politics

Ukraine Says Russia Is Training Soldiers for Possible New Offensive

Ukraine is bracing for the possibility that Russia will sharply escalate the war in a winter offensive as Moscow tries to turn the tide on the battlefield and limit political backlash at home, a senior adviser to President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday.Despite suffering severe setbacks over the first 10 months of war, the Russian military is now laying plans for mass infantry attacks akin to the tactics employed by the Soviet Union during World War II, the adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, said in emailed responses to questions.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Letters: St. Patrick's Day celebration in the Loop demonstrated our togetherness

The St. Patrick's Day celebration this past weekend in Chicago's Loop was a genuine coming together of Irish American families, Irish American workers and multiple organizations of the greater Chicagoland community in so many positive ways.So many of us have not experienced this since the arrival of COVID-19.
1 year ago
Europe news

Zelenskyy: 'No place' for Russia at Paris Games

LONDON -- Russian athletes have "no place" at next year's Paris Olympics while their country's invasion of Ukraine continues, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told a summit of sports officials from 36 countries Friday.The International Olympic Committee argues it would be discriminatory to exclude athletes from Russia and ally Belarus ahead of the 2024 Paris Games.
1 year ago
World politics

As Ukraine Clings to Bakhmut, What's Its Strategy and What's at Stake?

The commander of Ukraine's ground forces visited soldiers in Bakhmut for the second time in less than a week on Friday, a reflection of the precarious position Ukrainian forces find themselves in as they cling to their positions in the battered city.Col. Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky, the commander, warned in a statement that Russia was throwing the most prepared units into the fight and said that he was assessing problematic issues related to increasing the defense capability of our units on the front line.
1 year ago
Germany news

Germany returns 21 Benin bronzes to Nigeria amid frustration at Britain

Twenty-one precious artefacts that were looted by British soldiers from the former west African kingdom of Benin 125 years ago have been physically handed over by Germany to Nigeria amid laughter, tears, and some audible frustration with the ongoing silence of the country that first stole them.The objects from the haul of treasures known as the Benin bronzes, including a brass head of an oba (king), a ceremonial ada and a throne depicting a coiled-up python, were taken from the sacked city during a British punitive expedition in 1897 and later sold to German museums in Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Cologne.
1 year ago
Europe news

Ukraine says Russia is training soldiers for possible new offensive

KYIV, Ukraine  Ukraine is bracing for the possibility that Russia will sharply escalate the war in a winter offensive as Moscow tries to turn the tide on the battlefield and limit political backlash at home, a senior adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Sunday.Despite suffering severe setbacks over the first 10 months of war, the Russian military is now laying plans for mass infantry attacks akin to the tactics employed by the Soviet Union during World War II, the adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, said in emailed responses to questions.
1 year ago
World politics

Ukraine Says Russia Is Training Soldiers for Possible New Offensive

Ukraine is bracing for the possibility that Russia will sharply escalate the war in a winter offensive as Moscow tries to turn the tide on the battlefield and limit political backlash at home, a senior adviser to President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday.Despite suffering severe setbacks over the first 10 months of war, the Russian military is now laying plans for mass infantry attacks akin to the tactics employed by the Soviet Union during World War II, the adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, said in emailed responses to questions.
1 year ago
France news

Zelenskyy to address summit on Russian Olympic involvement

For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was set to address a group of sports ministers meeting Friday to discuss Russian participation at next year's Olympics.
Washington Post
1 year ago

Murakami's 1st novel in 6 years to hit stores in April

TOKYO - A new Haruki Murakami novel will be published in April and the publisher is saying little about it except that the Japanese manuscript is around 1,200 pages and the plot involves "a story that had long been sealed."Are you on Telegram?Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates on Russia's war in Ukraine.
1 year ago
UK news

Ukrainians in Dublin told our home is your home' on anniversary of war

Ireland's deputy leader and foreign affairs minister Micheal Martin has addressed a crowd of Ukrainian nationals and their supporters to mark the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion.Hundreds gathered outside Dublin's famous GPO building on O'Connell Street on Friday draped in the yellow and blue colours of the Ukrainian flag, donning flower crowns and holding up signs calling for an end to the war.
1 year ago
US Elections

Virulently antisemitic comments by Ye spark new GOP criticism

Without mentioning Trump by name, the GOP Jewish group urged "all political leaders to reject these messengers of hate and relegare them to the dustbin of history where they belong," a reference to Ye, Fuentes and Jones.The group added: "Conservatives who have mistakenly indulged Kanye West must make clear that he is a pariah.
1 year ago
UK news

Ukrainians in Dublin told our home is your home' on anniversary of war

Ireland's deputy leader and foreign affairs minister Micheal Martin has addressed a crowd of Ukrainian nationals and their supporters to mark the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion.Hundreds gathered outside Dublin's famous GPO building on O'Connell Street on Friday draped in the yellow and blue colours of the Ukrainian flag, donning flower crowns and holding up signs calling for an end to the war.
1 year ago
US Elections

Virulently antisemitic comments by Ye spark new GOP criticism

Without mentioning Trump by name, the GOP Jewish group urged "all political leaders to reject these messengers of hate and relegare them to the dustbin of history where they belong," a reference to Ye, Fuentes and Jones.The group added: "Conservatives who have mistakenly indulged Kanye West must make clear that he is a pariah.
1 year ago
Europe news

Iran blacklists more European officials as tensions rise

The foreign ministry in Tehran blacklists three entities and 22 individuals from the EU as well as a think tank and eight officials in the UK.Tehran, Iran Tehran has introduced more sanctions on European officials and entities for supporting terrorism and fomenting unrest in Iran.Its Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday blacklisted three entities and 22 individuals from the European Union in addition to one entity and eight officials from the United Kingdom.
1 year ago
World politics

Turkey Is Strengthening Its Energy Ties With Russia

As European nations opposed to the invasion of Ukraine have moved to reduce their dependence on Russian oil and gas, enduring soaring price increases and possible shortages, Turkey has deepened its energy ties to Russia.Since the war started, Turkey's imports of Russian crude oil and coal have climbed sharply.
1 year ago
UK news

Alison Thewliss and Stephen Flynn in running to be new SNP leader at Westminster

SNP MPs will choose a new Westminster leader on Tuesday after Ian Blackford said he would step down.The current incumbent announced last week he would not stand again to lead the party in the Commons, with deputy leader Kirsten Oswald also saying she will step away from her role.The contest for the top job is between Aberdeen South MP Stephen Flynn and Glasgow Central MP Alison Thewliss.
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