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5 days ago

Pickleball Has Some Major Health Benefits That You Should Know About

Pickleball exploded in popularity due to fun, inclusivity, and mental health benefits. Apple study shows lower depression rates among frequent players. [ more ]
1 month ago

Tell us: how do you make your commute fun or productive?

Some people are making their commute more productive and fun by cycling, running, or skiing, prioritizing physical activity over speed or convenience. [ more ]
2 months ago
Mental health

Strolling as a way to disconnect from the stress of everyday life

Walking can be an effective way to disconnect and relieve mental strain.
Walking clubs in urban environments offer group fitness experiences. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
2 months ago

This Dad's Checklist Of Household Tasks His Kids Must Do Before Any Screen Time Went Viral

Setting boundaries around screen time can motivate children to prioritize physical exercise and other tasks.
Parental guidance on screen time can impact children's mental health positively. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
4 months ago

A runner's path to healing and triumph

Sarah Alfaro uses running as a way to cope with the grief of losing her cousin to suicide.
Alfaro is advocating for mental health in the Hispanic community and inspiring her family to embrace a healthier lifestyle. [ more ]
1 year ago

Children and elderly people need exercise to lead a better life | Letters

As Devi Sridhar rightly highlights (The secret to why exercise is so good for mental health?Hope molecules', 4 May), physical activity is crucial for maintaining good health and preventing illness.This is particularly pertinent for young people today, who are faced with a crisis in physical and mental health.
1 week ago

This Research Breaks Down How Much To Sit, Stand, And Sleep Each Day For Optimal Health

Optimal health balance includes 8.3 hours of sleep and 2.2 hours of light and moderate to vigorous activity each. [ more ]
1 month ago

Short-term incentives for exercise can lead to sustained increases in activity

Daily reminders and incentives increased daily steps by 1,500+ for adults at heart disease risks.
Financial incentives combined with reminders were most effective in improving activity levels long-term. [ more ]
11 months ago
UK news

Plan for GPs to offer controversial celebrity weight loss jab

Rishi Sunak said using new drugs to combat obesity could be a game-changer as he announced a 40m pilot scheme to increase access to specialist weight management services.The government wants to tackle the health problems and 6.5bn cost to the NHS of obesity by making it easier to access weight-loss treatments through GPs.
11 months ago
UK news

New drugs to combat obesity a game changer' as 40m pilot scheme launched

Rishi Sunak said using new drugs to combat obesity could be a game-changer as he announced a 40m pilot scheme to increase access to specialist weight management services.The government wants to tackle the health problems and 6.5bn cost to the NHS of obesity by making it easier to access weight-loss treatments through GPs.
11 months ago

6 Sleep Survival Tips for Night Owl Parents

Sorry, night owls, but the world is designed for morning people, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.You're reminded of this annoying fact nearly every morning when your 6 a.m.alarm - or a co-sleeping kid - forces you awake before you're ready.Yet in order to be a responsible coworker and a present parent, you suck it up and get out of bed.
1 year ago

Active breaks: Simple tricks to alleviate the effects of a sedentary lifestyle at work

A light 5-minute walk for every 30 minutes of sitting lowers the blood pressure and glucose.Maskot (Getty Images/Maskot) John is always happy to go to work.On his way to his job, he strolls along the way, taking note of every single detail, no matter how small.However, lately he has been feeling like the hours are too long.
Harvard Gazette
1 week ago

Should we measure exercise in minutes or steps? - Harvard Gazette

Both step-count and time-based exercise goals are equally effective in reducing health risks. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Cycle Your Way to Better Sleep

Cycling can significantly improve sleep quality in seniors by reducing stress, regulating sleep-wake cycles, and improving overall health. [ more ]
2 months ago

Walking This Many Steps Daily Has Huge Benefits - Especially If You Sit All Day

Walking 9,000 to 10,500 steps daily reduces mortality and cardiovascular disease risk.
Walking at least 2,200 steps daily also shows benefits for health. [ more ]
4 months ago

Your Brain Doesn't Want You to Exercise

Regular physical activity has numerous health benefits, including improved sleep, strength, and mental well-being, and reduced risk of chronic conditions and premature death.
Many people do not exercise enough, despite the accessibility and positive impact of even short bouts of exercise without equipment. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
2 weeks ago
Mental health

7 ways to improve your mental health at work by staying active

Physical activity positively impacts mental health, even in small doses. [ more ]
Natural Health News
1 month ago

Working out in nature may prevent several terrible diseases and cut medical costs

Natural outdoor exercise can prevent non-communicable diseases and reduce healthcare costs significantly. [ more ]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
1 month ago

Head Off your Work from Home Habits

Working from home can lead to weight gain due to unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity, posing health risks. [ more ]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
1 month ago

Walking to Prevent Heart Disease: The Best Exercise for a Healthy Heart

Speed walking can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease compared to slower forms of walking. [ more ]
1 month ago

Climb stairs to live longer

Climbing stairs reduces mortality risk by 24% and lowers cardiovascular disease likelihood by 39%. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
1 month ago

Exercise cuts heart disease risk in part by lowering stress, study finds - Harvard Gazette

Physical activity reduces cardiovascular disease risk for individuals with depression. [ more ]
Yahoo Life
4 months ago

Why sitting down at work is bad for your health - and other health news

Sitting for prolonged periods of time at work can increase the risk of death and cardiovascular disease.
Adding just 15 to 30 minutes of physical activity each day can help reduce the risk associated with prolonged sitting. [ more ]
Yahoo Life
4 months ago

Why sitting down at work is bad for your health - and other health news

Sitting for prolonged periods of time at work can increase the risk of death and cardiovascular disease.
Adding just 15 to 30 minutes of physical activity each day can help reduce the risk associated with prolonged sitting. [ more ]
1 year ago
France news

Regular exercise may lower risk of women developing Parkinson's disease study

Getting regular exercise such as cycling, walking, gardening, cleaning and participating in sports may decrease the risk of developing Parkinson's disease in women, a study suggests.Women who exercised the most had a 25% lower rate of the condition when compared to those who exercised the least.The research also found that 10 years before diagnosis, levels of exercise fell at a faster rate in those with Parkinson's than in those without, likely due to early symptoms of the disease.
Alternative Medicine Magazine
1 month ago

Top Tips to Boost Your Immune System

Boosting the immune system is crucial for overall health and can be achieved through dietary choices, supplements, and exercise. [ more ]
1 month ago

5 Exercises for a Better Sex Life

Sex can be improved through regular physical activity, which enhances overall physical and sexual health. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
2 months ago

The 20-minute workout - Harvard Gazette

Movement is beneficial for mental and physical health, even in short durations like 21 minutes per day.
Tailoring exercise based on goals, like intense workouts for weight loss and high-intensity for fitness improvement. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago

I lost 104 lbs doing one simple exercise - and making an easy diet tweak

Samantha Abreu lost over 100 pounds by walking 10,000 steps a day and incorporating exercise into her routine.
Abreu's journey involved overcoming struggles with binge eating, lack of physical activity, and exhaustion from work while finding a new appreciation for movement and healthy habits. [ more ]
2 months ago

All it takes is a quick walk': how a few minutes' exercise can unleash creativity even if you hate it

Physical movement can enhance creativity even with brief bouts of exercise.
Divergent thinking and convergent thinking are two aspects of creativity that can be influenced by physical activity. [ more ]
4 months ago

Older adults who exercise with their spouse may be less physically active than those who exercise individually

Older adults who exercise with their spouse achieve lower physical activity levels than those who exercise individually.
Receiving personalized feedback on fitness trackers encourages greater physical activity in older adults. [ more ]
4 months ago

Older adults who exercise with their spouse may be less physically active than those who exercise individually

Older adults who exercise with their spouse achieve lower physical activity levels than those who exercise individually.
Receiving personalized feedback on fitness trackers encourages greater physical activity in older adults. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
1 month ago

How old is too old to run? - Harvard Gazette

Listening to your body's signals is crucial when engaging in physical activities. [ more ]
1 month ago

Did you know that physical activity can protect you from chronic pain?

Physically active individuals have higher pain tolerance, with activity levels correlating to pain tolerance.
Increased physical activity is linked to lower chances of experiencing chronic pain, potentially due to improved pain tolerance. [ more ]
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
2 months ago
Web design

This Dog Chew Toy Adds A Twist Of Geometry To Your Pet's Playtime - Yanko Design

Innovative geometric chew toy for dogs
Promotes physical activity and mental stimulation [ more ]
2 months ago

Scientists Working on Pill You Can Take Instead of Exercising

Scientists researching medicine mimicking exercise effects like SLU-PP-332.
SLU-PP-332 in trials, potentially aiding those unable to exercise. [ more ]
The Gottman Institute
2 months ago

Building Healthy Habits for Toddlers: A parent's guide

Establishing healthy habits in toddlerhood is crucial for overall well-being.
Nutritious diet, physical activity, sufficient sleep, and emotional well-being are essential for raising a healthy toddler. [ more ]
2 months ago

Every step above 2,200 steps a day reduces risk of early death, study finds

Walking 9,000 to 10,500 steps a day reduces the risk of early death and heart disease significantly.
Every extra step above 2,200 a day, up to about 10,000, lowers the risks of heart disease and early death, regardless of sedentary time. [ more ]
2 months ago

Just 2,200 steps a day slashes the risk of early death, study reveals

Walking 9,000 to 10,500 steps a day reduces early death risk by 39% and heart attack/stroke risk by over a fifth.
Every step above 2,200 steps a day, up to around 10,000, lowers risks of heart disease and early death, regardless of sedentary time. [ more ]
TNW | Sustainability
3 months ago

Doctors have started prescribing a new medical treatment: a walking app

Walking has significant health benefits and is increasingly prescribed by doctors for various conditions.
Walk15, a Lithuanian startup, provides a platform and app to motivate people to engage in physical activity through step challenges and rewards. [ more ]
3 months ago

More intense exercise reduces post-concussion anxiety in teens

Returning to MVPA post-concussion reduces anxiety in teens.
Physical activity may lead to better health outcomes after concussion. [ more ]
3 months ago

How Taking Daily Walks Have Enhanced My Productivity and Creativity | Entrepreneur

Daily walks boost creativity by generating ideas, aided by research.
Walking enhances cognitive function, improving clear thinking and memory retention. [ more ]
3 months ago
Women in technology

Women benefit more than men from same amount of regular exercise study

Women benefit more from the same level of exercise than men.
Even small amounts of exercise can provide significant benefits for women. [ more ]
3 months ago

School uniforms may lead to children getting less exercise, new study shows

School uniforms may be a barrier to physical activity in children, especially girls
The gap in activity levels between boys and girls widens at the primary school level in countries with uniform policies [ more ]
3 months ago

School uniform policies linked to students getting less exercise, study finds

School uniforms may affect physical activity levels, especially for primary school girls.
Younger children in countries with mandatory school uniforms have wider activity gaps between genders. [ more ]
3 months ago

The Tories have ruined our health. This is what Labour must do to repair the damage | Devi Sridhar

Britain's health is declining in many areas such as obesity rates and cancer survival rates.
Three priorities for improving public health in the UK are reducing childhood obesity, investing in physical activity, and improving mental health support. [ more ]
4 months ago

Children living near green spaces have stronger bones'

Children with more green space near their homes have stronger bones, equivalent to half a year's natural growth.
Increasing the size and accessibility of green spaces for children can prevent fractures and osteoporosis in older people. [ more ]
4 months ago

Children living near green spaces have stronger bones'

Children with more green space near their homes have stronger bones, equivalent to half a year's natural growth.
Increasing the size and accessibility of green spaces for children can prevent fractures and osteoporosis in older people. [ more ]
1 year ago

Your Commute May Be Bad For You. Here's Why.

In the past year, a growing number of companies have asked employees to return to the office either full- or part-time after years of pandemic-induced remote working.While this is a good thing when it comes to being able to socialize with your colleagues, it may have some negative effects on your health - depending on how long your commute is.
3 months ago

Can Exercise Help Prevent Prostate Cancer?

Regular physical activity may reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Research on the connection between exercise and prostate cancer is limited and has shown conflicting results. [ more ]
3 months ago

Do your kids want a dog? Science may be on their side

Getting a family dog is linked to increased physical activity in younger kids, especially young girls.
Girls with dogs engage in an additional 52 minutes of light intensity physical activity per day. [ more ]
4 months ago
Soccer (FIFA)

Lawmakers to consider ban on tackle football for California kids under 12

California lawmakers will debate banning tackle football for children under 12.
Advocates argue it would protect kids from brain damage, while coaches oppose it as it cuts off physical activity. [ more ]
5 months ago

Holidays crank up kilos for kids

Holidays are the prime time for excessive weight gain in kids.
Children's body fat increases at a faster pace during school holidays compared to in-school periods. [ more ]
Yahoo Life
4 months ago

Why sitting down at work is bad for your health - and other health news

Sitting for prolonged periods of time at work can increase the risk of death and cardiovascular disease.
Adding just 15 to 30 minutes of physical activity each day can help reduce the risk associated with prolonged sitting. [ more ]
4 months ago

Older adults who exercise with their spouse may be less physically active than those who exercise individually

Older adults who exercise with their spouse achieve lower physical activity levels than those who exercise individually.
Receiving personalized feedback on fitness trackers encourages greater physical activity in older adults. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

Children living near green spaces have stronger bones'

Children with more green space near their homes have stronger bones, equivalent to half a year's natural growth.
Increasing the size and accessibility of green spaces for children can prevent fractures and osteoporosis in older people. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
4 months ago

Do We *Really* Need To Take 10,000 Steps A Day To Be Healthy?

The recommendation of 10,000 steps a day is not rooted in scientific studies, but rather originated from a 1965 ad campaign in Japan.
Reaching 10,000 steps is not a necessary or reasonable goal for everyone, and it may discourage people who are not already active. [ more ]
Brooklyn Paper
4 months ago

PHOTOS | Kensington students skate with Disney on Ice pros under the Brooklyn Bridge * Brooklyn Paper

Ice skating can bolster motor skill development in children and promote cognitive development.
Ice skating is a great physical activity that teaches discipline and perseverance. [ more ]
5 months ago

How to hold off the hands of time: the evidence-based guide to ageing well

Building physical activity into day-to-day life is beneficial for managing chronic disease risk factors and maintaining brain health.
Any form of physical activity, no matter how small, can contribute to overall health and well-being. [ more ]
5 months ago

How to hold off the hands of time: the evidence-based guide to ageing well

Building physical activity into day-to-day life is beneficial for managing chronic disease risk factors and maintaining brain health.
Any form of physical activity, no matter how small, can contribute to overall health and well-being. [ more ]
5 months ago

How to hold off the hands of time: the evidence-based guide to ageing well

Building physical activity into day-to-day life is beneficial for managing chronic disease risk factors and maintaining brain health.
Any form of physical activity, no matter how small, can contribute to overall health and well-being. [ more ]
#sedentary behavior
6 months ago

The Eye-Opening Reason You Need To Switch To A Standing Desk ASAP

Sedentary behavior has clear adverse associations with heart health outcomes, regardless of duration.
Replacing sedentary time with sleeping time or engaging in moderate-vigorous activity can improve heart health.
Light activity is more beneficial than sleeping for heart health. [ more ]
6 months ago

The Eye-Opening Reason You Need To Switch To A Standing Desk ASAP

Sedentary behavior has clear adverse associations with heart health outcomes, regardless of duration.
Replacing sedentary time with sleeping time or engaging in moderate-vigorous activity can improve heart health.
Light activity is more beneficial than sleeping for heart health. [ more ]
moresedentary behavior
6 months ago

The Eye-Opening Reason You Need To Switch To A Standing Desk ASAP

Sedentary behavior has clear adverse associations with heart health outcomes, regardless of duration.
Replacing sedentary time with sleeping time or engaging in moderate-vigorous activity can improve heart health.
Light activity is more beneficial than sleeping for heart health. [ more ]
#physical activity
6 months ago

Not All Exercise Is Beneficial: The PA Paradox Explained

Regular physical activity (PA) is recommended for optimal health.
For many people, occupational PA may not provide the same benefits as leisure-time PA and may actually increase the risk for certain conditions. [ more ]
6 months ago

Study Finds "Hierarchy" of Physical Activities Healthier Than Sitting - Sleeping is One

Engaging in short bursts of physical activity throughout the day can have positive effects on heart health.
Replacing sitting with moderate to vigorous activity, such as running or brisk walking, is the most beneficial change for heart health. [ more ]
6 months ago

Study Finds "Hierarchy" of Physical Activities Healthier Than Sitting - Sleeping is One

Engaging in short bursts of physical activity throughout the day can have positive effects on heart health.
Replacing sitting with moderate to vigorous activity, such as running or brisk walking, is the most beneficial change for heart health. [ more ]
morephysical activity
11 months ago

Growing without groaning: A brief guide to gardening when you have chronic pain

When I look at the economic news: the housing crunch, the high cost of groceries, or the possibility that AI will render my professional skills obsolete I often come back to the same thought: I should start growing my own vegetables.Financial savings and fresh produce aside, research shows gardening and spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.
11 months ago
UK news

Controversial Oxford LTNs could be scrapped after slowing down ambulances

A controversial traffic measure could be scrapped after data revealed it's having a dire impact on ambulance wait times.Oxford LTNs, or low traffic neighbourhoods, are groups of residential streets, bordered by main roads where vehicles are discouraged or not allowed.A report released by the Oxfordshire County Council this week revealed the traffic changes can delay emergency vehicles by between 35 and 45 seconds.
11 months ago

Anyone who goes to a beach already has a beach body'. Don't strive for an illusion | Devi Sridhar

As summer weather begins, and bare arms and legs start to appear across the country, and people start to worry about their beach body, maybe falling for claims that a particular diet or workout can achieve wonders in just a few weeks.This is not only impossible there is no diet or exercise that can transform your body so quickly it's unhealthy at its core.
Washington Post
11 months ago
Washington Nationals

Analysis | The Nats could really use a lefty reliever. One could be coming soon.

Nationals Manager Dave Martinez, pictured here removing Andrés Machado from a game last month, has not had a left-handed reliever since Anthony Banda was designated for assignment April 30.(Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post)Scene 1, Washington Nationals vs. Philadelphia Phillies on Friday: With two on and the Nationals holding a one-run lead in the top of the eighth inning, right-handed reliever Kyle Finnegan enters to face left-handed slugger Kyle Schwarber.
Washington Post
11 months ago
Washington Nationals

Nats' bats stay quiet as the Phillies bash five homers to take the series

Joey Meneses got the first triple of his major league career Sunday, but the Nationals didn't do much else at the plate in a loss to the Phillies.(Jess Rapfogel/Getty Images)The Washington Nationals' matchup with the Philadelphia Phillies on Sunday afternoon at Nationals Park came with heightened stakes - relatively speaking because it's early June.
1 year ago

Wait, When Did Mark Zuckerberg Go Rambo?

Close your eyes.Picture Mark Zuckerberg.What do you see?Perhaps you envision the Meta boss and Facebook founder in a gray T-shirt, spotlighted on a Silicon Valley stage.Maybe his cartoonish metaverse avatar hovers before you with legs, or without them.Possibly Jesse Eisenberg, the bony actor who played the fledgling tycoon in The Social Network (2010), appears in your mind's eye.
Battery Power
11 months ago
Atlanta Braves

Braves News: Series level, Vaughn Grissom, more

Ronald Acuna is obviously having a great season, but he is historic in one way that he probably wished he wasn't.Ronald became the first batter in the Statcast era to hit 10 straight homers over 420 ft in history.Ronald does seem to have a somewhat bizarre tendency to hit absolute bombs when he does hit homers, but this particular streak is significantly aided by the fact that Ronald has had a lot of barreled outs that might have been homers in other parks or even on other nights, including two on Saturday alone.
Washington Post
11 months ago
Washington Nationals

Nats can't close the gap, falter against the scuffling Phillies

Nationals catcher Keibert Ruiz is pursued by Phillies shortstop Trea Turner in a rundown Saturday.A run scored on the play, but the Nationals couldn't keep pace later in the game.(Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post)Stop me if you've heard this before: The Washington Nationals hoped for innings from their starter Saturday - six, maybe more - because their bullpen needed a chance to catch its breath.
1 year ago

Can multivitamins improve memory? A new study shows 'intriguing' results

They tracked about 3,500 older adults who were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial.
One group of participants took a placebo, and another group took a Silver Centrum multivitamin, for 3 years.
At the end of the first year, people taking a multivitamin showed improvements in the ability to recall words.
People taking the multivitamin were able to recall about a quarter more words, which translates into remembering just a few more words, compared to the placebo group.
"We estimate that the effect of the multivitamin intervention improved memory performance above placebo by the equivalent of 3.1 years of age-related memory change," the authors write in their paper, which was published this week in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
And the authors point to a sustained benefit.
1 year ago
Mental health

Deep Sleep May Mitigate the Impact of Alzheimer's Pathology

Deep sleep may function as a buffer against cognitive decline in older adults with Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology by protecting cognitive reserve, new research suggests.Investigators found that deep sleep, also known as non-REM slow-wave sleep, can protect memory function in cognitively normal adults with a high beta-amyloid burden.
1 year ago

How to Start Teaching Your Kids About Social Media

On May 9, the American Psychological Association (APA) released its first-ever guidelines for teen social-media use: a collection of 10 recommendations for kids, parents, platform creators, and lawmakers to heed for kids' health online and offline.These include confining social-media use to about an hour before bedtime so as not to interfere with sleep and physical activity, tweaking social-media use and features to match kids' ages and developmental capabilities, and minimizing exposure to online hate and risky behaviors like self-harm.
1 year ago

Should I worry about how much sleep I'm getting?

Of all the things to worry about in life, sleep may be the most pernicious.Most things you either can directly control (your booze intake, Twitter consumption, exercise regime) or you can't (pollution, bees dying, malevolent artificial intelligence).But sleep sits right in the middle: even if you feel as if you are giving yourself enough, are you really?
1 year ago

Turkey: The dangers of low-cost surgery

HEALTH Tribune Opinion articles written in the style of their author."These texts are to be based on verified facts and must be respectful towards people, even though their actions may be criticized.shall feature, along with the author's name (regardless of their greater or lesser renown), a footer stating their office, academic title, political affiliation (if any) and main occupation, or the occupation related to the topic being assessed Many patients who undergo these cheap surgeries in Turkey do not even know what technique they used, nor do they have a report, much less postoperative guidelines.Getty 67 people in Europe have become infected with botulism after undergoing weight-loss surgery with botulinum neurotoxin in Turkey.
1 year ago

Mediterranean diet can reduce heart attacks in people at higher risk'

A Mediterranean diet can lower the risk of a heart attack, stroke or early death for hundreds of millions of people who have an increased possibility of cardiovascular disease, a global review of evidence suggests.A diet rich in olive oil, nuts, seafood, whole grains and vegetables has previously been linked to a number of benefits, and its effectiveness in helping healthy people to live longer is well known.
1 year ago

Caffeine may reduce body fat and risk of type 2 diabetes, study suggests

Having high levels of caffeine in your blood may lower the amount of body fat you carry and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, research suggests.The findings could lead to calorie-free caffeinated drinks being used to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes, though further research is required, the researchers wrote in the BMJ Medicine journal.
1 year ago

Blue Jays fan claims $2.8M jackpot after week-long search for winner | CBC News

The winner of a $2.8-million Jays Care Foundation jackpot has been found after a week-long search, Toronto's Blue Jays' charitable arm said Tuesday.The winning number was announced on May 1, but until now, no one had come forward to claim the prize.Several media outlets reported on the missing prize winner.
The Verge
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta open-sources multisensory AI model that combines six types of data

The new ImageBind model combines text, audio, visual, movement, thermal, and depth data.It's only a research project but shows how future AI models could be able to generate multisensory content.Meta has announced a new open-source AI model that links together multiple streams of data, including text, audio, visual data, temperature, and movement readings.
1 year ago
UK news

When do schools close due to snow?

Get the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email A second severe weather warning for persistent, heavy snow has been issued as the UK recorded the coldest March night for 13 years.The Met Office warned of significant disruption to transport, power lines and phone network coverage, with the amber alert in place until 9am Friday covering large parts of Wales and the West Midlands.
1 year ago
UK news

When do schools close due to snow?

Get the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email A second severe weather warning for persistent, heavy snow has been issued as the UK recorded the coldest March night for 13 years.The Met Office warned of significant disruption to transport, power lines and phone network coverage, with the amber alert in place until 9am Friday covering large parts of Wales and the West Midlands.
1 year ago
UK news

When do schools close due to snow?

Get the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email A second severe weather warning for persistent, heavy snow has been issued as the UK recorded the coldest March night for 13 years.The Met Office warned of significant disruption to transport, power lines and phone network coverage, with the amber alert in place until 9am Friday covering large parts of Wales and the West Midlands.
1 year ago
UK news

When do schools close due to snow?

Get the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email A second severe weather warning for persistent, heavy snow has been issued as the UK recorded the coldest March night for 13 years.The Met Office warned of significant disruption to transport, power lines and phone network coverage, with the amber alert in place until 9am Friday covering large parts of Wales and the West Midlands.
1 year ago

'Exercise Confetti' Is The Best Way To Fit Mini-Workouts Into Your Busy Life - Glam

Inside Creative House/Getty Images
As Joyce Shulman, trainer and founder of Jetti Fitness, tells Bustle, "All physical activity is good, and generally more is better.Every minute and every mile matters and there are tremendous benefits to adding incremental movement to your day."With five minutes, you can easily indulge yourself in push-ups, jumping jacks, or dancing to get your heart rate up and your body moving.
1 year ago

Find My Kids app is basically AirTags for your offspring

Comment There comes a time when every parent will glance up from their mobile device or busy work schedule and take a moment to ask: "Where are my kids?"Well, as the hackneyed marketing slogan goes, there's an app for that.It's called Find My Kids, and this week it announced a new collaboration with Apple Watch.
Yahoo Sports
1 year ago
Chicago White Sox

Hendriks, 4 others closer to return for slumping ChiSox

CHICAGO (AP) - Chicago White Sox closer Liam Hendriks could go out on a rehab assignment next week in a big step in his recovery from non-Hodgkin lymphoma.Hendriks announced his diagnosis in January and completed his final round of chemotherapy three weeks ago.The 34-year-old right-hander announced last week on Instagram that he was cancer-free.
1 year ago

This lizard species stress-eats to cope with noisy US Army aircraft | CNN

Sign up for CNN's Wonder Theory science newsletter.Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more.Living in a neighborhood with lots of noise can make you jittery, especially if you're a lizard that's just a few inches long.It's no wonder that lizards exposed to noise pollution from low-flying fighter jets have resorted to stress-eating.
Fish Stripes
1 year ago
Miami Marlins

Offishial news: Spring Training mercifully ends; final roster projection; x-factors

Marlins Game Coverage
Marlins Podcast Episodes

The Marlins concluded the Grapefruit League with a 7-16-4 record.Their .304winning percentage and minus-61 run differential both ranked last among all 30 MLB teams this preseason.With the pending selection of Yuli Gurriel, Miami's Opening Day roster is expected to include the following players: Sandy Alcantara, Luis Arraez, Matt Barnes, Jon Berti, Huascar Brazoban, Edward Cabrera, Jazz Chisholm Jr., Garrett Cooper, Johnny Cueto, Bryan De La Cruz, Dylan Floro, Nick Fortes, Avisaíl García, Braxton Garrett, Gurriel, Jesús Luzardo, Andrew Nardi, A.J. Puk, Trevor Rogers, Jesús Sánchez, Tanner Scott, Jean Segura, Jorge Soler, Jacob Stallings and Joey Wendle.
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