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Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
1 month ago

$5.1 Billion Pension Fund CIO Joins Non-profit Organization Focused on Bitcoin Adoption

Proof of Workforce Foundation adds Ajit Singh and Raphael Zagury to its Board of Directors to enhance education-based Bitcoin adoption among workforce organizations. [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
1 month ago

Fidelity: Pension Funds Exploring Bitcoin Investments on ETF Approval

Pension funds are beginning to explore investing in Bitcoin, driven by the approval of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds. [ more ]
2 months ago

If TikTok goes away, that's not good for public pension funds

State and local retirement funds have indirect investments in ByteDance through private equity holdings.
The ByteDance investments are relatively small, well under 1% of each pension fund's overall assets. [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
1 month ago

Fidelity: Pension Funds Exploring Bitcoin Investments on ETF Approval

Pension funds are beginning to explore investing in Bitcoin, driven by the approval of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds. [ more ]
2 months ago

If TikTok goes away, that's not good for public pension funds

State and local retirement funds have indirect investments in ByteDance through private equity holdings.
The ByteDance investments are relatively small, well under 1% of each pension fund's overall assets. [ more ]
3 months ago
NYC politics

NYC Mayor Announces Partnership to Tackle Housing Crisis

Collaborative effort to address NYC's housing crisis
Pooling pension funds for affordable housing initiative [ more ]
3 months ago
Canada news

Canada's top pensions have trillions in assets. Should they do more to fuel the energy transition? | CBC News

Canada's largest pension funds lag behind in shifting from fossil fuels despite some progress.
Global examples show transparency and divestment from fossil fuels can be effective. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI and pension funds: Is AI a safe bet for retirement investment?

Pension funds worldwide are facing challenges and risks due to low demographic rates and lack of faith in social security models.
Some pension funds have invested in cryptocurrencies, but the volatility of these assets has led to losses and discouraged further investment from other funds. [ more ]
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