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4 days ago

Day 1 - Hello World with Deno

Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript/TypeScript, with built-in package manager, aiming to replace Node.js and addressing its shortcomings. [ more ]
7 months ago

Using JavaScript's built-in objects

JavaScript's important built-in objects like Object and JSON key to programming environment in browsers and Node.js. [ more ]
2 months ago

Simplifying Development with Deno - JSJ 625 - JavaScript Jabber

Deno explores evolution, challenges in compatibility with NPM, TypeScript support, and use in edge computing.
Insights on Deno's standard library, TypeScript implementation, and plans for improving compatibility with popular meta frameworks. [ more ]
2 months ago

Build a Full-stack App with Node.js and htmx SitePoint

htmx is a modern JavaScript library for enhancing web applications by enabling partial HTML updates without full page reloads.
Contact manager app demonstrating CRUD actions built with htmx provides SPA feel while maintaining usability even with JavaScript disabled. [ more ]
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
2 months ago

Comparing ECMAScript Modules and CommonJS

JavaScript has evolved from a simple language for dynamic websites to complex projects requiring code organization in modules.
Comparison of popular methods for splitting JavaScript code into modules: ECMAScript Modules (ESM) and CommonJS. [ more ]
3 months ago

Enhance Your React Apps with ShadCn Utilities and Components - SitePoint

ShadCn is a versatile library enhancing React applications.
Prerequisites include knowledge of JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, CSS, HTML, and Tailwind CSS. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

waitUntil is now available for Vercel Functions - Vercel

Enqueue asynchronous tasks with waitUntil in Vercel Functions to prevent blocking responses. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Execa 9: our biggest release

With Execa in Node.js, commands can be easily iterated, transformed, and streamed for efficient memory consumption. [ more ]
1 month ago

Bun 1.1 JavaScript toolkit backs Windows 10

Latest Bun 1.1 version supports Windows 10 and is more compatible with Node.js.
Updates in Bun 1.1 include faster speeds, new features like HTTP2 client support, content-addressable cache, and cross-platform shell functionality. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Super Useful NPM Module - Open

A simple npm module called 'open' by Sindre Sorhus can open resources on the computer with associated apps, streamlining workflows. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

GitHub - coder-hxl/x-crawl: Flexible Node.js AI-assisted crawler library

Flexible Node.js AI-assisted crawler library x-crawl enhances efficiency and intelligence with both AI and standard crawler features. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
5 months ago

Innovating for Performance: How our Infra Team Powers 100+ Million Downloads A Year (While Keeping our SaaS Reliable and Secure)

The Infra team at Node.js has open-sourced their Node.js Runtime and released an AI Copilot for Node, relying heavily on their infrastructure team.
The Infra team has made significant updates to their platform, including migrating from ECS to EKS and implementing GitOps for enhanced efficiency and reliability. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
1 month ago

Solving Memory Leaks in Node.js has Never Been Easier, Introducing the Latest Version of N|Solid

N|Solid introduces heap profiling for Node.js processes, aiding in memory leak detection. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Should Node.js be built with ClangCL under Windows?

ClangCL compiler can provide more performant code in release mode compared to the Visual Studio compiler, as seen in Chrome, Firefox, and some game developers. [ more ]
Wisdom Geek
1 month ago

How To Get The Hash of A File In Node.js

To calculate the hash of a file in Node.js, use fs and crypto modules. Multiple hashing algorithms like md5, sha1, sha256 can be employed. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

NodeJS VS Python: Which Technology Is The Best Option For AI Development? - Springs

Python and NodeJS are popular for AI/ML; Python has a strong community for support and newer features, while NodeJS is efficient for architecture development. [ more ]
Geeky Gadgets
1 month ago
Web development

How to use ChatGPT to code any programming language

ChatGPT is a valuable AI tool for enhancing coding skills and streamlining development processes.
A strong foundation in programming languages like Python, Node.js, CSS, and HTML is essential for effectively using ChatGPT. [ more ]
Wisdom Geek
1 month ago

Node.js 20.6 adds built-in support for .env files

Node.js 20.6 introduced built-in support for .env file for managing environment variables.
It is convenient to use .env files directly without third-party packages, but some limitations exist. [ more ]
1 month ago

Sending Email Using Node.js - SitePoint

Web applications require email functionalities for various purposes.
NodeMailer is a popular module for sending email in Node.js. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Implementing LiveViews in Node.js - LogRocket Blog

LiveViewJS is an open-source full-stack framework for building web applications with real-time updates in Node.js and Deno.
LiveView paradigm simplifies development by leveraging WebSockets and server-side rendering for efficient real-time user experiences. [ more ]
2 months ago
Web development

How to Use WebSockets in Node.js to Create Real-time Apps - SitePoint

WebSockets allow fast, two-way communication between a browser and server.
Server-sent events and long polling are limited for true real-time applications. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to Build a Simple Web Server with Node.js - SitePoint

Implementing a simple web server with Node.js.
Building dynamic web applications.
Exploring Node.js features. [ more ]
2 months ago
Web development

Best Node.js Framework Choices for Modern App Development - SitePoint

Express framework is ideal for fast development with its minimalist design and high performance.
Node.js ecosystem offers a variety of frameworks like Meteor.js, NestJS, Total.js, and Socket.io for different development needs. [ more ]
3 months ago

How to Use Server-sent Events in Node.js - SitePoint

Server-sent events (SSE) allow a server to push data to the browser at any time without the need for constant refresh or polling mechanisms.
SSE is an efficient way to provide live data updates to clients on the web, enabling real-time information delivery such as news bulletins or stock prices. [ more ]
4 months ago

SVR.JS - a web server running on Node.JS

SVR.JS allows running server-side JavaScript on webpages
SVR.JS features an integrated log viewer, log highlighter, and user management tool
SVR.JS can run on Node.JS and Bun (experimental support) [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

Node.js vs. Express.js- Which Framework Should You Choose in 2024? - eLearning

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to run JavaScript code on the server.
Express.js is a web application framework built on top of Node.js that simplifies building web applications. [ more ]
1 month ago

IMPORTANT! Update Node.JS to 18.20.1, 20.12.1, 21.7.2 or newer!

Older Node.JS versions had CVE-2024-27982 vulnerability with HTTP request smuggling potential.
Space before Content-Length header could allow attackers to smuggle in a second request. [ more ]
2 months ago

IMPORTANT! Update Node.JS to 18.19.1, 20.11.1, 21.6.2 or newer!

Sending specially crafted HTTP request leads to resource exhaustion and denial of service in older versions of Node.JS.
The vulnerability involves lack of limitations on chunk extension bytes causing CPU and network bandwidth exhaustion. [ more ]
1 month ago

GitHub - epicweb-dev/react-server-components: Understand React Server Components and Server Actions by building a framework with them.

Deep experience with React and Suspense is required.
Basic understanding of Node.js is recommended for this workshop. [ more ]
Product Hunt
4 months ago

Open SaaS

Open-source full-stack React + NodeJS template
Includes admin dashboard and integration with various services [ more ]
Product Hunt
4 months ago
Business intelligence

Open SaaS

1. An open-source React + NodeJS template with many features available.
2. Provides an admin dashboard, integration with Stripe, OpenAI, Plausible/Google Analytics, and more. [ more ]
2 months ago
UX design

Node.js - Diving into the Node.js Website Redesign

Node.js website redesign involved over three dozen contributors and aimed to enhance user experience and developer tools.
The project faced challenges due to initially starting the redesign on a new domain and repository, causing workflow and contributor issues. [ more ]
2 months ago

GitHub - bitair-org/node-lift: Power up Node.js

Node.js is powerful for building reliable applications.
Usage of TypeScript in Node.js can enhance development. [ more ]
5 months ago

Using Nodemon and Watch in Node.js for Live Restarts - SitePoint

Nodemon is a third-party Node.js module that automatically restarts your application when you make changes to the source files.
Live reloading tools like Browsersync can be used to refresh browser tabs when working with nodemon. [ more ]
2 months ago

Automating Blog Post Headers with Firefly Services

Building a Node.js utility for generating images with Adobe's Firefly API is efficient.
The CLI design allows passing prompts to generate headers with specific size adjustments. [ more ]
Javascript With Code Example
3 months ago

Node Authentication With Passport.Js

Passport.js is an authentication middleware for Node.js
Passport.js allows you to implement various authentication strategies in your Node.js app without building the logic from scratch [ more ]
2 months ago

Streamlining Cloud Development with Deno

The importance of the web as a medium of human information is emphasized.
Investment in further development of JavaScript tools is deemed necessary. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
2 months ago
Node JS

Enhancing Node.js Core: Introducing Support for Synchronous ESM Graphs

Node.js core now supports synchronous loading of ESM modules via require().
The use of --experimental-require-module flag enables synchronous loading of ESM modules in Node.js. [ more ]
2 months ago

GitHub - evoluteur/evolutility-server-node: Model-driven REST APIs for CRUD and more, written in Javascript, using Node.js, Express, and PostgreSQL.

Evolutility-Server-Node offers generic REST APIs for CRUD operations and simple charts on objects with varied structures.
Evolutility-Server-Node requires Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, and PG-Promise as dependencies for operation. [ more ]
4 months ago

GitHub - mswjs/msw: Seamless REST/GraphQL API mocking library for browser and Node.js.

1. mswjs/msw is a library for mocking REST and GraphQL APIs in both browser and Node.js environments.
2. The library provides a seamless experience for mocking API requests and responses, allowing developers to easily simulate different scenarios. [ more ]
2 months ago

Logging Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide to Winston in Node.js - SitePoint

Logging is crucial for debugging, monitoring, and auditing in application development.
Fundamental logging practices include appropriate log levels, consistency in formats, structured data logging, minimizing overhead, and securing sensitive information. [ more ]
3 months ago
Node JS

Top 5 Node.js Tools for Debugging and Profiling

The Node.js Built-in Debugger is a free and effective tool for inspecting and debugging Node.js applications.
To use the Node.js Built-in Debugger, you need to run your Node.js application with the --inspect flag and connect to it with Chrome DevTools or the Node debugging client. [ more ]
2 months ago

Three Cool (to me) Node.js Features

Node.js has a built-in feature for watching and reloading on change using a simple command-line flag --watch.
With Node.js, developers can create and run simple scripts utilizing the watch feature to automatically restart on file changes. [ more ]
2 months ago

Links For You

Web Share API is a good candidate for progressive enhancement and web components.
Tutorial on setting up a Node server with TypeScript is easy to understand and quick to test. [ more ]
6 months ago


Visualization tool Sabik helps identify code complexity and smells.
Sabik supports Node.js >= 14 and offers various output formats and options for analysis. [ more ]
2 months ago

GitHub - maxnowack/blend: Simple dependency management without Git submodules

Dependency Management: Easily add, update, commit, and remove dependencies.
Simplified Workflow: Streamlined commands for managing dependencies without the complexities of Git submodules. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

Parsing PDFs in Node.js - LogRocket Blog

PDF parsing is crucial for document processing and data extraction.
Node.js has popular packages like pdf-parse for PDF parsing. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
3 months ago
Node JS

Choosing the Right Node.js Package Manager in 2024: A Comparative Guide

npm provides a vast package repository with over two million packages.
npm is the default choice for Node.js projects due to seamless integration. [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
3 months ago

3D Print Designer Web Application using Vue.js

Node.js and npm are required to run the 3D Print Designer Web Application.
Vue CLI is used to install the necessary dependencies for the application. [ more ]
3 months ago

Getting Started with an Angular App in 2024

Creating an entity component in Angular with Bit allows for maintainable code with validation logic and unit tests.
Node.js functions created with Bit can facilitate the development of backend functionalities like fetching articles. [ more ]
10 months ago
Web development

Node JS vs PHP: Which Backend to Choose for Your Project

Node.js is known for its performance and scalability due to its event-driven, non-blocking architecture.
PHP is popular for its simplicity, ease of use, and extensive community support. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
3 months ago
Node JS

Node.js 2023 Year in Review

Node.js saw 2641 commits to nodejs/node#main in 2023.
Possible increase in first-time contributors to Node.js in 2023 due to initiatives like workshops. [ more ]
3 months ago

An Introduction to Node.js Multithreading - SitePoint

JavaScript runtimes use a single processing thread, which can cause bottlenecks in Node.js apps handling multiple user requests.
Node.js provides worker threads as a way to offload long-running JavaScript code to separate threads. [ more ]
3 months ago

Top 5 Node.js Features Every Developer Should Know

Node.js has several features that can enhance your overall development experience, including worker threads, the cluster module, built-in HTTP/2 support, streams API, and REPL.
Node.js is known for its single-threaded event loop, which was designed for I/O-bound tasks like web servers but has limitations such as blocking the loop with CPU-bound tasks and lack of true parallelism. [ more ]
3 months ago

7 Node.js Design Patterns Every Developer Should Know

The Facade design pattern simplifies complex subsystems by providing a unified interface.
The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has one global instance that can be accessed using a static method. [ more ]
3 months ago

Top 5 Node.js Backend Frameworks in 2024

Express.js is a popular backend framework built on Node.js that is both simple and efficient.
Express.js offers efficient routing and middleware support for handling HTTP requests. [ more ]
4 months ago
Node JS

Mastering Node CSV - SitePoint

Node CSV is a versatile parsing tool for handling CSV data in Node.js
It is straightforward to use Node CSV, beginning with installation using npm [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago

Multithreading in Node.js with worker threads - LogRocket Blog

Node.js v10.5.0 introduced the worker_threads module, which allows for multithreading in Node.js.
JavaScript was initially single-threaded, but Node.js introduced asynchronous I/O to enable concurrency without the complexity of multithreading. [ more ]
5 months ago
Node JS

Solved "Cannot find module 'fs/promises'" in Node.js

The error message "Cannot find module 'fs/promises'" can be ambiguous, particularly in relation to the filesystem (fs) module promises in more modern Node.js versions.
There are several causes for this error, including outdated Node.js versions, outdated npm packages, and incorrect import statements. [ more ]
2 years ago
Web development

(Probably) The Most Complete Beginner's Guide To Web Dev

The tutorial will guide you on building a full stack web app that uses a server (BackEnd) and a client (FrontEnd)
The app will include a MySQL database, Google Authentication sign-in, and use Node.js, Express, EJS, JavaScript, and Query [ more ]
6 months ago
Software development

Javet 3.0.2 Released: Bridging Java and JavaScript with Enhanced Features

Javet 3.0.2 has been released, featuring the latest versions of Node.js and V8.
The platform now supports multiple CPU architectures, expanding its compatibility. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
6 months ago
Software development

AI app development assistant lands from NodeSource| App Developer Magazine

NodeSource has launched an AI assistant called N|Solid Copilot for Node.js.
The N|Solid Copilot can provide real-time analysis, anomaly detection, and security vulnerability identification.
This AI assistant aims to empower teams to build and maintain great software solutions. [ more ]
6 months ago

Node.js 21 brings WebSocket client

Node.js 21 introduces a built-in WebSocket client and support for globs in the test runner.
Node.js 21 will replace Node.js 20 as the Current release line later this month. [ more ]
6 months ago

How to use the File System in Node.js - SitePoint

Node.js provides a comprehensive API for reading and writing files
Cross-platform considerations are important when working with files in Node.js
Error handling is crucial when reading and writing files [ more ]
6 months ago

3 Surprising Async/Await Pitfalls Every Web Developer Must Avoid!

Asynchronous tasks in JavaScript allow applications to function without blocking the user interface.
Node.js utilizes the event loop and the thread pool to handle asynchronous operations.
Promises are used to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript code. [ more ]
Daniel Lemire's blog
6 months ago

A simple WebSocket benchmark in Python

WebSocket protocol is preferable for symmetrical communication in web applications.
JavaScript (through Node.js) produces efficient WebSocket servers.
Python WebSocket servers perform slower compared to Node.js. [ more ]
6 months ago

How to Use Node.js with Docker - SitePoint

Running Node.js applications in Docker containers can solve compatibility issues across different operating systems and runtime versions.
Docker allows you to easily download, install, and configure dependencies for your application in minutes. [ more ]
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