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2 weeks ago
EU data protection

Hundreds of Georgian NGOs pledge to defy foreign influence' law

NGOs in Georgia defy foreign influence law resembling Russian regulations, risking penalties but vowing noncompliance. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
EU data protection

Georgia at the crossroads as foreign influence law deepens divisions

Tensions in Georgia erupt over foreign influence law, sparking daily protests. [ more ]
1 month ago
EU data protection

Will bill to regulate foreign influence in Georgia derail its EU bid?

Protests in Georgia over a bill to curb foreign funding for NGOs
Controversial bill seen as silencing government critics before elections [ more ]
2 weeks ago
EU data protection

Hundreds of Georgian NGOs pledge to defy foreign influence' law

NGOs in Georgia defy foreign influence law resembling Russian regulations, risking penalties but vowing noncompliance. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
EU data protection

Georgia at the crossroads as foreign influence law deepens divisions

Tensions in Georgia erupt over foreign influence law, sparking daily protests. [ more ]
1 month ago
EU data protection

Will bill to regulate foreign influence in Georgia derail its EU bid?

Protests in Georgia over a bill to curb foreign funding for NGOs
Controversial bill seen as silencing government critics before elections [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Is 'Russian law' about to upset already fragile Georgian democracy?

The Georgian ruling party's 'foreign influence' bill aims to restrict foreign-funded NGOs, impacting international organizations in the country before the upcoming elections. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

No to the Russian law!' Georgia protesters demand a European future'

Citizens in Tbilisi protest strict draft law, fearing foreign influence on NGOs and media outlets. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe politics

'This pact kills!': Protests as European parliament votes to tighten migration laws video report

The European parliament has passed significant changes to the EU's migration laws after eight years of deadlock.
Supporters consider the move historic, but NGOs view it as a step backward for human rights. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

EU policies partly to blame for 3,000 deaths in Mediterranean last year, say rights groups

NGOs running rescue missions in the Mediterranean are calling for a change in EU policies, blaming them for the drownings of over 3,000 people last year.
A 2023 decree implemented by the Italian interior minister severely reduces the response capacity of NGO-run civil fleets, hindering their rescue missions and putting lives at risk. [ more ]
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