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1 week ago
Media industry

Some publishers fear that Google's AI-powered search will be a catastrophe

Google's recent changes to its search product, incorporating AI features, received mixed reactions from news outlets and experts, with concerns raised over potential negative impacts. [ more ]
Fast Company
2 weeks ago
Media industry

Will local newsrooms get left behind by the AI revolution?

Media organizations split in approach to generative AI: legal battles vs. lucrative deals with AI companies. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Sue or make a deal? News industry divides over AI content rights

News outlets split on partnering with or suing AI companies for copyright infringement, impacting leverage in negotiations with Big Tech. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Media industry

42% of Americans think AI will distort 2024 election coverage

Many Americans have serious concerns about the trustworthiness of news organizations during the 2024 election. [ more ]
Miami Herald
1 month ago
Media industry

Editorial: Google's hardball tactics against California news outlets show why it should be regulated

Google's shift away from its 'Don't be evil' motto is exemplified by its actions to potentially crush news outlets by removing links from search results in response to lobbying for revenue sharing. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

A pink slime site used AI to rewrite our AI ethics article - Poynter

Artificial intelligence likely wrote a near-identical article to Poynter's AI ethics guide shortly after its release on a sketchy website.
The Tech Gate article copied Poynter's content with minor changes, likely generated by AI, impacting the credibility of original news sources. [ more ]
3 months ago
Media industry

Is local news access tied to how much money you make?

Local news availability often depends on community wealth and location.
Decline in advertising revenue has led to challenges for local news outlets. [ more ]
3 months ago

Council Post: The Earned Media Model Has Changed: How Brand Leaders Can Work Smoothly With Influencers

The earned media landscape has changed significantly due to factors such as deregulation, the rise of the internet, and declining sales.
Traditional news outlets are now more reliant on decentralized freelancers and may not be the best channels for earned media efforts. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Media industry

Meta's retreat from news content is hurting traffic, hitting revenue for media outlets: report

Facebook and Instagram's role in driving traffic to news sites has declined significantly, from 50% in 2020 to 33% in 2021.
Meta's pivot away from news is a response to scandals, including political scrutiny and lawsuits over misinformation and protection of young users. [ more ]
5 months ago
Media industry

Daily Post wins 11 awards in regional competition

The Daily Post won 11 awards in the San Francisco Press Club annual contest, including Best News Column, Best News Story, and Best Series/Continuing Coverage.
The awards are open to various news outlets in the Bay Area and were judged by members of press clubs from other U.S. cities. [ more ]
#news outlets
New York Post
5 months ago
Mental health

Holiday suicides are a myth - December has the fewest of any month

Contrary to widespread belief, December is actually the month with the fewest suicides.
News outlets contribute to the public's misperception that suicides increase during the holiday season. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago
Media industry

Google, Meta should pay $14 billion per year to news publishers to account for ad revenue: study

Columbia University analysis suggests Google and Meta should pay $14 billion per year to news outlets for ad revenue generated by search traffic
Facebook should pay publishers $1.9 billion per year
The figures would amount to 6.6% of Meta's proceeds and 17.5% of Google Search's proceeds [ more ]
morenews outlets
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