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3 days ago
Media industry

The Atlantic and Vox Media made their own deal with the AI Devil

News organizations making deals with OpenAI to integrate content into AI systems like ChatGPT raise questions about the future of journalism and original source traffic. [ more ]
3 months ago
Media industry

Microsoft announce new partnership with journalism organizations

Microsoft collaborates with news organizations to help them adopt AI tools and techniques.
Initiatives aim to make news gathering more efficient and sustainable while upholding ethical standards. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
3 months ago
Media industry

Microsoft, pushing generative AI in newsrooms, partners with Semafor, CUNY, the Online News Association, and others

Microsoft is launching collaborations with news organizations to adopt generative AI.
Partnerships include Semafor, the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, the Online News Association, the GroundTruth Project, and Nota. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 week ago
Media industry

Media Companies Are Making a Huge Mistake With AI

News organizations should be cautious in making deals with tech companies and be wary of repeating past mistakes. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 week ago
Media industry

Publishers Striking AI Deals Are Making a Fatal Error

News organizations should be cautious in dealing with tech companies, as historical trends show aligning too closely can be detrimental. [ more ]
The Nation
5 months ago
Media industry

The Big Unfriendly Tech Giants

Tech companies like Google, TikTok, Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter have gained control over the country's media infrastructure and profited from news organizations' work.
Nondiscrimination laws, along with breaking up big tech conglomerates, are crucial tools to dismantle concentrated power and prevent the manipulation of winners and losers in journalism. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Only Four Media Outlets Meet Biden's Criteria for Hosting Presidential Debates With Trump

President Biden challenges Trump to debate under specific conditions, proposing two debates to be held by select news organizations. [ more ]
1 month ago
Media industry

In a rare move these days, The Dallas Morning News hires a public editor - Poynter

Public editors play a crucial role in holding news organizations accountable by providing oversight and maintaining transparency. [ more ]
1 month ago

Major US media outlets see steep decline in engagement on Meta

User engagement decline across Meta platforms for top news orgs. Partisan outlets hit harder on Instagram. Meta distancing from political content impacting ad targeting mechanisms. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Major media organizations urge President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump to debate

Major news organizations pen open-letter urging presidential candidates to commit to televised debates for the looming 2024 general election. [ more ]
3 months ago
Media industry

News outlets are collapsing as advertisers flock to social media platforms. It has major implications for society

Social media companies are diverting advertising revenue from legacy media to tech platforms.
News organizations are facing significant challenges, leading to layoffs and closures. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

News Outlets Declared Trump the Winner as Iowans Still Caucused

News organizations declared Donald Trump the winner of the Iowa caucuses based on surveys of voters taken before the caucuses even began.
The early declaration of Trump as the winner sparked criticism from allies of Governor Ron DeSantis, who accused the media of biasing the results. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
4 months ago
Media industry

This Brazilian fact-checking org uses a ChatGPT-esque bot to answer reader questions

News organizations are experimenting with OpenAI's ChatGPT to improve their news products and production processes.
A Brazilian news outlet, Aos Fatos, has integrated the OpenAI API with their existing journalism to create a conversational fact-checking bot called FátimaGPT. [ more ]
4 months ago
Media industry

2024 Poynter Journalism Prizes now open for entries - Poynter

Entries are now being accepted for The 2024 Poynter Journalism Prizes
The deadline for all entries is 6 p.m. EST on February 16th [ more ]
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