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2 months ago
Media industry

Two new books are essential reading for anyone considering a news startup - Poynter

The importance of new books like 'What Works in Community News' and 'Changing Models for Journalism' lies in their clear account of emerging media trends amidst significant industry transformations. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
3 months ago
Media industry

"Mutual incomprehension now exists seemingly everywhere": The New York Times' publisher responds to its critics

The challenges facing the news industry are worsening, with job losses and lack of support for journalists.
A. G. Sulzberger addressed criticism of The New York Times' coverage, emphasizing the difficulties of independent journalism. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
3 months ago
Media industry

Walmart Heirs Bet Big on Journalism - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

The Walton family is expanding their philanthropy to support journalism organizations focusing on food, agriculture, and the environment.
The decline of the news industry's ad-driven model has led to an increase in philanthropic support for journalism. [ more ]
4 months ago

Exclusive: CUNY journalism program goes tuition-free

The Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY is going tuition-free, becoming the first journalism graduate school to do so.
The move is intended to help increase diversity in journalism by widening opportunities for journalists from diverse backgrounds. [ more ]
19 hours ago
Artificial intelligence

AI presents 'maximum risk' for news companies, study finds

AI poses challenges to the news industry, affecting trust and content creation. [ more ]
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