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12 hours ago

I'd do anything to make my autistic daughter happy but I feel like a walking mum-fail

Understanding and accepting a child's neurodiversity is crucial for providing appropriate support and care. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
2 weeks ago
Mental health

Neurodiversity Pride isn't centered on LGBTQ+ people, but perhaps it should be - LGBTQ Nation

Neurodiversity Pride Day on June 18, 2024 celebrates neurologically atypical individuals and aims to reduce stigma against them. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Understanding Dyscalculia, Dyslexia's Numeric Counterpart

Developmental dyscalculia affects 3-7% of the global population and is often undiagnosed.
Dyscalculia is a real disorder that impacts a person's ability to understand math and number-based information, but they are still intelligent. [ more ]
18 hours ago
OMG science

The truth about ADHD and autism: how many people have it, what causes it, and why are diagnoses soaring?

Neurodiversity as a concept and rights movement emerged in the mid-90s, championing the validity of individuals with neurodivergent conditions. [ more ]
3 days ago
Artificial intelligence

'The chatbot has transformed my life'

AI chatbots can be transformational for individuals with conditions like dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, and OCD, providing assistance with tasks such as writing and organizing meetings. [ more ]
Stephanie Walter - Senior UX Designer, Mobile Expert, Conference Speaker, Blog writer and Teacher.
1 month ago
UX design

Neurodiversity and UX: Essential Resources for Cognitive Accessibility by Stephanie Walter - UX Researcher & Designer.

Designing for neurodiversity requires an inclusive approach, particularly considering cognitive disabilities like dyslexia, dyscalculia, autism, and ADHD. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 week ago
Remote teams

How DEIB can reduce neurodivergence stigma at work

Employees with learning differences face stigma and discrimination in the workplace, hindering their ability to request accommodations and excel. [ more ]
Portland Monthly
1 week ago

Read These 3 Upcoming Books by Portland Authors

The local literary scene in Portland is vibrant with upcoming releases from talented authors. [ more ]
Oregon ArtsWatch | Oregon Arts & Culture News
3 weeks ago

Elbow Room takes on the contemporary art scene

Perspective and proportion in art are subjective, influenced by individual experience and creativity. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Using AI For Neurodiversity And Building Inclusive Tools - Smashing Magazine

To harness AI's potential for promoting neurodiversity, a diverse, equitable, and inclusive approach to AI development is crucial. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Council Post: 20 New HR Metrics For Today's Work World

Remote engagement efficiency crucial for hybrid work environment
HR effectiveness essential for adapting to evolving organizational dynamics
Neurodiversity Index evaluates support for neurodivergent individuals [ more ]
Cornell Chronicle
1 month ago

Art exhibition sheds light on invisible aspects of disability | Cornell Chronicle

Expressing unseen aspects of identity through art helps individuals with disabilities.
An arts exhibition provides a platform for showcasing the experiences and challenges of people with disabilities. [ more ]
1 month ago
Canada news

Virtual job fair connects autistic talent with employers nationwide to create careers and hope | CBC News

Over 1,000 people attend Canada's largest autism job fair annually, aiming to bridge the gap between employers and autistic job seekers.
Organizer Neil Forester's ultimate goal is to render the job fair unnecessary by fostering long-term careers for autistic individuals and increasing employer participation. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 month ago
Mental health

An Autistic Adult's Guide to Making Friends and Connections!

Neurodivergent and autistic adults struggle with making friends due to challenges in social cues and sensory sensitivities.
Understanding neurodiversity and autism is crucial for effective communication and connections with neurodivergent individuals. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
2 months ago

An Employer's Guide to Supporting Workers with Autism

Companies are increasingly seeking neurodiverse talent for a competitive edge.
More focus needed on a broader pool of autistic individuals with valuable skills. [ more ]
2 months ago

Romantasy, AI and Palestinian voices: publishing trends emerge at London book fair

Palestine highlighted at London Book Fair
Neurodiversity representation in literature [ more ]
BBC News
2 months ago

Creative festival held for blind, deaf and neurodiverse young people

Creativity through art and music for neurodiverse individuals like Keira Curry
I Am Festival empowers neurodivergent children through art and culture [ more ]
3 months ago

How the system is rigged against children with special educational needs | Letter

Limited school capacity without EHCP leads to backlog
Qualifying for EHCP requires significant evidence and leads to inefficient process [ more ]
3 months ago

London Fire Brigade commissioner says 'We failed firefighter who took his own life'

An independent review found no evidence of racial bullying towards the firefighter.
The report highlighted failings in organizational protocols and working conditions that may have impacted the firefighter. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

IIOANA - AQUA PARK (underground demo music video)

Naoto Hieda collaborates with Pițipunk singer and artist IIOANA to create a demo music video using Hydra.
The video explores synaesthesia and neurodiversity, with visuals generated by Hydra code and triggered by cues and a sequencer written in JavaScript. [ more ]
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