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BBC Sport
2 months ago
Soccer (FIFA)

Kitson set to manage Nauru in first international

Former Premier League player Dave Kitson to manage Nauru's national team
Kitson aiming to develop football in Nauru and address health issues [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

Nauru seals diplomatic ties with China after dumping Taiwan

Nauru and China have agreed to resume diplomatic relations after Nauru severed ties with Taiwan.
China has been gradually poaching Taiwan's diplomatic allies as part of its strategy to punish the ruling Democratic Progressive Party. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

China's Pacific charm offensive pays off as Nauru drops Taipei for Beijing

Nauru, a Pacific Island nation, has severed ties with Taiwan and recognized it as part of China's territory, highlighting China's influence in the Pacific.
Taiwan's dwindling group of diplomatic allies continue to recognize it as the sole legitimate representative of China on the international stage. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

Taiwan Loses Ally to China After Electing President Loathed by Beijing

Taiwan lost a diplomatic ally in its rivalry with China as Nauru severs diplomatic relations.
Taiwan believes that China orchestrated Nauru's decision to sever ties in response to the election of a leader viewed as a separatist. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

Pacific nation Nauru cuts ties with Taiwan, switches to China

Nauru has announced it is severing diplomatic ties with Taiwan and will recognize China.
The Nauru government seeks full resumption of diplomatic relations with China and will no longer have official relations or exchanges with Taiwan. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
World news

Taiwan loses another diplomatic ally as Nauru recognizes China

The Pacific Island nation of Nauru has switched diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China, leaving Taiwan with fewer than a dozen diplomatic allies.
The move is seen as part of China's global pressure campaign to isolate Taiwan and assert its claim over the island. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

Nauru to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favour of China

Nauru has severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan in favor of recognizing China as its diplomatic ally.
This decision leaves Taiwan with only 12 formal diplomatic allies. [ more ]
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