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1 week ago
Social justice

Ellen Coyne: Using a victim's counselling notes in rape trials could deter them from seeking help from a therapist or even seeking justice

Survivors face challenges in bringing their attackers to justice due to the justice system's flaws and societal myths about sexual violence. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Top 10 Misconceptions about "Superfoods"

Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that may promote overall health but are not a magic cure.
A healthy diet consists of a variety of whole foods, not just expensive exotic superfoods. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

10 Myths About Aging

Misconceptions about aging can impact health and longevity. Embrace preventive healthcare, brain stimulation, exercise at any age, and combat social isolation. [ more ]
1 month ago

10 Common Misconceptions About GLP-1 Weight Loss Drugs

GLP-1 drugs are effective but not instant weight loss solutions. They require lifestyle changes and patience for gradual, sustainable results. [ more ]
1 month ago

Is there any wine that goes with asparagus? | Fiona Beckett on drink

Cooking asparagus in different ways affects wine pairing, contrary to the myth that wine doesn't go with asparagus. [ more ]
2 months ago

Leadership Misconceptions That Hinder Your Success | Entrepreneur

Leadership requires continuous development and training.
Effective leaders embrace vulnerability and learning from mistakes. [ more ]
2 months ago

Gaming mythbusters: what Southeast Asia's advertisers need to know

Mobile gaming in Southeast Asia is a significant market with 2X growth year on year.
Marketers in Southeast Asia are hesitant to invest in mobile gaming due to misconceptions. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Europe news

Republicans must reject 4 myths about Ukraine and pass much-needed aid

Ukraine has debunked myths about its military capabilities and has made significant territorial gains
The West has provided some military assistance to Ukraine but more support is needed [ more ]
Mail Online
3 months ago

Apple debunks five iPhone myths you probably believe

Rice won't dry out a water-logged iPhone, as Apple advises against it due to potential damage.
Turning off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth won't conserve battery; using Airplane Mode is more effective. [ more ]
3 months ago

Fact check: How dangerous is cannabis? Four myths exposed DW 02/16/2024

Germany's Bundestag is set to vote on a new cannabis law, which is expected to pass and legalize limited growth and consumption of cannabis for adults.
Discourse surrounding cannabis legalization has been filled with myths and falsehoods, including the claim that cannabis is a gateway drug. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
3 months ago

Debunking myths about vaping: Addressing common misconceptions and myths

Vaping is not equally as harmful as smoking, as it contains fewer harmful chemicals.
Vaping is a potentially less harmful alternative to smoking, but not without health risks. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Opinion | AI Won't Learn to Think. It'll Be Taught to Lie

Artificial Intelligence is simply the processing of 1s and 0s
The danger of AI is that it can be taught to lie [ more ]
4 months ago
Graphic design

Reclaim your creativity

Creativity is not just reserved for the gifted, but a tendency we all have to create and understand ideas.
Creativity is not about being completely original, but about making incremental changes and connecting existing elements. [ more ]
4 months ago
San Francisco 49ers

Exposing myths for all 14 NFL playoff teams: Where everyone is wrong about the 49ers, Bills, Ravens and Chiefs

Assumptions can be incorrect about 14 playoff teams after a 17-game season.
There are myths about the playoff field that need to be busted. [ more ]
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