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Ars Technica
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla's privacy service drops a provider with ties to people-search sites

The $240 billion data broker industry profits from selling private information.
Mozilla cut ties with a key provider of privacy protections, Onerep, due to conflicts of interest. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla adds paid-for data-deletion tier to Monitor service

Mozilla has introduced a paid tier for its privacy-monitoring service, called Mozilla Monitor Plus, which aims to remove users' personal information from data brokers.
Monitor Plus will try to get data brokers to delete their copies of subscribers' personal information, providing users with more control over their data.
Mozilla's revenue diversification strategy includes expanding its services and offering paid features to generate income. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla introduces Monitor Plus to safeguard personal data from data brokers

Mozilla has introduced Monitor Plus, a subscription service that helps users remove their personal data from data brokers.
Monitor Plus proactively scans over 190 data broker sites and handles the removal process of personal information if found.
Mozilla Monitor will continue offering a free scan for those not ready to subscribe, but Monitor Plus offers a more convenient and hands-off solution. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla targets scummy data brokers with Monitor Plus removal service

Mozilla has launched an alternative to people-search websites called Mozilla Monitor Plus which automatically monitors and removes personal information from data broker sites and known data breaches.
The Plus version of Mozilla Monitor costs $14 per month or $108 per year, and offers a faster removal process compared to the free version.
Data brokers gather information from online traces left by account sign-ups, advertising, web browsing, and other activities, and sell it to customers like the NSA and FBI. [ more ]
The Verge
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Firefox maker Mozilla has a new subscription to keep your info out of data brokers' clutches

Mozilla introduces Mozilla Monitor Plus, a paid subscription privacy monitoring service
The service scans for personal information on over 190 sites and attempts to get it removed [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla Monitor scrubs your leaked personal information from the web, for a fee

Mozilla is launching a new tool called Mozilla Monitor Plus that can automatically monitor data brokers for personal information and remove any exposed details.
The new paid service aims to proactively keep personal information off more than 190 data broker sites, which is double the number monitored by competitors. [ more ]
Ars Technica
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla's privacy service drops a provider with ties to people-search sites

The $240 billion data broker industry profits from selling private information.
Mozilla cut ties with a key provider of privacy protections, Onerep, due to conflicts of interest. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla adds paid-for data-deletion tier to Monitor service

Mozilla has introduced a paid tier for its privacy-monitoring service, called Mozilla Monitor Plus, which aims to remove users' personal information from data brokers.
Monitor Plus will try to get data brokers to delete their copies of subscribers' personal information, providing users with more control over their data.
Mozilla's revenue diversification strategy includes expanding its services and offering paid features to generate income. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla introduces Monitor Plus to safeguard personal data from data brokers

Mozilla has introduced Monitor Plus, a subscription service that helps users remove their personal data from data brokers.
Monitor Plus proactively scans over 190 data broker sites and handles the removal process of personal information if found.
Mozilla Monitor will continue offering a free scan for those not ready to subscribe, but Monitor Plus offers a more convenient and hands-off solution. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla targets scummy data brokers with Monitor Plus removal service

Mozilla has launched an alternative to people-search websites called Mozilla Monitor Plus which automatically monitors and removes personal information from data broker sites and known data breaches.
The Plus version of Mozilla Monitor costs $14 per month or $108 per year, and offers a faster removal process compared to the free version.
Data brokers gather information from online traces left by account sign-ups, advertising, web browsing, and other activities, and sell it to customers like the NSA and FBI. [ more ]
The Verge
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Firefox maker Mozilla has a new subscription to keep your info out of data brokers' clutches

Mozilla introduces Mozilla Monitor Plus, a paid subscription privacy monitoring service
The service scans for personal information on over 190 sites and attempts to get it removed [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla Monitor scrubs your leaked personal information from the web, for a fee

Mozilla is launching a new tool called Mozilla Monitor Plus that can automatically monitor data brokers for personal information and remove any exposed details.
The new paid service aims to proactively keep personal information off more than 190 data broker sites, which is double the number monitored by competitors. [ more ]
2 months ago
Web development

Mozilla fixes $100,000 Firefox zero-days from Pwn2Own event

Mozilla swiftly patched Firefox zero-days demonstrated at Pwn2Own competition.
The vulnerabilities, rated 'critical,' were exploited by Manfred Paul and fixed in Firefox 124.0.1. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla CEO quits, org pivots, but what about Firefox?

Firefox's user base is declining, with only 2.2% of visitors to US government websites using the browser.
Chrome is the top web browser with 48.2% market share. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Mozilla CEO wants business to pick up the pace

Mozilla CEO's compensation increased despite declining revenues
Mozilla aims to make an impact in AI and open source development [ more ]
2 months ago
Web development

Mozilla fixes $100,000 Firefox zero-days from Pwn2Own event

Mozilla swiftly patched Firefox zero-days demonstrated at Pwn2Own competition.
The vulnerabilities, rated 'critical,' were exploited by Manfred Paul and fixed in Firefox 124.0.1. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla CEO quits, org pivots, but what about Firefox?

Firefox's user base is declining, with only 2.2% of visitors to US government websites using the browser.
Chrome is the top web browser with 48.2% market share. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Mozilla CEO wants business to pick up the pace

Mozilla CEO's compensation increased despite declining revenues
Mozilla aims to make an impact in AI and open source development [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox

Mozilla is cutting about 60 jobs, or 5 percent of its workforce.
The company has been working on multiple projects outside of its core work of making a browser. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Mozilla lays off five percent of staff and eyes up AI

Mozilla has laid off approximately 60 staff, or around five percent of its workforce.
Mozilla is de-emphasizing its VPN, Relay, and mozilla.social on Mastodon, and considering getting rid of the Hubs chatroom software. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo | TechCrunch

Mozilla is making major changes to its product strategy, including scaling back investment in products like its VPN and Online Footprint Scrubber.
The company will also shut down its Hubs platform and scale back investment in its mozilla.social Mastodon instance. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox

Mozilla is cutting about 60 jobs, or 5 percent of its workforce.
The company has been working on multiple projects outside of its core work of making a browser. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Mozilla lays off five percent of staff and eyes up AI

Mozilla has laid off approximately 60 staff, or around five percent of its workforce.
Mozilla is de-emphasizing its VPN, Relay, and mozilla.social on Mastodon, and considering getting rid of the Hubs chatroom software. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo | TechCrunch

Mozilla is making major changes to its product strategy, including scaling back investment in products like its VPN and Online Footprint Scrubber.
The company will also shut down its Hubs platform and scale back investment in its mozilla.social Mastodon instance. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Mozilla Monitor's new service removes your personal info from data broker sites automatically | TechCrunch

Mozilla introduces a subscription service to help users remove their personal information from data broker websites.
The new subscription-based service is called Monitor Plus and is part of Mozilla Monitor, a service that notifies users of data breaches. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla slams Microsoft for driving Windows users to Edge

Mozilla accuses Microsoft of using dark patterns to push users towards its Edge browser
Mozilla calls for regulatory action to promote browser choice and competition [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla calls on Apple, Google, and Microsoft to play fair

Mozilla is being more vocal about how Apple, Google, and Microsoft's technical requirements have hindered development of Firefox.
Mozilla's concerns are documented in a summary dashboard and GitHub issue tracker that highlight the technical barriers imposed by rival browser makers. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla slams Microsoft for driving Windows users to Edge

Mozilla accuses Microsoft of using dark patterns to push users towards its Edge browser
Mozilla calls for regulatory action to promote browser choice and competition [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla calls on Apple, Google, and Microsoft to play fair

Mozilla is being more vocal about how Apple, Google, and Microsoft's technical requirements have hindered development of Firefox.
Mozilla's concerns are documented in a summary dashboard and GitHub issue tracker that highlight the technical barriers imposed by rival browser makers. [ more ]
The Verge
4 months ago
Web development

Mozilla says Apple's new browser rules are "as painful as possible" for Firefox

Apple's new rules in the European Union allow browsers like Firefox to use their own engines on iOS.
Mozilla is disappointed with Apple's proposed plan to restrict the newly-announced BrowserEngineKit to EU-specific apps. [ more ]
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Mozilla's Future In Chatbots, Large Language Models

Saoud Khalifah, founder of Fakespot, built a data analytics company using AI to identify fake reviews and counterfeit products.
Mozilla acquired Fakespot in April 2021 to support the review process on sites like Amazon.
Fakespot Chat, an AI agent that helps consumers while shopping online, was recently launched by Mozilla. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Google, Amazon, Microsoft make the Mozilla naughty list

Mozilla has labeled several products from Google, Amazon, and Microsoft as 'Privacy Not Included' due to concerns about data collection and security practices.
The report covers over 100 connected products and highlights the worsening state of privacy and security practices by tech giants.
Amazon, in particular, has been criticized for its privacy indiscretions, including retaining voice recordings of children and allegations of employees spying on customers. [ more ]
7 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Mozilla's Future In Chatbots, Large Language Models

Saoud Khalifah, founder of Fakespot, built a data analytics company using AI to identify fake reviews and counterfeit products.
Mozilla acquired Fakespot in April 2021 to support the review process on sites like Amazon.
Fakespot Chat, an AI agent that helps consumers while shopping online, was recently launched by Mozilla. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Google, Amazon, Microsoft make the Mozilla naughty list

Mozilla has labeled several products from Google, Amazon, and Microsoft as 'Privacy Not Included' due to concerns about data collection and security practices.
The report covers over 100 connected products and highlights the worsening state of privacy and security practices by tech giants.
Amazon, in particular, has been criticized for its privacy indiscretions, including retaining voice recordings of children and allegations of employees spying on customers. [ more ]
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