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The Globe and Mail
4 weeks ago
Tech industry

Google faces second day of closing arguments in U.S. antitrust trial

Google faces antitrust case in court for alleged search advertising competition violations. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Tech industry

U.S. Antitrust Case Against Google Is Just the Start

The U.S. government is actively pursuing antitrust cases against Big Tech giants like Amazon, Apple, Google, and Meta to curb monopolistic behavior and promote competition. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago

The TikTok ban and the iPhone monopoly

The US government's plan to ban TikTok has hit a pause, with the bill in limbo.
An antitrust case against Apple sheds light on alleged illegal monopolistic behavior across various services. [ more ]
2 months ago
Digital life

The Case Against Apple Weaponizes the Cult of Cupertino

Apple accused of monopolistic behavior by US government
Apple's alleged practice of 'locking in' iPhone customers [ more ]
2 months ago

DOJ lawsuit against Apple is headline grabber with limited near-term impact | TechCrunch

The U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Apple for anti-competitive practices.
Previous similar lawsuits have taken years to resolve with limited financial impact on Apple. [ more ]
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