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3 weeks ago
Europe news

How significant is Spain, Norway and Ireland's recognition of Palestinian state?

Norway, Spain, and Ireland plan to recognize Palestine to support the two-state solution amid Gaza war. [ more ]
Washington Post
2 months ago
World news

Six months into Gaza war, Biden confronts the limits of U.S. leverage

President Biden reaffirmed unwavering support for Israel's security amidst conflict with Hamas.
Biden administration faces challenges in dealing with Netanyahu's government on military operations and peace visions. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

In Threatening Israel, Biden Hopes to Avoid a Rupture

President Biden delivered a threat to Israel demanding changes but hoped it wouldn't have to be carried out.
Netanyahu responded by promising more aid for Gaza and agreeing to follow through with Biden's demands. [ more ]
Washington Post
2 months ago
World news

Six months into Gaza war, Biden confronts the limits of U.S. leverage

President Biden reaffirmed unwavering support for Israel's security amidst conflict with Hamas.
Biden administration faces challenges in dealing with Netanyahu's government on military operations and peace visions. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

In Threatening Israel, Biden Hopes to Avoid a Rupture

President Biden delivered a threat to Israel demanding changes but hoped it wouldn't have to be carried out.
Netanyahu responded by promising more aid for Gaza and agreeing to follow through with Biden's demands. [ more ]
2 months ago
France news

Live: Two killed in Israeli air strike in the occupied West Bank

Israeli military airstrike killed two Palestinians in the West Bank.
US Secretary of State Blinken working towards a ceasefire and increased humanitarian aid in Gaza. [ more ]
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