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Steelers Wire
1 month ago
Pittsburgh Steelers

ESPN disrespects Steelers in 2024 record projection

The media consistently underrates the Pittsburgh Steelers and projects them to finish last in their division. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

How Media Outlets Are Covering Michael Cohen's Testimony

The liberal and conservative media outlets portrayed Michael D. Cohen differently based on their political leanings. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Rigged!' Lara Trump Is Already Claiming the Debates Her Father-in-Law Agreed to Are Fixed

Lara Trump accused debates of being rigged despite Trump's agreement. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
1 month ago
Media industry

"Objectivity" in journalism is a tricky concept. What could replace it?

The concept of objectivity in journalism is under scrutiny, with a shift away from its traditional definition causing negative perceptions among American journalists. [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago
Media industry

NPR's Problems Won't Be Solved by "Viewpoint Diversity"

Critique of NPR's smugness and lack of diversity in programming. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Tucker Carlson says he will interview Putin about Ukraine DW 02/07/2024

Tucker Carlson plans to interview Vladimir Putin about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, criticizing western journalists for not doing the same.
Carlson accuses the English-speaking media of deceiving viewers and readers by omitting information. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
1 month ago
Media industry

"Objectivity" in journalism is a tricky concept. What could replace it?

The concept of objectivity in journalism is under scrutiny, with a shift away from its traditional definition causing negative perceptions among American journalists. [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago
Media industry

NPR's Problems Won't Be Solved by "Viewpoint Diversity"

Critique of NPR's smugness and lack of diversity in programming. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Tucker Carlson says he will interview Putin about Ukraine DW 02/07/2024

Tucker Carlson plans to interview Vladimir Putin about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, criticizing western journalists for not doing the same.
Carlson accuses the English-speaking media of deceiving viewers and readers by omitting information. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
1 month ago
Media industry

Why are politicians so negative? (Hint: It's a media problem)

The press rewards negative politicians with attention, leading to more negativity in politics. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Going Off Script | Defector

Media coverage of protests often paints a partial picture, failing to capture critical details and holding different standards for police and protesters. [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago
Media industry

The Week That Student Journalists Put the Media to Shame

Mainstream media failed to accurately report on police action at Columbia University, contrasting with student journalists' on-the-ground coverage. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Going Off Script | Defector

Media coverage of protests often paints a partial picture, failing to capture critical details and holding different standards for police and protesters. [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago
Media industry

The Week That Student Journalists Put the Media to Shame

Mainstream media failed to accurately report on police action at Columbia University, contrasting with student journalists' on-the-ground coverage. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

Far-right AfD: How should German media deal with the party? DW 05/02/2024

The German constitution guarantees press freedom and a diverse media landscape. Public broadcasters are funded by a license fee, while private outlets rely on sales and advertising revenue. [ more ]
1 month ago
Media industry

Majority of Americans Extremely' or Very' Concerned Media Will Spew Election Misinformation,' New Poll Finds

Voters are highly concerned about media spreading misinformation on the upcoming election, with trust issues identified between the public and the media. [ more ]
1 month ago

Philip Bump Blows Up Incredible NY Post Editorial Self-Own: How Did He Work This Magic?'

The New York Post criticized Washington Post columnist Philip Bump for quickly publishing an article, questioning his journalistic integrity and implying bias towards George Soros. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York Mets

Partial Connections

Highlighting baseball coverage on Apple TV+ and the concept of 'bothsidesism' in media. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

5 Splashiest Revelations from Blockbuster Politico Feature on the Cold War Between the NY Times and the Biden White House

The relationship between President Biden and The New York Times is described as tense, with allegations of bias and lack of access. [ more ]
1 month ago
Media industry

Which scientists get mentioned in the news? Mostly ones with Anglo names, says study

Scientists with Asian or African names were 15% less likely to be mentioned in media coverage of research. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Journalist Describes Violence Against Palestinians in the West Bank as Pogroms

Mainstream media lacks Palestinian perspective on Israel's actions in Gaza. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Letters: Perpetuating myth

High-income earners unfairly portrayed as overtaxed
Use of cherry-picked data in articles can mislead readers [ more ]
2 months ago

GLAAD, Media Matters Call Out NYT for Excluding Transgender Voices

The New York Times excluded transgender voices in 66% of its trans issue coverage.
18% of articles quoted misinformation from anti-trans activists without factchecking. [ more ]
2 months ago

Conservative Commentators Condemn Uproar at NBC

NBC News faced internal criticism for hiring Ronna McDaniel due to her election denialism.
Conservative commentators argue NBC News reflects liberal bias. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Trump Goes Hard After CNN and Fake Tapper' When Confronted By Fox News Host About His Threats Against Network Licenses

Trump criticizes CNN and Jake Tapper for not covering his speeches fully.
Trump expresses frustration with media bias in covering his campaign events. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

News Outlets Declared Trump the Winner as Iowans Still Caucused

News organizations declared Donald Trump the winner of the Iowa caucuses based on surveys of voters taken before the caucuses even began.
The early declaration of Trump as the winner sparked criticism from allies of Governor Ron DeSantis, who accused the media of biasing the results. [ more ]
6 days ago
Left-wing politics

Republicans Are Lying!' Joe Scarborough Goes Off on Pro-Trump Media Who Make Shit Up' About Biden

The media treats Biden and Trump differently; right-leaning outlets criticized for bias. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Trump Goes Hard After CNN and Fake Tapper' When Confronted By Fox News Host About His Threats Against Network Licenses

Trump criticizes CNN and Jake Tapper for not covering his speeches fully.
Trump expresses frustration with media bias in covering his campaign events. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

News Outlets Declared Trump the Winner as Iowans Still Caucused

News organizations declared Donald Trump the winner of the Iowa caucuses based on surveys of voters taken before the caucuses even began.
The early declaration of Trump as the winner sparked criticism from allies of Governor Ron DeSantis, who accused the media of biasing the results. [ more ]
6 days ago
Left-wing politics

Republicans Are Lying!' Joe Scarborough Goes Off on Pro-Trump Media Who Make Shit Up' About Biden

The media treats Biden and Trump differently; right-leaning outlets criticized for bias. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK politics

Why I got it so wrong on GB News the flailing TV juggernaut that's too rich to fail | Zoe Williams

GB News financial losses have increased significantly over the years despite climbing viewer numbers.
Ofcom often finds GB News in violation of impartiality regulations, including on misogynistic content and biased panel discussions. [ more ]
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

The unravelling of the New York Times' Hamas rape' story

The New York Times published a discredited article about Hamas's agenda to weaponize rape and sexual violence.
Controversies surrounding Western media outlets' bias in reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have been exposed. [ more ]
3 months ago

Navigating the media minefield: supporting gender expansive youth with confidence

Gender-affirming healthcare is under attack in some states
94% of respondents from the 2022 U.S. Trans Survey are satisfied with their transition. [ more ]
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Media heroes and traitors Assange vs Navalny

Western media's selective treatment of dissidents is highlighted through contrasting coverage of Navalny and Assange.
Israeli TV channels cover Palestinian abuse positively while ignoring suffering in Gaza. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
4 months ago
Media industry

How a Mississippi news site declared the national local

The article highlights a debate over which news story, Biden's mental capacity or Trump's comments about NATO, should receive more attention from the media.
Media critics on the left criticized the extensive coverage of Biden's age, questioning if it was a bigger problem than Trump's controversies. [ more ]
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Media heroes and traitors Assange vs Navalny

Western media's selective treatment of dissidents is highlighted through contrasting coverage of Navalny and Assange.
Israeli TV channels cover Palestinian abuse positively while ignoring suffering in Gaza. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
4 months ago
Media industry

How a Mississippi news site declared the national local

The article highlights a debate over which news story, Biden's mental capacity or Trump's comments about NATO, should receive more attention from the media.
Media critics on the left criticized the extensive coverage of Biden's age, questioning if it was a bigger problem than Trump's controversies. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
4 months ago
Media industry

How an ethic of care can heal the harms of journalism

Conservatives in the U.S. feel alienated by mainstream media and have turned to alternative news sources like Fox News.
Immigrants, African-Americans, and other communities also feel alienated by traditional news organizations and seek other sources for information. [ more ]
4 months ago
East Bay (California)

Letters: Worsening division

The article discusses a petition to remove two members of a school board over the issue of flying the gay pride flag, highlighting the debate between a supportive message and a perceived sexual crusade.
Another letter criticizes the East Bay Times for publishing an article that appears to be biased in favor of a controversial housing development project, and highlights opposition from neighborhood groups and the historic preservation community. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Ron DeSantis and Fox News, Old Friends, Hit Turbulence

Relations between Ron DeSantis and Fox News have deteriorated, with his aides mocking the network's advice.
DeSantis accused Fox News of bias towards Trump, calling them 'Trump TV'. [ more ]
5 months ago
Media industry

Control the narrative': how an Alabama utility wields influence by financing news

Residents of Uniontown, Alabama, a majority-Black community, have been complaining of the negative health impacts and environmental pollution caused by a landfill that takes in waste from coal-burning power plants.
The Birmingham Times, a historic African American newspaper, and the online-only Alabama News Center have failed to report on the issues related to coal ash in Uniontown, despite their financial ties to Alabama Power, the main subject of those stories. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

Researcher Unveils Pharma's Entangled Web of Influence

The interconnectedness of Big Pharma, mainstream media, and government in promoting a pro-pharma agenda, leading to bias and censorship. [ more ]
New York Post
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Remember Tiananmen Square, media's leap to condemn Israel and other commentary

The 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre is marked by calls for remembrance and accountability. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Media industry

Washington Post's Sunday Night Editorial Massacre - emptywheel

The Washington Post's newsletter, The 7, prioritizes certain topics over others, reflecting its ideological bent. [ more ]
3 days ago
Left-wing politics

Lawrence Jones Admits People Think Fox & Friends Unfair' to Biden Seconds Before Ridiculing Biden at the G7

Fox & Friends acknowledged criticism of unfair Biden coverage but mocked him shortly after. [ more ]
5 days ago
Left-wing politics

Trump was hoping for a slam dunk. But Hunter Biden's trial has only highlighted his father Joe's dignity | Emma Brockes

The jury found Hunter Biden guilty of lying about drug use, impacting his father's political rival, revealing personal biases in the media coverage. [ more ]
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